women get social

Monday, February 28, 2011

Ah... Thats more like it

Boy, it's amazing what a little sleep can do for you. I slept 5 1/2 hours last night and I feel like a new person.
My Dad gave me some allergy medicine yesterday and it has made a big difference.
I have been looking at the risks of sidejacking. Sidejacking is when you log onto WiFi at any web based internet systems. Like cafe's. The passwords are usually not protected. Federal agencies say that any personal information can be downloaded by hackers and this will leed to identity theft. Also the IRS says that when you efile your taxes be aware if after efiling you get a email to confirm your information. The IRS says that they will never email to people after filing. These are just good tips to keep in mind when you're on the internet.
Even though I haven't filed taxes in two years due to unemployment, I'll be able to use this information when I do in the future.
I watched the Oscars last night and the winner is "The Kings Speech." This movie got best picture and best actor awards. I haven't seen this movie, but I have wanted to. Colin Birth the star of this movie is one of my favorite actors.
One special note: The last surviving soldier of WW1 died yesterday. He was 110 yrs. old. I can't remember his name. Could you imagine living that long? Wow... Just thnk about how much history this man saw.
He lied about his age when he joined.
I think it would be neat to live that long. This goes to show you that it's important to take care of your health, stay positive and exercise daily. These are my goals each day. I wonder how long a diabetic could live on these values. I wonder....

Sunday, February 27, 2011

At This Hour

I wonder how many people are awake at this hour. [ 3:27am ] I actually woke up at 2:14am. coughing, sneezing and congested. Last night there was so much noise. There was apparently a party going on in the next building and I kept hearing banging going on somewhere either next to me or outside. I wasn't sure. Anyway, needless to say this is the second night that I have had no sleep.
I think I'm coming down with something again. As I have been told by my doctors, having diabetes means also that your immune system is comprimised. So, I get everything.
I've had a fever since yesterday afternoon. And I guess my headache is due to not sleeping. Enough with the complaining.
I did get alot of cleaning done last night. Boy, you never know how much dust you have in your home until you start dusting. I also deep cleaned my shower. Disinfecting all of the tiles up and down. I cleaned out my refrigerature and washed four loads of clothes. Mostly towels and sheets.
I feel sorry for my poor kitty. Since I have been up these last two nights,she's been up. A movie just came on called "Babe." Do you remember this one. It's a about a baby pig who becomes a sheep herder with his devoted owner Mr. Hobbett. It's really cute.
At this hour, you catch all of the old movies. Also you are able to see alot of old sitcoms. I'm an avid M.A.S.H fan. It seems the networks only show this in the wee hours.
I have now had two cups of coffee which has not affected me at all. Still sleepy. I hear Butter batting around one of her toys in the other room. Well thats all thats on my mind. Talk later...

Friday, February 25, 2011

Credit reports

You know I was so lucky to have parents that taught me at an early age how important having good credit is. I was taught to always pay my bills on time, never live beyond my means and never borrow money. Getting a loan may sound good, but by the time you pay the interest, you're paying out more than you borrowed.
My friend that I blogged about a few days ago, ended up not being approved for the apartment. She has always spent more than she makes, charged on credit cards and borrowed money. Unfortunatley she's in a financial hole that is going to take some time to recover.
Whats interesting about this, is that she asked me to loan her some money or to be a co-signer for her apartment. She looked into my private mail that happened to contain securities I have had for my retirement.
I was so surprised. I quess you never know how people can behave when money is involved. I discussed this with another friend of mine and realized that this is not acceptable. I even bought her a microwave to help her. All she said was that she needed it and didn't really thank me. When we were looking at the microwaves she pointed out one that was over 120.00 and said she wanted that one. I bought her one for 40.00. Then she called a friend of hers when we got back to my house and asked her other friend to buy her a new plasma TV. Whats funny about these requests is that both I and her other friend are not working. I quess she's been used to people taking care of her all of her life.
I try to remain supportive, but sometimes it's not enough for certain people, they always want more. And whats also funny is that I usually wouldn't hear from her but once every few weeks, now I've talked to her almost every day. It makes me reflect to my circumstances. I have always been single, dating now and then, but not hopping into marriages just for financial support. I've worked hard for the few things I have. I don't take for granted my family and friends. And I don't use my medical problems as excuses to get more attention. Unfortunately, my friend does do all of those things. As my mom suggested, i might need to start backing away for that friendship. Be supportive to her,but be guarded.
Lesson learned...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Good news!!!

