women get social

Monday, August 23, 2010

I made my list of applications and interviews I have had since June. I picked June because thats when I regained my sight. So far, I have filled out 15 applications and had 6 interviews. I have gotten the paper and am also looking online. I feel it's an uphill climb,but I'll make it to the top.
Have you ever noticed on some applications,there's a question about, " If hired, what could you provide to the company." Of course you want to put the regular answer like I'm dedicated, loyal etc... But I've tried to come up with others like I'm a good listener, I show up on time ready to work and I'm ready for a challange.
I think it's also important to interview the interviewer. Ask questions. Be interactive. Carry a smile on your face. Be easy going but professional.
I used to journal about 1/yr. ago. I've recently picked that back up. It really helps when you are stressed. And it's also fun to go back and look at what you've written. It kind of gives you a clearer propective of the subject matter.
I'm having my parents for dinner this Friday night as part of a thank you for everything. I thinks it's well overdue. I hope I don't burn their dinner. I do like to cook,I just don't get very many opportunities to cook.
I even had a idea that once I get a job maybe I cook take cooking classes on the side. Learn about exotic dishes. I think that would be fun.
It's funny,just a few days ago I was "eating crow" and now I'm optimistic about my future. Life's funny,isn't it.

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