women get social

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Beautiful Sunday

It is so warm today compared to what it's been like the past few weeks. Well my friend who had her gallbladder out Thursday is doing well. The pain medication she was taking actually made her sick, so she started taking advil. She's been able to eat better in the last two days but has had a hard time sleeping. She can't sit for long though.
I've been feeling better with my cold. I think the last time I blogged I was worried that the cold medication would raise my blood pressure and sure enough it did. So, I stopped taking day quil and stayed on Chlotrimeton.
My counts and levels were good at the doctor,so good that I don't have to be back for another 6/mos. That will be the longest stretch I've gone until I see my doctor. I've had alittle problem with my imune system,so the doctor recommended a vitamin C suppliment.
I have been able to volunteer lately,so thats helped me getting out of the house. I didn't clean yesterday or Friday because I didn't want to spread my cold to the two elderly women I clean for.
But everything else is fine with me. Have a good day!!!

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