My friend whose husband has agreed to a divorce just found an apartment for herself today. She's been looking for about a month now getting discouraged to the fact that rent prices are much higher now than 5 to 6 years ago. I went with her today.
She also getting free furniture from a friend of a friend. I bought her a microwave this evening and her other friend is going to help her get a TV.
Her cat is with other friends right now and will soon join her when she gets settled. So I'm happy for her.
It's going to be learning experience for her from now own. Learning to be single.
Heck I've been single for so long now that I can't imagine life be any different. But maybe I'll meet my prince...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

A False Spring

My grandmother used to call these warm days in the middle of winter a false spring. It's been glorious these past few days. Everywhere you look you see people out walking,jogging,in shorts, riding motorcycles and riding with their tops down. [convertables] I have a Japanese maple tree in my front garden that is actually sprouting new growth. I hope it doesn't get down in the teens again, because all of these new vegetations will die.
It also seems that people are more cheerful now. The only bad thing that I don't look forward to are the wild parties that will happen in my condo complex. We've had alot of "renters" move in and they all look young. Some of them have already had quests leaving cans and trash in the parking lot. You would think these people would have better manners than they do.
My cat has even been jumping around and laying in the bay window in the sun. But when bad weather comes,she seems to hide. So thats a good thing about having pets, they always let you know when bad weather is around the corner.
One quick note: I had a wonderful time last night at my parents house for my Birthday dinner. The food was fabulous as always and I got to spend time with my sister,nephew and brother I don't see very often. Oh, and I was treated today with lunch and more gifts from my dear friend Jan.
I can't believe I'm 46/yrs. old. Where has the time gone?

Saturday, February 19, 2011

To be thankful

Happy Birthday to me!!!! I turn 46 today. I remember when I was younger I thought any year after 40 was old. You know even if I am single right now and don't have a man in my life, my friends well make up for that. I feel truely blessed to have them. They have fussed over me these past few days with cards, flowers and gifts that I have felt truely loved. I don't mean that this is the only time I have felt loved by my friends, but they have really made my Birthday a day to cherish.
My good friend Jan brought me a bouchet of daiseys yesterday and a card. Daiseys are my favorite. And I got a really nice card from a friend last night who is going through a really hard time. And of course I can't exclude my friends from out of town that gave me roses, balloons and showered me with homemade gifts. I have another good friend who  is facing hard times and gave me a beautiful necklace.
I have those type of friends that no matter whats going on in their lives always think of others. All of them are those that you can tell secrets to, talk about your problems to and always cry on their shoulders.
They become your family and your soul mates. My parents and siblings are cooking me a wonderful dinner tonight with sugar free cake and ice cream.
So all in all, I am thankful for who I have in my life.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


You know it's funny when you run across a classmate from your youth. I was reintroduced to such a person this week when I went to the pharmacy to pick up more insulin. He was one of the popular football players in school. I remember him being all muscular and big. The guy I saw was thin and gray haired. He asked me if I was who I am because one of the pharmacist called my name. I couldn't believe it. He has six kids and is living in Birmingham. He asked me if I ever married or had kids and I said no.
It's just funny to see someone from high school. I've never been to the reunions or gatherings that some people go to to reconnect with people. I quess I'm still that shy person I was way back then. I had my handful of girls that I double dated with, went to parties and studied with. I wasn't in any of the clubs in high school. It takes me back to my first date with a basketball player. I had the biggest crush on him. After the date he took me home then went back out to a pizza place where we all hung out. I heard about it the next day. I never went out with him again. I heard he hooked up with someone else that night. I remember feeling humiliated.
Then there was this fashion show that was sponsored by the homemeck class. We had to wear the clothes we made. Do you remember gouchose? Well when I made mine, one pant leg was longer than the other one and I had to wear that on stage. So I pulled one side up and pinned that side to my shirt,so when I paraded on stage both legs were even. I never told anyone that.
All of my high school friends have moved away or are married now with their own families. I almost settled down to get married, but it turned out not to be the right fit. Maybe I'll find my knight in shining armour someday after I kiss the right frog.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Birthday surprises

I have the best friends ever. My friends from Jasper came into town today and I met them for lunch. The next thing I knew they had a dozen red roses,balloons and a gift for me. Debra crocheted a blanket for me that was gorgious. I also got a moose statue from Brian [ this is from an inside joke ] and I also got a potted plant of baby roses with a vase. We met at Crackerbarrel. The waitresses sung Happy Birthday to me and gave me a free desert. Luckily the dessert was no suger added apple pie which I brought home with me. Debra and Brian struggle with money,so this was extra special. I love them dearly.
My friend barbara took me out to lunch about two weeks ago because she wasn't going to be in town around my Birthday. She also paid for my lunch and bought me this beautiful pearl and sterling silver necklace and a new water bottle. She's one of my oldest friends from 25/yrs ago.
My Birthday isn't until this coming Saturday, so I feel pretty much like a princess.
My parents are going to cook steaks out for me on Saturday, so I am looking forward to seeing everyone.
And my friend Jan is taking me out Sunday for lunch.
I feel truely blessed to have my friends and family.

