women get social

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hello There.

I know it's been a few days since I last blogged. Been a little busy. I have an update on my nephews condition. I think he was going back to school today for a few hours. He's still got a bad headache. I think he goes back to see the doctor tomorrow, so my mother says. He won't be able to drive or play baseball for a couple of weeks. [ he had a concussion ]
Me, well I'm still trying to stay busy. Since I have been battling with my weight, I have decided to see a nutritionist. I had an appointment yesterday, but she never showed up. So, I have rescheduled for Friday morning. Hopefully I'll get some guidelines on the right foods and also how to stay healthy.
I've been following this plan for 5/wks now, but the weight is not dropping off like I have wanted it to. Plus this will also give be more education in this area.
This particular nutritionist works with diabetics. My doctor doesn't offer anything like this. At least I'll get more tools to live a healthier life.
We'll see how it goes on Friday.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Beautiful Morning

Wow, it's so nice outside. A little chilly, but the sun is shining and there's a cool breeze in the air. It seems like the whole neighborhood is out walking today. People are even washing their cars. It's too cold for that. Needless to say my walk this morning was a pleasant one.
I thought about going to the park today, but I'm sure it's going to be crowded.
My friends surgery went well yesterday. She's a little sore, but she's fine. I spoke to another friend who was making a trip down to Florida last night. Oohhh.. I bet it's cold on the beach. Just think about how chilly that ocean water would be. I do have to say that I love the beach. Any beach is a welcome to me. Although I haven't been to Florida in awhile, I remember how nice it is to walk on the beach and just lay out in the sun for hours.
Well, I'm staying around the home front today. I plan on cleaning and waxing the hardwood floors today. Hardwood floors are nice to have but they are a b---- to keep clean.
My kitty is looking at me to be fed. Have a good Saturday.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


It's hard not to worry when you have a family member sick. My nephew recently got a concussion while he was at baseball practice. My sister took him to the doctor and then to a specialist. He got an MRI done. There was about a day there when we all were praying that nothing serious was going on. But it turned out that the MRI showed there was no bleeding. Thank God.
I knew he would be out of school, just don't know if he's back at school yet. These types of situations make you think back to when he was growing up. How cute he was as a baby. And what a well mannered young adult he is. He's brought so much joy to our family and I'm so thankful that he's going to be all right.
Me, I got my blood work done this morning. They have a new nurse there who isn't very good at finding a vein. SHe has to stick me four times, ouch! Finally she got it. My arm looks like I've been drawing nails through my arm. Every three months I have to do this. I was getting used to the needles, but I don't know now.
It sucks to do that, but it has to be done.
One of my dear friends is having surgery tomorrow. She's the one that has been on dialysis for a kidney  problem. She's had all sorts of surgery's that this one should be fine. So I wish her the best.
My Dad is doing a whole lot better from his neck surgery. He's back to normal now working 14 hour days.
Well thats my news for the week. Hope everyone has a good weekend!

Monday, February 20, 2012


Well, I had a great birthday yesterday. My parents, being as busy as they are made an excellent dinner. We had steaks that my dad cooked on the grill. Baked potato, salad, roles and a sugar free cake. The cake was chocolate, so naturally I liked it. Plus, the company was awsome.
I got cards, cash and this really neat needle point project. It came with this really cool pink poka dot bag. Pink just happens to be my favorite color. Well one of them.
My friends called me and I even got a singing telegram on the phone.
I was lazy the whole day leading up to dinner. Never got out of my pajamas.
Today has been a nice day too. But bitterly cold this morning. It's suppose to rain again some time this week and there will be a general warm up too. That reminds me.
We really haven't had a cold winter. It's been more like spring. I bet it's gonna be a hot summer.
Well that's my news for the day.
Happy President's day!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

HB to me

It's my BIRTHDAY TODAY!!! I'm a wopping 47. I remember when I was younger I thought any age after 40 were super old.
It's been nice this morning. I slept late and I have gotten all sorts of Birthday calls all morning. I even got one from China. One of my friends is there with her brother. It's always nice to hear from friends on your special day.
I'm looking forward to seeing my entire family tonight for dinner. We don't get together too often,so this is a special treat.
Well, my movie is starting. I hope everyone has a good day!

Friday, February 17, 2012

The Worst

I had the worst night last night. Every time I laid down to go to sleep, I was wide awake. I kept choking and coughing. And my head was congested.  I finally gave up sleeping around 3am. I sat up and read a book. This book is real interesting. It's a mystery book called "The Cat Who Talked to Ghosts." The author is Lillian Braun. She wrote a lot of books with the word "cat" in the title. Like "The Cat Who....."
Another good author is Ann Rice. In her earlier stuff she wrote about love and angels. Her recent things have to do with dark love. You know like "Interview with a Vampire." This was made into a movie in the 90's starring Tom Cruz and Brad Pitt.
Nicholas Sparks is another one. His is mostly about life's lessons. Their the type of books that you can't put down once you start reading them. One of my favorite books of his is called "The Guardian." And another one is "A Walk to Remember" which is really good.
I read all sorts of books. One of my favorite things to do is to go to a used bookstore. You can pick out some really great books for about a dollar to three dollars.
Can you believe that I'm still not sleepy and it's  almost 2:30pm now? So that means I've been up since 6am on Thursday. Hopefully I'll be able to rest tonight. Or I'll be searching for another story.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


