women get social

Friday, June 29, 2012

Dream Boat

Who says dream boat anymore? Me. This is so funny. I can't believe I'm blogging about this. But I have the HOTS for my Fed Ex man. The same guy delivers my nutrisystem food each month.
I feel like a teenager. With the biggest crush. He's probably twenty years younger than me, well maybe ten.
This is such a neat feeling. I remember crushes when I was young and they were always fun. I guess this goes to show me that I still can have these things even at my age. I wouldn't say I'm over the hill, just older.
But heck. "Ain't it great!!!"

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Oh My Gosh!!!

It's 4am and I just had the most awful dream. I think what woke me out of my dream was me screaming. Here it is.
I was with some friends in this college town and we were going to I think a seminar somewhere. We went there and sat down and listened. Then I think we got bored and left. We were driving around this town when we stopped to get something to eat.
For some reason, my friends ran ahead of me and I couldn't follow. I tried to run to, but I couldn't. So I just followed the best I could. I walked to where we had left the car and my friends were gone. No car, no friends.
I then looked around me and everything was different. Nothing looked familiar. So I retraced my steps thinking that my friends are just playing a joke on me. I got back to this college, but it was like I had stepped into the future. I began crying, crying out because I knew that I was in a different time now. I was truely alone.
Everyone I knew, everyone that I ever loved were gone now and I was alone. How could I survive this? I kept walking around in circles trying to remember what my life was like, trying to remember where I came from.
I then woke up. I swear this dream was so surreal. I had to walk around my condo touching everything making sure I was safe and at home. I even walked outside in the darkness to see if my car was there and I was where I should be.
Of course my neighbors were yelling at each other.
I think what my biggest fear is : being alone. Totally alone.
This dream represented that and I didn't like what I saw.
It's so good to be safe and around all of my familiar things.
I hope I can drift back off to sleep this morning cause it's way too early to start my day.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Gosh, I'm finally feeling back to normal. I did go out today to run some much needed errands, was a little tired when I got back. So, I think that the worst is definitely over. I hate being sick. It throws your whole life off. And I have major cabin fever. So, tomorrow it's back to the grind.
If you live in Alabama, especially in the Birmingham area, it's been hot. I mean hot. I was watching the news tonight and they said for the next five days starting on Thursday it's going to be in the triple digits with the heat. Augh... I guess I won't be going to the park this weekend.
It's funny my neighbors next door have had all of their potted plants strewn all over the front of the building. It's like a jungle out there. They act like their the only ones living here.
Oh I'm reading the best book. It's called "Miss Julia Speaks Her Mind." Ann Ross wrote it a few years ago. It has all of the old southern speech in it and it's about a widow woman who finds out her husband wasn't the "god fearing" man that he portrayed to be. She gets caught up in small town gossip and has to make some hard decisions. It doesn't sound funny, but it is. This is one of those books that you just can't put down.
I love those types of books. You get so involved in it.
Oh and I ran into the same old woman in the grocery store this morning that has stopped me before telling me how good it is to see me and how are the kids??? She did the same thing today.
I think old people are great. When I say old, I mean like 80yrs. old and above. This lady comes with her maid in tow. She's always touchy feely. Like touching my arm or patting my hand. She walks slumped over with a cane. And she's always dressed up with large earrings on. I guess when your're that old, looking your best is the golden rule.
I wonder how I will be at that age. Knowing me, I'll be in jeans, a teashirt and flip flops. I love my flip flops. I shouldn't wear them because I tend to fall over myself all the time. I'm not what you call graceful.

Monday, June 25, 2012


Well this is the fourth day that I've had this stomach bug. I started eating a little bit today. So now I've got this mess coming out the other end. I was told that this is just part of the virus.
This is a perfect example of how diabetics take a little while longer to get over things.
I've stayed at home again today. Haven't done much. I think on Wednesday I'll get back to my routine.
Since I've been home for the past four days, I have noticed that my neighbors are really noisy during the day. Playing their music all morning. I did ask them to keep it down for the next few days, so we'll see if they will be quiet tomorrow.
I feel so out of shape cause I haven't exercised while I have been sick. So thats going to be chore to get back into. I'll be huffing and puffing.
I will say that one week ago I had the opportunity to smoke. I didn't. When I smell it around the complex it just gives me a headache now. Plus I wouldn't want to get that head rush again.
Well thats about all my news for right now. Hope everyone has a good week.

Saturday, June 23, 2012


I have been sick with some kind of stomach bug since yesterday afternoon. Can't keep anything in my stomach. Been throwing up. This morning I woke up with a fever. I had heard that there was a bug going around, so I guess I got it.
We thought it was due to the heat yesterday, but since I had it again today along with the fever we know it's a bug. The one weekend I'm in bed, my cable goes out.
I've tried to be more cheery,opening the curtains. But it's just blah... today.
Hopefully tomorrow I'll feel better.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

What a Day

A weird thing happened to me today. After I volunteered, I went out to lunch with this guy whom I used to work with. He's the one I blogged about recently. Anyway, when we got to the restaurant and sat down at the table the waiter came along. He was a very nice waiter and he and I started laughing because he told a joke.
Thats when the guy I used to work with said he wanted a female waitress. Our waiter said that all attendants had specific tables to wait on and if we were going to sit at this table, we would have him. Makes sense to me.
I looked at the waiter then back at my friend and then my friend said "You're not going to talk to another guy while I'm here." I was so surprised that I just stared at him for a minute. I thought to myself how weird. Then I looked at the waiter and said "I won't be ordering because I'm going." So I got up and left.
That was so "not right." And it scared me a little.
Years ago I used to date a guy who was like this. I remember one day my boyfriend told me that I wouldn't be able to defend myself if I pissed him off again. That was a huge red flag to get out of that relationship. So needless to say, I didn't want to hang around today with this guy who reminded me of that old relationship. It kind of makes you think.