Friday, February 11, 2011

The walk to remember

I usually walk real early in the morning. When I went to clean Mrs. Bells home this morning, she asked me if I wouldn't mind taking a walk with her. She's a bit unstable,so I went and held her hand. It was interesting, she talked about her childhood and two husbands. She was reliving the birth of her children and her grandchildren. I can't imagine how different the world has become since she grew up in the depression.
I think it would be pretty neat to experience that. It seems that life was so simple in that era.
No 21st. century technology, traffic and women working. Gosh, what would you do?
When I got home I went through pictures of my childhood, family and friends. The "walk to remember" made me feel grateful for all of the opportunities I have had. A caring family and friends.
It's easy to try to imagine yourself living in a different time. Who would  have been my parents. Any siblings?
Where would I have grown up?
I quess you could think that you were meant to be on the earth at a certain time. Nothing happens by chance.
You have a higher purpose and someone is always watching out for you. God.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

No kitty,no!!!

I have a question for anyone who reads my blog. How do you get a kitty to sleep at night? My cat who is just now 1/yr. old runs all night, jumps up on the bed and brings me her toys. I mean drops her toys in my face. For the past few weeks, Butter has done this. I know cats are primarily nocternal, but this is getting old.
I'm woken up around 1am, then at 3am and finally at 5am. Any suggestions?
I count my blessings that I am single today. Yea it gets lonely, but I don't have to worry about finding a new place to live. One of my friends has decided to leave her husband. This is her third marriage. Although I tried to warn her on obvious "red flags," before she married him, she married him anyway. So now, she's scrambling to raise enough money to get an apartment, get second hand furniture and pay down deposits. We met last night to go over her expenses and to plan out her life.
I think she gets married to dead beats because she doesn't want to be alone. Thats not a problem, but when you make these decisions, there's always a cost.
It makes me think back to the time when I broke up with the love of my life. A guy whom I dated for 5 1/2 yrs. Then jumping into another relationship will the most ill fitted guy just because I didn't want to be alone. I almost married that guy. I knew that if I had married him, I probably would have been divorced within a year.
So there are leasons to be learned.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Time flies

Time sure flies by when you least aspect it to. I was going to blog yesterday, but I got caught up on Monster.com last night. I had a remarkably busy week than usual. I volunteered everyday except for Wednesday. I cleaned houses this week. Twice at one residence and once for another. I was even able to see two friends that I don't get to see very often.
When I went to the pharmacy this morning to get more diabetes supplies there was this old,old lady who told the pharmacist that she turned 102 yesterday. Whats amazing about this is she drove herself and is still living on her own. I asked how she has been able to stay young. I was thinking she would say something like eating right, getting enough excerise,etc. But she said in a very sweet voice, "I stay young chasing younger men."
There was a silence in the room, then everyone laughed.
I have been awaiting news on a job that I had gone to several interviews on and had taken a software test. My sister advised me not to call the manager again tomorrow. Just wait awhile. I'm just anxious. I was telling my dad a few weeks ago that I have applied and interviewed with 52 companies since last June. I estimated in June because thats when I had my last eye surgery. I had interviewed with about 10 before that time.
I saw on CNN news last week that the national unemployment rate has gone up again to 10.2%. In Alabama the unemployment rate is 10.8%. Thats scarey.
Tomorrow morning I'm applying for a job at a department store. Its in Alabaster which is not too far from where I live. It's called Old Time Pottery. I found this one on al.com. It's sort of like a huge pottery barn. So, we'll see what comes of that.
I came so close to adopting another kitten last week. I already have one. I went in the pet store to get more litter and cat food plus a toy or two and I walked by the shelter within the store. This is where I adopted my kitten, Butter. I saw a little kitty about 4/mos. old who looked just like my other cat Molly that I had to put down. Ohhhh. I came so close. But i thought of my new kitty Butter and I didn't think she would adjust well to another cat.
I'm glad I didn't get that cat because it would mean double vet bills. But he sure was cute.
Thats about all of my news. Talk later.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day to day

You know when your're not working it seems like the days run together. Everyday I try to do something active. Luckily I am very involved in volunteering. Since I have been feeling better, I have really put in the hours this week in volunteering. So far, I have worked 8am-3pm since the first. Thats just two days,but it feels like longer. When you're sick, you feel out of the loop.
Talking about sickness, my friend who recently had her gallbladder out last week she's having attacks again.
The same sweating,adominal pain and squeezyness. She was going to call her surgeon this morning. I hope it's nothing serious. We'll see.
I read this book from Anne Rice this week. It's one of her first novels that was written 25 yrs. ago. She normally writes really gory books but this one was called Stop and smell the daiseys. It was about how people get so busy in their daily lives that they loose touch with their surroundings. It's hard to see past deadlines and appointments.
So each day I try to take a walk, if not around my neighborhood, at a park or something. I watch the news and read the newspaper. I see elderly neighbors and volunteer. But I think it's just human nature that you get in a "bubble" with your life. You get so focused on whats effecting you personally.
So even if I agree with this book, I also think it's not realistic. What do you think?