women get social

Thursday, July 4, 2013

4th. of July

Happy July 4th. I can't believe it's already July. Too bad it's going to be storming today. I still plan on watching the fireworks over Vulcan park. I'll be watching them on Fox6. I can't remember the last time I ventured out to Homewood to see the show. I think we did that when my nephew was little.
Not much more going on today. I slept in and have been watching movies all day. I didn't go into the gym this morning, giving my knees a break. Yesterday I did my cardio for an hour then I played around with the weights. I feel like I over did it.
My blood sugars have been real good lately. I had to go down on one of my medications because it was making me sick. But otherwise from that my diabetes is going well.
Well I hope everyone has a nice holiday.

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