women get social

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

No kitty,no!!!

I have a question for anyone who reads my blog. How do you get a kitty to sleep at night? My cat who is just now 1/yr. old runs all night, jumps up on the bed and brings me her toys. I mean drops her toys in my face. For the past few weeks, Butter has done this. I know cats are primarily nocternal, but this is getting old.
I'm woken up around 1am, then at 3am and finally at 5am. Any suggestions?
I count my blessings that I am single today. Yea it gets lonely, but I don't have to worry about finding a new place to live. One of my friends has decided to leave her husband. This is her third marriage. Although I tried to warn her on obvious "red flags," before she married him, she married him anyway. So now, she's scrambling to raise enough money to get an apartment, get second hand furniture and pay down deposits. We met last night to go over her expenses and to plan out her life.
I think she gets married to dead beats because she doesn't want to be alone. Thats not a problem, but when you make these decisions, there's always a cost.
It makes me think back to the time when I broke up with the love of my life. A guy whom I dated for 5 1/2 yrs. Then jumping into another relationship will the most ill fitted guy just because I didn't want to be alone. I almost married that guy. I knew that if I had married him, I probably would have been divorced within a year.
So there are leasons to be learned.

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