women get social

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What an odd interview

Well this morning I went on a second interview with a company in town. It was like any other second interview. I was taken to a conference room where I met with the manager and two supervisors. All of them asked me questions as a team, then I spoke with the supervisors individually. The first supervisor talked about her department and the directives of the job that I was applying for. She asked me to tell her alittle about myself and how I would handle certain problems relating to the customer service department. Then the next supervisor came into the room and just sat there looking at me. She didn't say anything for a few minutes when she finally said "you don't recognize me." I looked at her and said no, have we met?
She then said that in 1999 I was her case manager at TASC. [ TASC was a legal department at UAB that dealt with defendants in the criminal justice system. I worked there for 6/yrs. ]
I didn't know what to say but "oh." She then said that I was the one who got her sent back to jail.
After that I just sat there and didn't give her a response. She then got up and left.
The manager came back in and thanked me for coming, shook my hand then I left.
I was so floored by this that I called a friend who used to work at TASC and told her what happened. She did remind me that most all of the defendents that were convicted of these crimes wouldn't take responsibilites for themselves, but in turn would blame others. so, as I drove home I thought I wouldn't have a chance in getting this job. Because who knows what this girl would tell the other staff.
I first called my sister but couldn't reach her.Then I called my mother when I got home to tell her how the interview went and of course my mother inially took the " how could this happen and I can't believe this" stance. We both agreed that it was unprofessional and unfair that this happened. I then called my dad and he had an opposite opinion that apparently this company employs those who have done wrong and gives them a second chance. He didn't see anything wrong.
So about 5:15pm the manager called and asked if I could go to their training center and take a software test tomorrow morning. So, obviously this girl did not address her dislike in me. I called my mother back and told her about the test. We both felt better about it.
So, wish me luck tomorrow!!!

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