You know, even though I don't work I try to accomplish something each week. I never want to settle for the mundane. Thats why I volunteer. To stay connected to the outside world. It's so easy living alone to get caught up with my life only. Sure I have friends and a family I am close to. But everyone needs an outlet from their own lives.
I also think you yourself create opportunities. Opportunities that open doors for you. And having the faith that you can reach any goal you set for yourself. Always believe in yourself and others around you.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I hope everyone had a great Valentines day. There were so many goodies around yesterday. I got two cards and a call from my Dad. I remember when I was dating someone, that day was exciting. The guy would take me out to dinner or even make dinner for me. Sometimes I'd get flowers or just a card.
Now a days it's just another day. Heck it's been so long since I had a romantic dinner I don't think I would know what to do.
I surely pictured myself in a different way than I am now. It's funny how things work out. Have you ever been the only one out of a handle of friends that never got married? I always had boyfriends growing up. Heck my friends thought I would be the first to tie the knot.
I never meet anyone who has not been married before and who doesn't have children. I guess at my age, most people has done those things earlier in life.
I'll probably be one of those senior citizens that get married then.
I always thought I had enough time. I guess time has run away with me.

Monday, February 13, 2012


Last night the news was forecasting snow, but now it's just going to be a winter mix not expected to stick. Thats one thing that we don't get very often is snow. Wherever I've visited before that had snow on the ground I have loved it. Of course, being from the south, when you hear snow people always panic.
I remember one time last year when I was at the grocery store, people were just grabbing things off the shelf. Bread, milk and batteries.
Why is it always bread and milk. If you loose your power, the milk will spoil. And who wants to eat just plain bread. WHo knows?
I would be happy if we got more snow. Especially on Christmas. That would make the holidays so magical. But unfortunately our winters are quite mild compared to the midwest and northern states.
Even though we've had a couple of days here recently where we have had an arctic blast, it's been nice.
I think I need to live somewhere where it's snowy every winter.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Something New

Ohhhh.. it's bitter cold outside today and that wind just rips right through you. After I volunteered today, I bundled up in three shirts, a fleece jacket, gloves and a hat and stayed out at the park today. There was suppose to be art workshops going on today, but I found out last week that it was just for children. So, I decided I was going to be a little creative today.
I took a legal pad and some pens with me and went out by the lake and sketched all around me. I don't have a sketch pad or those charcoal pencils, I just made due with what I had. Even though it was chilly to the bone, I had a good time. There was hardly anybody out at the park today.
I'm just beginning to sketch. I guess I got into it because of my sister. She had given me this wonderful kit with paint and brushes. I've already painted one picture out of water colors. And one with oil based paint. I thought I'd try this sketching stuff.
I would have brought my camera with me if I had remembered it.
But all in all, it was fun.

Friday, February 10, 2012

A Slow Start

You know I just realized that when I blogged yesterday I put the wrong day on my heading. Sorry folks. I guess it was just one of those days.
I did not get up until 10:30am this morning. Even when I slept in I've been busy ever since. I have washed a few loads of clothes, dusted, vacuumed and cleaned my bathroom. So, I feel I haven't wasted the day.
But it was nice sleeping in. Actually 10:30am is unusual for me. I'm usually up and had drunken coffee by 5 or 6:00am.
As I have blogged before, I usually don't sleep well. But last night I did.
I even swept off my patio, but not before I enjoyed the morning lounging around.
Time for my walk...

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Hello all.  Burrr.... it's been cold. I think it's even suppose to get colder this weekend. Just the other day, I was emailing my sister to say that I can't believe I'll be 47 in just a few days. Actually in about a week. When I was in my twenties, I remember that any age past 40 was super old.
It's funny when you look back and see that. I thought I would be married by the age of 25 and have at least four kids by now.
I can still see myself as getting married, but not having any children at my age. I wouldn't have the energy to keep up with them. Plus in ten years I would be 57 with a 10 year old. Don't think so.
I do good just taking care of myself and my cat.
I wonder whats in store for me in ten years. Hopefully I'll be managing my diabetes well, have a husband and have my family around me.
Whats important to know is that our futures are not predestined. Theres no set limits to what we can do.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


After I volunteered this morning, I was driving home and I saw on the side of the road a man holding up a sign saying "will work for food." I've seen this before, but each time I do I feel so sorry for these people. I guess the average person would say that they just need to get a job. Jobs are scarce these days and most of those folks live on the streets.
Each month I try to donate money to three organizations that cater to the homeless. I think it's our responsibility to try to educate and house these individuals who don't have the means to help themselves.
Now granted, I know there are some that just "play" the system, but the majority of them have always not had a home or anyone to rely on.
When I worked for UAB, this was one of my main functions. Of course I had other responsibilities, working in the court system and case managing terminally ill patients. But I always would arrange housing or treatment for those who needed my help. Since I did that for a living, I guess it's just hard to get that need taken out of my routine.
I used to hear from associates, "if I could just help one." It's kind of like a teacher reaching that one child.
I know of success stories of folks that were able to turn their lives around because of the helping hands from others. So, all that work made it worth it in the long run.

Friday, February 3, 2012


You know people will surprise you. Have you ever lost a friend. I don't mean from a death or something like that, I mean someone that used to be a friend but now isn't. This happened to me about 8/mos. ago.
Well occasionally I'll see this person around and it's always that feeling of being uncomfortable. Well, you would think that a person would greet you when you greet them. This one didn't and has since avoided me like a plague.
Thats what I mean when I say people can surprise you. I can remember when we used to spend a lot of time together and would share our thoughts. We thought the same way about things and would laugh at the same things.
So I guess some people don't ever want to have a friend to rely on. And their not as good a friend as you think they are.
Enough of this depressing issue.
But there are those who are friends through thick and thin. Those that I have known for years who I know will be there. And those that view the world like me.
I think life would be pretty dull without friends.