Monday, June 18, 2012


I can't believe it's already the 18th. of the month. Anyway, I talked to someone today that I haven't spoken to in years. At my volunteering job, in walks my friend. Well I say he's my friend because we used to cut up in court all the time. He was the probation officer assigned to the courtroom that I was.
He has recently been diagnosed with diabetes and has been real sick ever since.
He wasn't able to keep up with the work load of his job and was out sick all the time. So, he's on disability like I am and is now going to volunteer at the center I work at.
For hours, we caught up with our lives while he was being trained. It's just so good to see a familiar face.
He is single, newly divorced with no children. Not that I'm interested it's just good to know. Cause who knows what can happen.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Skin Infections

This is a gross subject. People with diabetes get more skin infections than the average person. I don't  blog a lot about my diabetes, but sometimes I just have too. Diabetics get whats called diabetic ulcers all over their skin. I have been prone to this since I have had diabetes.
I just recently had an ulcer in my nose that took three days to burst. I know its gross, but it's true. I get them a lot on my legs, arms and stomach. There's really nothing preventative that you can do to keep yourself from getting this. The bad thing is that diabetics are also prone to getting infections from the simplest cuts or scratches. So I'm always putting antibiotic creams on everything.
I have to be real careful about hand washing too. Along with skin infections, diabetics catch viruses real easy too. I'm 2 x more likely to catch bugs than the average person. So I try my best not to be around sick folks. And after catching these viruses, diabetics take longer to heal from these bugs.
You might say that there's nothing much a diabetic can do from catching things. But there is. You just need to be mindful or germs all around you.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Ok, Ok. My sister urged me to blog today. I had a pretty busy day, then I had to go back to the dentist once more. I've been to the dentist three times in the past three weeks. What can I say? I have neglected my teeth for too long. Now I'm paying for it. I've got a lot of work that needs to be done. So it's gonna be regular visits for me for awhile.
What else is going on with me.... I've been on this diet now for just about 10 wks now. It's from Nutrisystem. I still get hungry now and then. I usually stuff almonds in my mouth which ties me over. I did have someone last night ask me if I had lost any weight. Thats always good. Those of you who diet like I do are always motivated more when people start noticing weight loss.
I'm still considering on getting a small dog instead of another cat. This is a dog neighborhood over here. I always see people out walking their dogs.
What else... I emailed my friend who lives in Alaska and she is going to be passing through Birmingham in the next few weeks. Hopefully I'll be able to see her. You know I think thats one of the nicest things. To catch up with old friends. Most of my friends either live out of state or out of town so when I do get to see them it's a treat.
I will share something funny with you. I went out last night to take my trash out and my neighbor's husband was just sitting outside passing gas. Not a care in the world. Unfortunately when I walked past their patio, it scared him and he said "excuse me." I hate to have caught him doing that. If it had been me, I would have been super embarrassed.
Passing gas is just an "old shoe" for me. I'm probably one of the most gasiest person you would want to meet. I always have been. I remember driving to the beach when I was little. Whenever someone "cut gas" in the car everyone yelled my name. No joke.. So you can see that having gas is just second nature to me now.
I don't know how I got off on that. Well I think I'll go now. Now that I have put my foot in my mouth.
Have a good week ya'll.

Saturday, June 9, 2012


Yesterday I heard a word that I haven't heard in a long time. Skeedaddle. Is this how you spell it? What does it mean? Go away or something? Older people have the funniest vocabulary. There's another phrase. Why don't we go truck farming? I found out through some die hard country friends that this means going to a produce market when the produce is on trucks. So instead of going to the farmers market, people go truck farming. I bet you haven't heard that one. Neither had I.
Of course theres going over yonder. Which translates to going over there. I'm sure there are a dozen or so more, I can't remember them.
So even though we all speak english, we all speak it in different ways. I guess you just have to grow up speaking what was taught to you.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thursday Cont.

Well, Well, Well. They finally showed up. Three hours late. Come to find out my air conditioning was filling up with water and freezing. I bet this will be another couple of hundred of dollars. Gotta go cause their here.


Ok, Ok. There's a question about being patient and being done. I'm done. Once again my air conditioning company has not shown up. They have cancelled on me twice and now they simply did not show up.
It's time to find a new company.

Monday, June 4, 2012


You know what I love to do? After it rains, I just love to sit outside and smell the summer air. It seems that all of the fragrances such as flowers, grass and trees are amplified. This morning there was a bad storm and before I left this morning I drank my coffee out on my patio. It was nice.
When I was sitting out there last night I saw lightning bugs which reminded me of summers when I was a child. Did you ever collect lightning bugs in a jar?
We would, that is my brother and sister. It also reminded me of sucking on popsicles and running through sprinklers.
What one learns through the eyes of a child.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Not Again

You know what really gets me? This is the second time that my air conditioning man has cancelled on me. Granted it's just a maintenance call, but thats not the point. I guess it saves me from paying 99 dollars today. It's just the principle of the thing.
Apparently their just too busy to make the call. My question is, if you know you're more busy on one day then why schedule it.
Or then I just love when they don't give you a specific time and you end up waiting all day.
I know others feel this way too. This is just my way of venting.