women get social

Monday, February 13, 2012


Last night the news was forecasting snow, but now it's just going to be a winter mix not expected to stick. Thats one thing that we don't get very often is snow. Wherever I've visited before that had snow on the ground I have loved it. Of course, being from the south, when you hear snow people always panic.
I remember one time last year when I was at the grocery store, people were just grabbing things off the shelf. Bread, milk and batteries.
Why is it always bread and milk. If you loose your power, the milk will spoil. And who wants to eat just plain bread. WHo knows?
I would be happy if we got more snow. Especially on Christmas. That would make the holidays so magical. But unfortunately our winters are quite mild compared to the midwest and northern states.
Even though we've had a couple of days here recently where we have had an arctic blast, it's been nice.
I think I need to live somewhere where it's snowy every winter.

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