women get social

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Well, the first day of spring was this week and it feels like the first day of winter. It seems that it's always like that every year. But I do have to say that the winter wasn't very cold at all.
It's almost April.
I had my nephews dog, Lucy this weekend. My nephew and my sister went to the beach for spring break this year.
The family beach trip is coming up in July and I haven't decided yet if I'm going to go this year. I would like to get away, but to a peaceful place. It's not going to be peaceful with four teenagers going on the trip. And it's always real hot in July, so I'm still considering it. Knowing me, I probably won't be going.
I'm still walking a lot for my exercise program. I walk about two miles every other day now. I was walking daily, but I've had so much trouble with my knees that I'm walking every other day now.
It's Sunday today and I'm doing my household chores. You know, washing clothes, dusting and vacuming.
Not much else to report for the day. I hope everyone has a good week next week.

Saturday, March 9, 2013


Spring is in the air. It's 70 degrees and beautiful. I wish I could take a long walk, but unfortunately I have done something to my knee and it's all swollen. So, I'm off of it for a few days.
I'm weening myself off of Nutrisystem now. Going to be getting on a full protein diet that my Dad has designed for his patients. I have about two months worth of Nutrisystem food left but after thats it's going to be all protein.
So I don't think I'll hit any hunger spells on this. I'm still walking on my program and going to the gym for weight lifting.
The gym has toned me up somewhat. I guess I've been toning up for about five months now. My membership will last until October. I don't have my own personal trainer anymore, but I've learned what to do.
There are so many good classic movies on today. I love the TCM channel. I prefer older movies to newly released movies. So I've been hunkered down today in front of the TV.
Well thats about it for me today. I hope everyone has a good weekend.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Boy, it's so pretty outside. Just a cool breeze and the sun is shining. There's this black cat that I have made friends with who lives in the complex. He followed me on my walk this afternoon. He loves to be held and petted. I thought he would be scared and run away when we came across some dogs, but he didn't. He just walked closer to me.
I just found out yesterday that I will be keeping my sisters cutie pie dog this month. Her name is Lucy and she's just the best dog. I'll have her about four days and I can't wait.
I still don't want a dog of my own. I've enjoyed not having to take care of a pet day in and day out. So keeping Lucy will be a breeze.
Today, I've been on my new exercise program for eleven days now. I walked everyday last week and so far I have walked everyday this week. I have so much more energy. I think it's not only the walking I've done but also the protein I've been eating.
And I'm sleeping better at night too.
Well thats about all for me today. Talk later...

Monday, March 4, 2013


Hi... I'm home today with a major migrane headache. I even tried to walk this morning, but I got nauseated. It's kind of hard to see the computer screen because it's so bright. So, I guess I won't be doing much until this goes away. I don't have a Rx for any medicines for headaches. So I just have to wing it.
It was so beautiful this past weekend. I figured out that I walked approximately 5 miles. I've beefed up my exercise program. I'm just having a hard time getting these extra pounds off. My counselor from NutriSystem says that a lot of it has to do with the medications I take for my diabetes.
My goal in this weight loss program is to loose enough weight that I don't have to inject insulin anymore.
Gosh, wouldn't that be nice. Basically if I loose the weight I can go into remission with the diabetes and just get by taking oral medications for it. Of course, I will always be sensitive to carbs, but it would be much more manageable.
Are you ready for this cold weather to end? I am. I'm into the spring. There's nothing like going to the park on a spring day. Taking my camera and some bread to feed the ducks. And walking around the lake. So many outdoor activities. Spring is just around the corner.
Well, I hope everyone has a good week.