women get social

Monday, February 1, 2010

The beginning

Hello world! I'm back. I'm new at this blogging experience, so please be patient with me. My name is Allison and yes I was just diagnosed with Diabetes. It was very scarey for me in the beginning. You always hear horror stories about this. And I guess in a way, it is horrible. But once I got used to it, it's not that bad. I have found that it's a good measure to keep your weight down, because you have to be very careful with what you put in your mouth,when you eat,when you don't eat and how much you eat.So far, I haven't gained too much weight back.I was told by my doctor that there will be an initial water weight gain. Which did happen,because I have stopped peeing every 5 minutes.This is an affect of diabetes along with drinking tons of fluids. As discussed in my profile I also experienced eyesight changes. So I quess it was a blessing that my eyesight got so bad, because I would have never known that I had diabetes. If not checked and treated one could go into a diabetic coma or worse. I believe that things happen for a reason. I could be depressed about this or accept it and go on. So I've chosen to go on. I have learned alot about how my body works. I was one of those people that never thought of consequences when it came to the health of my body. I would eat when I was bored and depressed. I had lost my job due to a lay off and had really put on the pounds. But now, after being diagnosed I see that my health is the most important aspect of my life. During this month I want to take you through an averaged persons view on diabetes and the struggles I have overcome. I also want to take this moment to thank my sister who has been my rock through this. She deserves the recognition. So tune in for my journey.


  1. Rock here . . . I am very, very proud of you! BLOG ON . . . I can't wait to read what you write. And, I love you. G

  2. You go, girl!!! So happy to hear all the good news from you,and how well you're doing with all this. I'm pulling for you every day!
