women get social

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Difficult People

I swear, there are some people that won't take no for an answer. My dentist is just one of those people. I've been going to this new dentist for about five months now and every appointment I have made it clear to her that I am not interested in surgery or implants. Well today she again proposed this. She even went so far as to insist that I go see a oral surgeon for an evaluation of a implantation. It didn't matter how adament I was in telling her again that I was not interested in this proceedure.
Her response was that it was her responsibility to "make" me understand that if I don't do this then I could loose those teeth anyway. Very doubtful.
So when I was walking out she told the receptionist to schedule me an appointment with this surgeon. I looked at this girl and said no. Then I walked out. In frustration I called my mother who goes to the same dentist and explained what had happened. Mother agreed with me stating that my mouth was my business. That "I" was in charge of that and that I did not need to be intimated to do anything.
This is not the first time that I have had a run in with this dentist. But this is the last time.
I'll get my teeth cleaned there in November, but thats it. No more.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Well I went back this morning to see the doctor. I still don't have an infection, just bad congestion. I haven't volunteered all week but you know I have felt I needed some down time. Haven't been feeling up to par.
I have been drinking hot herbal tea these past couple of days which feels wonderful on my sore throat. Been sucking on halls and blowing the nose every 5 minutes it seems.
But now I can breathe because I'm taking mucinex and robitussim. I hope in the next few days I'll start feeling better. This is all I have blogged about this week, so hopefully I'll stop talking about this.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Well I went back to volunteer this morning and had the same thing happen without the vomiting. I just couldn't stop coughing. Each time I talked I convulsed into coughing. So, I left to come home. I've been drinking hot herbal tea and sucking on halls. This has helped if I just don't talk. So here I am.
I did stop off to buy some test strips at Walgreens this morning and spent 162 dollars for a pack of 100 strips.
These are part of my testing supplies for diabetes. What really sucks is that I don't qualify for help with the cost of Rx's and testing supplies through Medicare. The reason is because I have retirement accounts and the government considers that as extra income even though I can't withdrawal from these accounts. So all this means is that I don't qualify for part D. So it's all out of pocket expenses.
It adds up on a monthly basis. I'm in the process of getting a supplimental coverage through another health care plan. This additional coverage is going to cost me more money so I'm literally back where I started from. Money, money, money. Where does it end?

Monday, September 17, 2012

Oh Gross!!!!

Picture this, I was talking on the phone this morning and I started coughing. I couldn't stop coughing. Then all of the sudden I threw up. All over me, my desk and the phone. Then I had to pick up the receiver that was dripping in vomit and tell them to call another extension. Gross!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Since I've been sick, I start coughing a lot when I talk for an extended period of time. So I guess I won't be volunteering until I can get all well. Plus the coordinator told me that she would prefer me not being there if I'm still sick. I can understand this cause I have kept catching bugs there from other people.
If you could just imagine the looks on peoples faces when that happened. One volunteer started gagging and I thought she was going to get sick right there.
So, I guess it's best that I do stay home until this congestion gets better.

Friday, September 14, 2012


I've been dealing with a virus the last couple of days. I went to AFC American Family Care this morning and the doctor told me it's more likely that I have a virus. MAjor congestion is my head and chest and sneezing. I was coughing and had a sore throat initially, but I don't now.
The doctor did tell me that there has been a lot of people sick with this.
I know my nephew has been really sick. His is much worst than mine. I hope he starts feeling better soon.
Where I volunteer there has been a lot of people out sick too. Thats probably where I caught this. So I'm just drinking plenty of fluids and eating my meal plans. Have you ever noticed that when you're sick the days just seem to creep by? It seems that way to me.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Pet

When I got home today I checked online again with the Birmingham Humane Society. I see that they have added more young dogs to the mixture, so I think I will go out there again tomorrow. I so want a little companion. I think my life will be much fuller if I had a dog. I see my neighbors with their dogs all the time walking, playing and hugging outside. Of course these have all been small dogs because our condos are small. I think when the right dog appears, I'll get it. I just have to be more patient.
 To change the subject, I woke up with a sore throat this morning, coughing and sneezing. Stuffed up nose and runny nose so I'm not feeling that great. I've taken cold medicine which seems to not have helped. It never fails, when I'm around a lot of people I usually come home with some sort of germ or another.
My immune system is so wacked. No matter how much vitamins I take  I still get sick.
But I'm going to go on another walk this morning. I've been walking twice everyday since Monday. I'm just hoping I will loose at least 20 pounds by the end of November. Thats when I go back to my doctor.
So wish me luck ya'll.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Do Over

