women get social

Monday, January 31, 2011

A little kindness goes a long way

I had to go to the post office this morning to buy stamps so I could mail some bills off. There was a line of about four people with one of them having a walker. You know the ones that a person leans on and it has wheels on the bottom. This person was an elderly gentleman who looked very fragile and shakey. I was the next in line so I motioned to this man to come up in front of me to be the first in line.
After I was done, I was walking out the door and this man was waiting for me outside. He crabbed my hand and said "thank you so much and god bless you Miss." Then he turned and wheeled away around the corner.
It felt so good to help this man. But I have noticed that most people get agravated around older people.
Hopefully others will give a helping hand when it's needed.

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