women get social

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Another blog

Hey there! I know it's been awhile since I wrote. Time just gets away from me. I've been doing my spring cleaning all day. I covered my face with a bandana and swept off my pollen filled porch. That was a job within it's self.
And for the last few hours I have been exchanging my winter clothes over to summer clothes. It sounds easy, but my closet is so small I have to literally take everything out of it to get to my cedar chest where all of my clothes are stored. And Oh, I have the many boxes stacked high around the chest, that my bedroom now looks like a rummage sale.
I hate doing this, but I have too. It's just been too hot to wear long sleeves anymore.
Next, I have to dust. My hardwood floors are littered with dust balls. And if you look under my furniture, it's a disaster with dust. Oh and I can't forget to change the filter in my AC. I just turned it on this past week. I have a feeling that we are going to have a hot summer.
Oh and that pollen all over my car. The only relief I get from that is when it rains. We're not allowed to get the hose and hose down our cars in the parking lot. It's a shame too. But the management is worried about wasting too much water. It also could be because our water bills are going to increase and that means a higher association fee.
What else...
I'm still volunteering and trying to stay busy. Still on my weight program. Still exercising. So all in all everything is still the same.
I do have to say that I saw the cutest guy at the post office the other day. My "desires" in a man have changed. I'm now noticing guys with salt and pepper gray hair. If he's got kids, thats OK. Of course he has to have teeth. That's funny. It makes me think of news channels interviewing folks on TV. It always seems that the interview people with no teeth. How could people not take care of their teeth? And not brushing their teeth everyday? Yuk!!!!
What got me off on that?
Well, I better get back to my chores. Have a great weekend...

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