women get social

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Well, it's exactly 4:26am and I have been up most of the night. Up and down. I think I have the flu. I'm going to the doctor later on this morning. One minute I'm freezing cold then the next I'm sweating hot. My Dad thinks I have the flu also.
So, I decided to go on and get up for the day. And what better to do is to blog. I have been plagued with insomnia all of my life. I'll just go through little spurts where I don't sleep. I think the longest time has been 36 straight hours of no sleep. I have tried all of the remedies. But no luck. So when it hits me I just have to ride it through.
I'm not sleeping tonight because I'm sick, but most times nothing is wrong with me.
What else is going on....
I've been volunteering a lot lately. Trying to stay busy when you don't work is a chore sometimes. There's only so much you can do.
I've really gotten into painting. I do water colors and oil painting on canvas a lot. I look through magazines to get new ideas to paint. I'm also drawing with pencils. I'm not good by any means, but it's fun to dabble.
I also have been taking some moonlight pictures with my new camera. If I can just figure out how to transfer them to my computer, I would be happy. Yep, I'm one of those morons that don't know those things. I'm sure it's simple to do. I just have to figure it out.
I'm still on my Nutri System diet. It's going slow because I think I have platowed. [sp?] I can tell you one thing. It was much easier losing weight before I was a diabetic. Most of the medications I'm on makes me gain weight so it's a constant struggle.
I'm keeping in touch with my family more now. It's sad. We all live in the same city, but we usually don't keep in tough with each other or even see each other often. That was one of my New Years resolutions, to stay in contact with my family.
It's so funny, now when I call my brother he's like "uh, ok thanks for calling." That's one relationship that could improve.
I keep seeing my neighbors with new puppies. SOmetimes it makes me want to get one, but then I think of how much you would have to do to maintain that puppy.
I have enjoyed so much just coming home and not having to worry about taking care of a pet.
Now It's 4:45am and i'm still awake.
Better get a shower and eat something so I can be semi fresh for the doctor.

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