women get social

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I had a few more nibbles on Sunday regarding job prospects. I went to fill out applications to 2 department stores yesterday. I still haven't heard from the park yet. It seems that lately Monster.com hasn't had much to offer. So I've been relying on aol.com and the paper. Aol.com is the bham news but sometimes theres listings that aren't online.
I've decided to get Butter declawed. I'm right now waiting on news from the animal clinic to see how much it would be. I think I'm going to go towards lazor surgery. There's a quicker time in healing.
I go next week to get my blood work done. I believe it's not going to be good. So I have prepared myself for that. I go to see the doctor on 9/1. I think the only good mark will be my cholestoral. I started taking my chol. medication everyday about 1 mo. ago. Before the doctor told me to just take it 5 days a week. So, we'll see.
I can't believe that my nephew will be 15/yrs. old this week. Time flies. He's such a good kid.

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