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Friday, February 17, 2012

The Worst

I had the worst night last night. Every time I laid down to go to sleep, I was wide awake. I kept choking and coughing. And my head was congested.  I finally gave up sleeping around 3am. I sat up and read a book. This book is real interesting. It's a mystery book called "The Cat Who Talked to Ghosts." The author is Lillian Braun. She wrote a lot of books with the word "cat" in the title. Like "The Cat Who....."
Another good author is Ann Rice. In her earlier stuff she wrote about love and angels. Her recent things have to do with dark love. You know like "Interview with a Vampire." This was made into a movie in the 90's starring Tom Cruz and Brad Pitt.
Nicholas Sparks is another one. His is mostly about life's lessons. Their the type of books that you can't put down once you start reading them. One of my favorite books of his is called "The Guardian." And another one is "A Walk to Remember" which is really good.
I read all sorts of books. One of my favorite things to do is to go to a used bookstore. You can pick out some really great books for about a dollar to three dollars.
Can you believe that I'm still not sleepy and it's  almost 2:30pm now? So that means I've been up since 6am on Thursday. Hopefully I'll be able to rest tonight. Or I'll be searching for another story.

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