women get social

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Have you ever thought about writing people instead of emailing? I have a friend who doesn't have the internet or a phone,so we write back and forth. I have found that it is alot of fun. Besides,emailing can be so routine. It reminds me of how it used to be before computers. Everything is so high tech now that I think we have lost personal contact with each other.
We need to get back to the basics. For instance,if you think about sending a person a care package. Instead of ordering flowers or cookies and having a company deliver them,send them yourself. Drive to their house and "personally" give the package to them. I think this means much more to people.
Facebook. I agree with keeping in touch with people,but I think this has turned into an "overkill." I think people are more apt to electronically communicate then actively seeing others.
With this fast paced life we see ourselves in its hard to imagine if one could stop and smell the daises. I read that in a book. But it's true. It seems that everyone relies so heavily on their cell phones,emails,Iphones,Ipods and the internet. What do you think?

Sunday, August 29, 2010

I had my parents over for dinner this past Friday night. It went well and was fun. I don't get too many opportunities to cook for people so this was a treat.
 I only found two job postings in the paper last week,but I did send my resume through an email.
My blood sugars have been excellent lately. I'm still on the same eating plan that I ws on,I'm just not eating dinner. Or if I eat dinner,I eat raw vegetables. I really have to watch daily what I put in my mouth.
My kitten is still as wild as she could be. She's still biting,but not as often now.
Gotta go volunteer. Talk later.

Monday, August 23, 2010

I made my list of applications and interviews I have had since June. I picked June because thats when I regained my sight. So far, I have filled out 15 applications and had 6 interviews. I have gotten the paper and am also looking online. I feel it's an uphill climb,but I'll make it to the top.
Have you ever noticed on some applications,there's a question about, " If hired, what could you provide to the company." Of course you want to put the regular answer like I'm dedicated, loyal etc... But I've tried to come up with others like I'm a good listener, I show up on time ready to work and I'm ready for a challange.
I think it's also important to interview the interviewer. Ask questions. Be interactive. Carry a smile on your face. Be easy going but professional.
I used to journal about 1/yr. ago. I've recently picked that back up. It really helps when you are stressed. And it's also fun to go back and look at what you've written. It kind of gives you a clearer propective of the subject matter.
I'm having my parents for dinner this Friday night as part of a thank you for everything. I thinks it's well overdue. I hope I don't burn their dinner. I do like to cook,I just don't get very many opportunities to cook.
I even had a idea that once I get a job maybe I cook take cooking classes on the side. Learn about exotic dishes. I think that would be fun.
It's funny,just a few days ago I was "eating crow" and now I'm optimistic about my future. Life's funny,isn't it.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A NEW DAY! nGage Today!

Allison . . . The nGage Today Team wants you to know that we have faith in you. Remember, we are ALL about staying connected with our Faith, Families, Friends and our Future. Don't give up now! You have come way too far!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Well, I had a long talk with my father about the job incident earlier this week and he is really disappointed with me. It has been two years since I have worked , I agree. I have had alot of health problems and vision problems. But I should have accepted the position.
It really doesn't help knowing that I screwed up when I have to continue to hear it from my family. I quess it's the old cliche of "your damned if you do and your damned if you don't."
I'll know next time that I can get my diabetes services through my father during hours that won't conflict with working hours.
Making mistakes can not only point out the obvious but it can make you feel pretty stupid.
I haven't found any further job listings this week. Maybe next week will be better.
I've been trying to figure out how I can get my cat into her crate. I'll try a sedative,but I may have to get the traveling vet my friend suggested to give her her shots in April. I have bonded with Butter abit even though she does have a biting problem. Butter is so different from my other cat,Molly. I just espected that she would be easy going as Molly. Thats another lesson that I have learned. Not every cat is the same.
Well, I've got to go volunteer. Talk later.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Well, I went to my interview yesterday. The manager offered me the job to start on Friday. Then I told him that I had some doctors appts. that I couldn't miss because I was a diabetic. My schedule would have been 9:30a to 6:pm. He told me that due to policy,he could not allow me to go to these appts. until after 6.mos. I came home and told my mother and sister. My sister suggested that I call my docotr the next day[today] and ask them if they could see patients by 8:00am. So, I did do that and was told that the earliest was 8:30am. Then I called my mother and she told me that my father,whom is a doctor could treat my diabetes and to call the menager back and tell him that I can work through my appts and accept the job. So, when I called the manager back this morning,he had already hired someone yesterday after seeing me.
I did tell my sister this who was very supportive. My mother on the other hand was not. But then she called back and apologized. I'm so disappointed. I'll know better next time.
Today was also the day that I was scheduled to take my kitten to the vet to get declawed. Well it didn't run as smoothly as I thought it would. I couldn't get her into her crate.
 After I restled with a pillow case and a wrapping her into a towel I gave up. She bit me twice. I then went to the vet to get a sedative for her. But I couldn't get to her to administer it because she has not left under the bed. She was sooo upset ,I decided to cancell the appointment.
My friend was telling me that one of her friends calls a traveling vet to make house calls. I may do that next year when she is due for her shots.
So all in all, this morning sucked. I've tried to get my mind off of the job situation,but it's just hard. Knowing that I blew it. I still beleive though that I should have told him about my appts ahead of time. He probably would have fired me if I did go to them.
I get my blood work done tomorrow. Hopefully it will be a better day.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