Well, I have not stayed on target with my diet. For one reason or another I strayed.
But today is another day and I have started fresh. I don't know why I do these things. It's not like I don't have a dangerous disease. I want to stay in check of my diabetes and I can't do that if I'm overweight.
I was looking through some pictures of myself in high school and college and you know what, I was a catch. I was thin, tan and I had a bubbly personality. I've just got to find that again.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

How fun

My sister and I went to the Humane Society today to look for a dog for me. They had some really cute dogs and cats also. I'm looking for a small dog like the size of a Yorkie. We didn't find one today, but we may go back tomorrow. There was a dog being spayed today that will be up for adoption tomorrow. It's a small white dog.
I hope I find one. I would take it on my walks with me and play with it and just enjoy having a little cuddle bug. It's been too long since I've had something to take care of. I just love pets.
Also I think having a pet makes you live longer and have a happier life.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


You know I often wonder why people steal. I mean, steal around where I live. When I went out this afternoon to put down my blinds on my patio I noticed that one of my ceramic pigs was missing. I collect pigs and place them out on my patio. I looked everywhere for it. But it's just gone. It was fairly new.
None of my other things were messed with, so all I can summon is that it was stolen. I even looked at my neighbors patio to whom have taken a clay pot before and it wasn't there.
I just think that that is so wrong. I wonder if it could have been one of my neighbors, who knows? If it wasn't my neighbors, then who could have been familiar with this area and the contents on my patio?
I remember when I first moved in over here one of my chimes was stolen too. And that was a house warming gift.
I just don't know what get into peoples minds.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Got Cha

I was out a little while ago on my patio rolling up my blinds. I saw my neighbor out on his patio and I said "hey Paul, I heard that Bama had a good game on saturday." He said "yea, they creamed Michigan." Then I said, "well Auburn didn't do very well." Then he said "who cares." I then said, "well my family are Auburn fans. And in fact my brother is a Bama fan and he's an outcast."
I started laughing and I could hear him saying "ahuh."
Paul just happens to be a big Bama fan. I thought it was funny. I'm laughing at it. I am by no means making fun of Alabama fans, it was just a joke. Oh well.....

Monday, September 3, 2012


You know, we rarely see ourselves in the whole light. What I mean by that is that we all get so used to our environment that it's hard to look beyond the obvious. Today I had a long talk with my sister about me. It wasn't easy to hear the things she said, but I'm thankful that she said them. We always have things about ourselves that we want to change and sometimes it just helps to hear about those changes from other people.
I have been afraid of everything most of my life that I have isolated myself from the world. I don't know when this began, but it's been going on for a long time. Maybe it's been going on since I was a child or maybe some event happened that has made me so afraid. All I do know is that I've got to get out there again and trust that everything is going to be ok.
I've lost the commitment to be a healthier person both physically and mentally. I guess what I've done is built barriers around me and not let anyone in. I've had disappointments that have lasted a lifetime that I'm afraid of other people.
But one thing that I need to do is just to let go of the bad things and move forward towards the good things. I have to believe in myself and have confidence in myself.
I think at some time during people's lives, you loose sight of whats really important. This is easy to do.
You can't help getting lost within yourself and your problems. So, the most important thing you need to concentrate on is improving yourself and you life. With a little effort, I think I can do this.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Well it's finally September. Can you believe it? This year has just flown by. Have you ever noticed the football flags on peoples cars? I swear, over here where I live most of them are for Alabama. It seems like Alabama fans decorate everything they own.
I'm gonna talk about my neighbors again. We have a few new neighbors whose cars a decorated and also their decks and patios. They've got all of the common things like banners and pompoms. They even have scary stuffed animals sitting on chairs with little Alabama jerseys on. I can see across the parking lots and their are red and white lights strewn across someones condo.
During the games I can hear people yelling at their TV's and people honking their horns.
Auburn on the other hand, theres not a lot of Auburn fans over here. And I rarely see Auburn decorations up. I see a passing Tennessee fan every now and then also a Florida fan. But the rivals of Alabama and Auburn fans keep coming.
I could watch football every now and then. but I'm not a huge fan of football. I do like to see the men running back and forth across the field in those little tights they wear. Thats funny.
I don't even know who won last night. I guess I'll hear it later.