women get social

Monday, March 26, 2012


My cat just jumped on my back trying to land on my shoulder. Those claws!!!! Well I've been on my new diet for 12 days by Nutrisystem. I've had a few close calls with low blood sugars. One in particular caused my fasting blood sugar to be 47. Man, I had the shakes, sweats and dizzyness. I had to take a glucose tablet, well a couple of them that morning. I've since had to take a few of those tablets.
So, I've been decreasing the amount of insulin on a daily regimen . Every two to three days I come down 2 units. Now I'm at 30 units. Which this is what I initially ended with when I was first diagnosed.
Anyway, I think as I loose more weight, my insulin needs with decrease along the way.
My goal is to lose 70 pounds. Then if I lose those 70 pounds I may go down another 20 to 30. We'll just have to see. I'd like to be at my weight when I was 18yrs. old. It's going to be hard, but I think my motivation will continue with the amount of weight I'll lose along the way.

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