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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Butter Continued

She's now eating canned food, just like she did before a few months ago. I really haven't thought that maybe she's just tired of eating her dry kibble. She's also drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated.
She did hide in the closet most of the night. I heard that when cats are sick, they like to hide in dark places. So maybe this is just something real simple. Maybe I just don't need to worry.
I tried again to put her in the crate yesterday afternoon. That was a bad mistake cause she bit me.
Even though she's gotten a whole lot better as far as manners, she still lets me know when not to push as she did yesterday.
Some people might say that I need to get a newspaper and strike her when she does bite. I don't believe in spanking an animal. Plus, she came from a place where she was abused. I don't want to let her know that she has to be afraid of me at all. I have found that simple gestures of kindness goes a long way. That is if you want a pet to be happy and reassured that everything is all right.
So, all in all I think she's going to be just fine.

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