women get social

Friday, June 10, 2011


I was suppose to go to Atlanta with my sister today but that was changed. So, I'm going to go to my parents house to see my Dad. Since I don't get to see him very often, I'm going to spend a couple of hours with him. As I blogged about it yesterday, he just had surgery.
My brother took him to his doctor this morning and to also go to physical therapy. I'll swing by there late this morning.
Don't you hate it when you try to reach friends and they don't call you back. I have a friend that lives and works in town. I think I have left 4 to 5 messages for her and she still doesn't return my phone calls. I know she's busy, but thats ridiculous. So, when I go to my parents house today, I'm gonna swing by her place of business and then she'll have to talk to me. I know that may sound like be pushy, but it's the principle of the matter. Plus, I've had her Birthday gift for two months now.
Well that my news. Oh and I did get my filing system done yesterday after months of putting it off.
Happy Friday!!

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