women get social

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


My cat did the funniest thing this morning. I couldn't find her and I thought for an instant she had gotten out. But then when I was looking in my dirty clothes pile, I noticed a pillow case moving. She had crawled into the pillow case and was asleep. It was sooo cute.
She's always getting into things. My other cat that died last year, never ventured into any spaces that were dark or secluded. But this cat does. She still runs from me sometimes, but in general I think she has adjusted quite well. I adopted her from a rescue center for cats. She had been abused from her previous owner and was very shy when I got her. It took her about three weeks to come out from underneath the bed and another six months or so to let me pick her up.
She now loves her belly to be rubbed,she tolerates her kisses from me and she plays constantly. That cat has more toys. She has a bad habit of chewing on things and just chewed up a new bookmark of mine yesterday. I bought her a cat bed about a month ago and thats where she sleeps most of the time. It's in the den underneath a coffee table. She brings me so much joy. I'm so glad I have her.
At first she was so hard to handle that I speculated in giving her back. But I'm glad I stuck it out. Plus, she rules the roost. I think she's happy. One of the cutest things that happen is: whenever I leave the house and come back, she's puts her little paws up on my legs for me to hold her. So, I guess she does miss me when I'm gone. I think everyone should have a pet,because they give you unconditional love. They always brighten your day too

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