women get social

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day to day

You know when your're not working it seems like the days run together. Everyday I try to do something active. Luckily I am very involved in volunteering. Since I have been feeling better, I have really put in the hours this week in volunteering. So far, I have worked 8am-3pm since the first. Thats just two days,but it feels like longer. When you're sick, you feel out of the loop.
Talking about sickness, my friend who recently had her gallbladder out last week she's having attacks again.
The same sweating,adominal pain and squeezyness. She was going to call her surgeon this morning. I hope it's nothing serious. We'll see.
I read this book from Anne Rice this week. It's one of her first novels that was written 25 yrs. ago. She normally writes really gory books but this one was called Stop and smell the daiseys. It was about how people get so busy in their daily lives that they loose touch with their surroundings. It's hard to see past deadlines and appointments.
So each day I try to take a walk, if not around my neighborhood, at a park or something. I watch the news and read the newspaper. I see elderly neighbors and volunteer. But I think it's just human nature that you get in a "bubble" with your life. You get so focused on whats effecting you personally.
So even if I agree with this book, I also think it's not realistic. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I need to check that book out. It sounds like something I would nJoy :).
    Thanks for the suggestion.

    The Rock!