I have an interview on Monday, YIPPEE... I just heard from a friend of mine who got laid off recently. They say the economy is doing better,but I don't think so.
My cat is scheduled on Tuesday next week to get declawed. I feel alittle quilty to do this,but I think it would be for the best.
Thank goodness it has been raining this morning. It has cooled off alot.
Well my baby nephew's birthday was yesterday. I heard he was getting his learners permit as well. I feel so old :]
My blood sugars have been getting back to normal,finally. I go in for my blood work next Wed. I have two more weeks until my actual doctors visit. We'll see how my counts are. I've been working really hard on my meal plan these past couple of weeks.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I had a few more nibbles on Sunday regarding job prospects. I went to fill out applications to 2 department stores yesterday. I still haven't heard from the park yet. It seems that lately Monster.com hasn't had much to offer. So I've been relying on aol.com and the paper. Aol.com is the bham news but sometimes theres listings that aren't online.
I've decided to get Butter declawed. I'm right now waiting on news from the animal clinic to see how much it would be. I think I'm going to go towards lazor surgery. There's a quicker time in healing.
I go next week to get my blood work done. I believe it's not going to be good. So I have prepared myself for that. I go to see the doctor on 9/1. I think the only good mark will be my cholestoral. I started taking my chol. medication everyday about 1 mo. ago. Before the doctor told me to just take it 5 days a week. So, we'll see.
I can't believe that my nephew will be 15/yrs. old this week. Time flies. He's such a good kid.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

I feel like I've been out of the loop for a week. Actually, I have. I haven't been able to volunteer this week because I have gotten sick. I think it's a virus. High fever,achey and stomach problems.  I had to inject less insulin because I haven't been eating much this week.
 My dad seems to think that I should be feeling better tomorrow. I think I will too. Before I got sick on Tuesday, I had been following my meal plan.  Since it has been so hot lately,I have been exercising inside with cardio tapes.
I think I'm going to have my kitten declawed. I have tried everything I can think of to deter her from scratching on my furniture. I've bought different kinds of scratch pads, used a water bottle to spray her when she does this and even bought a pet block spray. Nothing has worked. So, I think it's time. I was initually going to wait until she got alittle older,but I don't beleive my furniture and carpets can wait. She's now 8 mos. old.
The job search is going slow. I haven't had anymore nibbles. I wish people would hire you for your smile,character and loyalty. Oh well...
Well stay cool folks...

Monday, August 2, 2010

My blood sugars are getting back to normal now. It's gonna take probably a few more days to get down to the lower 100's for my fasting levels.
I called one of the places I had filled out an application to and they hired someone else. Thats been my luck so far.
Always hiring someone else. Jobs are sooo hard to come by right now. It's hard to imagine that I worked at UAB for almost 10/yrs. on a good income,then not working at all for now 2/yrs. I've had health problems,but my gosh!!!
My new kitty is doing better now. She's not biting or pooping on the floor anymore. She's still alittle gun shy. She hasn't learned how to cuddle yet. But she lets me pick her up and pet her.
Volunteering has let me stay active and busy. I can't just sit around the house anymore. At least I have an outlet.
I hope it cools off soon. Having anhydrosis doesn't help with the heat. I'm walking around 6am now because of the intense heat outside.