women get social

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


You know I haven't been to a dentist in about 5 to 6 years. I got my teeth cleaned today along with an extensive oral exam. My teeth are so sore from being prodded. The good news is is that I don't have any early signs of gum disease that comes along with diabetes.
I was there for three hours today. And last week I was there for 3 1/2 hours. I have some work that needs to be done,but it's just going to be minor.
I blogged a few days ago about everything happening in threes. And how money does not grow on trees. I wish it did. No matter how much money you save, you're always spending the money.
Even when I worked, I didn't have dental insurance.
Hopefully I'll be able to get what needs to be done and then only yearly checkups will come. Along with twice a year cleaning.
Boy, dentists really rack up.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Expense Again

I swear, I must have a zero on my back because I have to spend more money today. My AC stopped working and that will be another 100 dollars or so that I will have to spend today. This must be a record on huge bills this week.
Things seem to always happen in three's. First it was my car, then the dentist and now this. Hopefully I won't have anymore additional expenses to take of for awhile. Cause my bank account is getting smaller by the minute.

Thursday, May 24, 2012


You know there's always those times where you have to spend a lot of money. These past two days I have broken the bank.
Yesterday, I took my car in because of a recall. I wasn't expecting to spend any money. But the guy helping me came back to tell me that not one but all four tires had dry rot on them. Now keep in mind these were the original tires from when I bought the car 7 yrs. ago so I guess they needed to be changed. So I spent over 800 dollars buying four new tires.
Then today, I went to the dentist to have a crown glued back in that had popped off. I had decay in that tooth, so I had to get it filled and a new crown made. Plus I had to get all of these xrays.
I don't even know how much it came to. I'm gonna have to ask my parents for help on that.
So, you see it doesn't matter how much you scrimp and save; you are always gonna be hit with a big bill sometimes.
What is that saying? "Does money grow on trees?" I wish it did, cause I could use the help.

Monday, May 21, 2012

A Birthday

Last night, my family all met at my parents house. It was my Dad's 73rd. birthday. We cooked out hamburgers, potato salad, baked beans and a salad. Of course since I'm on Nutrisystem I ate my own food. But I did have a salad and half of a hamburger.
We then opened presents and had brownies and ice cream. I had sugar free candy. So I didn't feel that I was being "forbidden" to eat anything good.
My Dad had a great time and as always was so appreciative to everyone. It's easy to do nice things for him because he's such a great person. I hope when I reach his age I will have as much wisdom as he does. I love him dearly.

Friday, May 18, 2012


Today has been a relaxing day for me. But this morning when I was out for a walk I saw this man whipping this dog. I normally wouldn't get involved but I did. I started shouting at this man and threatened that I would call the police. He stopped when another person walked over. He then started waving this belt at me and the other person.
This other person had their phone and called the police. The dog had been tethered up with a leash so it was just laying on the ground. We walked a little ways down the road to wait for the police. When they pulled up the man was still outside threatening us. The police told us to leave so we did.
I don't know what happened, but I had hoped that the police took care of the dog. This guy needed to be arrested. I had never seen him around the complex until today, so I don't know which condo he lived in or if he was just here visiting someone.
I felt so sorry for that dog because the way he was acting I'm sure he has abused that dog before.
There are just some crazy people out there.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Today I talked to a neighbor about Butter. [ my cat who had to recently be put down ] I thought I was over all of the sadness and regret, but I guess I'm not. A few days ago I felt this overwhelming anger. Angry because she deserved so much more out of life.
Even though it was apparent she had this kidney problem all her life [ from the Xrays ] she still was only 2 1/2 yrs. old.
And to top it all off, she was so scared all the time is this was the reason for her biting and scratching. She simply had been in too many homes at a very early age. Not to mention her being abused as a kitten.
So, I guess I'm just saddened that she didn't get the loving environment that she deserved all of her life.
I do think she did get a loving environment for the two years I had her.
I just don't think it's fair. And it's sad that other people thought she was vicious. The last vet she was around thought that.
I just wish that there was more I could have done.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


You know it's so nice to get together as a family and go do stuff. For Mother's Day this year we all met at the movies. We rarely as a family go do stuff together. We do get together at each other houses, but we just don't do activities much. So this was nice.
Have you ever thought that some people just look old all the time as compared with those that have a youthful face? My Dad's Birthday is coming up this week. He does not look 73. This also goes for the rest of the family.
But I've known people that have seemed old all their lives. It's like they were born with an old soul.
We're lucky in my family. We all look younger than our ages.
I think a lot of it depends on your outlook towards life and if you live your life to it's fullest. Instead of sitting at home being pestimistic with no cares in the world.
With my family, we each have busy lives and we each embrace our lives with a hopeful heart.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Doctor Day

Yesterday was my doctor day. It was really good. All of my counts were much better. My A1C was 7 down from 8.4. 7 is the normal range for diabetics. I've lost 18 pounds. My blood pressure was 110/79 which my doctor said was perfect. I got a cholesteral measurement done that I will find out today what the level is. My doctor said I may be able to go down on my cholesteral medication.
So, since I've been on Nutrisystem all of my numbers have been great. I'm on my 7th week on this diet. This was the first time in over 6/months that all of my levels have been right on target.
And the best thing of all is that I don't have to go see him again until November. That would have been the longest I have been to see my doctor.
I just need to keep it up. WHo knows what me numbers will be in 6 months. I'm planning to be at least 30 to 40 pounds lighter. Maybe I can even get my A1C to 6. That would really be a miracle.
All in all, I had a good day yesterday.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Pet

You know I have been thinking more and more about getting a small dog instead of another cat. In school I had a dog that I had eventually have to give away. She was the perfect size. The condos where I live now will not permit a dog over 30 pounds. So, I'm thinking of getting a "toy" breed. My sister has this adorable toy yorkie. I've heard though that yorkie's are hard to potty train.
I don't know about that. I think it takes about the same amount of time with any dog. Plus, getting a dog will keep me motivated to walking everyday. It's always the same old same old when walking. This way, I'll know I have to go out and walk the dog.
But I'm still in that transition where I don't want another pet for awhile. I've enjoyed not having to feed or clean litter boxes everyday. And that I just have to take care of myself.
So, whenever I do get another pet, I'll select the perfect time to do that.

