women get social

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Well, I had a long talk with my father about the job incident earlier this week and he is really disappointed with me. It has been two years since I have worked , I agree. I have had alot of health problems and vision problems. But I should have accepted the position.
It really doesn't help knowing that I screwed up when I have to continue to hear it from my family. I quess it's the old cliche of "your damned if you do and your damned if you don't."
I'll know next time that I can get my diabetes services through my father during hours that won't conflict with working hours.
Making mistakes can not only point out the obvious but it can make you feel pretty stupid.
I haven't found any further job listings this week. Maybe next week will be better.
I've been trying to figure out how I can get my cat into her crate. I'll try a sedative,but I may have to get the traveling vet my friend suggested to give her her shots in April. I have bonded with Butter abit even though she does have a biting problem. Butter is so different from my other cat,Molly. I just espected that she would be easy going as Molly. Thats another lesson that I have learned. Not every cat is the same.
Well, I've got to go volunteer. Talk later.

1 comment:

  1. Allison,

    Today is a new day. Work on a list of potential places to work and go after it! It will probably be therapeutic to be able to cross things off that list. I'm glad you are trying to turn this into a positive. Sometimes lessons are hard to learn, but that doesn't make them less valuable. Hold yourself accountable each and every day. Remember, you are part of the nGage Team so go out there and get connected with your future.

    Love you always,

    The Rock
