women get social

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I finally went to the doctor today. I have had a stomach virus since the 1st. My doctor told me that a number of his patients have  had this. Whats important with me is my blood sugar level. It's been under 90 for four days. I've tried to eat but it just goes right thru me.
I've had to cancel cleaning and volunteering. I have really bad cabin fever. I'm still contagious so I can't be near anyone. I'm going back Friday to see my doctor, so hopefully I'll start feeling better.
My friends have been really sweet going to the store for me. Friends are great. Especially when you really need them.
It's funny my cat has given me a wide burth these last couple of days. I was reading online yesterday that cats are very sensitive to different smells and actions of their humans. She's come up to me to nuzzle my face but thats it. She usually sleeps with me, but not in the past few days.
Whats interesting is my doctor did say that diabetics  catch germs more easily than others and it also takes them longer to get over something. I believe that now.
Gotta go feed the kitty.

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