Monday, May 7, 2012

What a Nightmare

It's 2am and I wake up fully alert. I turn on the TV and then fall back to sleep. At 5am I wake up from a horrible nightmare.
Picture this: We're all kids and are living in a safe house. But the safe house is a condemned building.
There are rats crawling around everywhere. There's even this dog that has magets all over it and it's still walking around alive. We didn't have any money for food. So, we go around town stealing money or food. We don't even have shoes on our feet. It's in the winter and we all are freezing.
The despair and heartache we feel is overpowering.
We somehow get shoes that are either too small or too big for our feet. We have frostbite on our toes and pain just radiates through our bodies.
We have stolen some food and that's when I wake up.
I haven't had a nightmare in so long that I had to make sure that I was home safe and sound. This was one of those dreams that seemed so surreal. And the funny thing about it was that I was starving when I awoke.
I'm sitting here enjoying my coffee and wondering how starving children get through their own nightmares. Are there those who don't know where shelters are or are they just too proud to get help. In any sense, I'm lucky to have a roof over my head and food to eat. And I never take that for granted.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Oh Gnats!

OMG!!! I've had a flea problem at my house for the past few weeks, but this morning took the cake. I was about to drink my coffee when I saw three fleas swimming in my coffee. And they were jumping on me last night. So, I set off a fogger and went to my parents today.
It took four hours until I was able to get back in. So far, I've only had two fleas jump on me. They were just swarming. I may have to "refog" again, but it's a whole lot better.
Now, it's been a week since my butter was put down. I miss her, but I know she's no longer in anguish mentally and physically. My parents swayed towards her being euthenized because of her behavior. I just still don't know. She had a hard life and deserved so much better than she got.
But at least she's at peace now.
I've got all next week to myself. not volunteering. I trained others all last week. I think I'll take my car into the shop for a much needed tune up and also get some things done around the house.
I did wash my car today. It hadn't been washed in over a year. I didn't clean inside, so I've still got to do that.
Otherwise my weekend has been relaxing.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Easy Money

I just found out that my sister bought lottery tickets today. You know, I have never bought those. I've wanted to, but never have. I know if she won anything she would share her fortune. I know I would. I wish Alabama would have these tickets.
Have I ever won anything? Let me think.... Oh yes, I won a small fry at McDonalds one time. And a free pepsi. Thats about it. I don't even know what I would do with millions. I mean for myself. I know the first couple of hundred thousands I would give to my family and friends. And probably some organizations in town.
I've seen these people on TV that win millions and it ruins their lives. They become very irresponsible with the money. They either loose it all on buying sprees or every relation they have shows up on their doorstep wanting cash for particular reasons.
I have some friends who always fill out the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes every month. They are really serious about it. Luck seems to follow them.
Maybe some of their luck will rub off on me.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Void

You know, when you loose a pet it seems that you have a big void in your life. The first cat I lost due to illness was very hard to get over. I should have taken time for myself instead of rushing off and getting another cat.
But I got one who had behavioral problems from day one. I was very attached to her also. Thats the one who recently had to be put down for kidney failure. I later found out that the vet tried to treat her but she kept pulling out the IV's. After she pulled out the fourth one they decided that they were not going to put her through anything else. She would have died an agonizing death if they hadn't put her down.
I also found out that before they got the kidney test results, they had sedated her to calm her down. Even after sedation, she sent one of the workers to the emergency room with five stitches from being scratched so severely.
She was tempermental with me, but I think that being in a new place and having all of the vet people touching her was just too much for her nerves. I don't agree that she was vicious. She was just terrified. There was no easy way around capturing her and put her in the carrier, then taking her to the vet. I wish I could have held her one last time. She deserved more than what she got.
She didn't have a fair shake of life as it was. Being in three different foster care families before I adopted her. Cats don't adjust well to change. She also was abused by her first owner, so that had to have had an effect on her trusting people. At least I was able to give her two years of hugs and kisses. And boy would she play. Of course I spoiled her with practically a new toy every month. She had this one toy that was a little bird. It chirped when you moved it. I would throw that toy across the floor. She'd grab it then bring it back to me. For hours she would do this. She also had her booboo. That was a round mouse that she carried with her when she was going to sleep or just anywhere she went. I made her a string toy that had a little bell on the end. She loved chasing that around the house.
So, I think she had a good life with me. But to die at 2 1/2 years old just isn't fair at all. I never got any pictures of her until one day I tried and my battery had died in my camera. But then, my friends were arriving in just a few minutes to take her to their vet then their house. I was giving her to them because Butter would only stay in the closet day in and day out. She stopped playing and wasn't interested in anything anymore. Plus, she kept turning on me, scratching me making sores on my arms, legs and hands. I thought she would be happier with a house full of cats and a small dog. Little did I know that she was in kidney failure.
Now, I'm taking the time for myself. No more pets for awhile. Since she has been gone I have felt like I needed to be doing something at night like cleaning out her litter box for the second time in the day or changing her water dish.
Maybe I'll get a little dog next. Who knows...