women get social

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Hey. I got home early today from volunteering and I decided to go for a walk. I walked two miles today. It only took me 48 minutes. Wow. I think thats the fastest time ever for me. I'm trying to beef up my exercise regimen. I figure that if I do this, I would be able to loose more weight. I have just six weeks to go before I see my doctor again, so I want to have lost more weight by then.
It's still raining over here, has been for the past two days. I saw on the news the other day that February has been the most wet month since 2011. I always like to walk either in the rain or right after wards because there's still a cool breeze in the air. I hate walking when it's hot outside. So in the summer months I usually walk early in the mornings.
Nothing much more is going on with me. My flowers are still alive from when my sister gave them to e last Tuesday.. And I'm still getting "belated" cards from people from my Birthday. My parents took me out shopping last Saturday. After going to three different stores, we finally found this table that looked old. I've got all of my books on it now. It was fun spending time with both of my parents. I rarely get to do that.
Well I guess that's all for me for today. I hope everyone has a good week!

Friday, February 22, 2013


Continuation from the 19th. My brother did remember my birthday. He actually called while he was out of town. That made my day. Also another surprise was my sister stopping by with her best friend. She brought me flowers and a card. It was so nice to see both of them. I heard from both my parents and all of my friends.
I ended up going to the park that day. I fed the ducks and walked around the lake. So all in all I had a wonderful birthday.
Another treat is going to be tomorrow. My parents are taking me to an antique mall. I love old furniture.
We'll walk around. Maybe I'll see something that I will like. I'm just happy because I'll be able to spend time with my parents. I don't get to do that often.
Today, I've been dusting and cleaning around the house. I don't know about you but my house is constantly dusty. It make me sneeze a lot. I think my place gets so dusty because it's small and there's not a lot of circulation going on. Plus it's by a busy street. This really makes a difference.
I feel so fulfilled. I have a wonderful family who loves me, fantastic friends and I own my own home. So my life is pretty complete. I never really realized how much I have.
Of course I live on a budget, but who doesn't.
I can honestly say that I have all that I need or even would care about having. My place is small, but it's mine. So, I guess what I have been trying to say is that I'm truely happy.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Hello. Well it's my Birthday today. I'm 48 years old. Just two years away from 50. I usually celebrate it over at my parent home, but due to my mother having surgery we're not doing it. Thats OK.
So, I will be home all day, not working. I have slept in late and i plan on being lazy all day. I might watch some movies today, who knows?
Then again I might just end up doing some much needed housework. I've already heard from some friends both yesterday and this morning. I wonder if my brother will remember it. He usually doesn't.
Nothing else to report. Have a great day!