women get social

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Looking for a job now is hard work. From checking the newspaper, to checking online it's dreary. Since the economy is struggling, jobs are hard to come by. So, my sister suggested that I look online at large companies employment listings. I'm in the process of doing so. My neighbor is trying to talk me into getting a new puppy. They got a 10/wk old beagle. I do have to admit he's pretty cute. But I think it's too soon for me to think about a new pet. I still miss Molly. I went to visit her grave last week. It just seems like yesterday that I buried her. I'm still walking and doing my weight program. I've recently gotten into the kick of eating alot of fish instead of poultry. It gives me more energy. My blood sugars have been great lately,under 120. I'm drinking plenty of water. Gotta get online. Talk later.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

It's been soo hard without my friend Molly. [cat] One of my friends had made me a scrapbook of Molly,so I'm often looking through it on a daily basis.
I got alittle sidetracked with my weight maintenance  program, so for the past two weeks I have been walking everyday. Yes, in this unbearable heat. So I try and walk real early in the morning. I have to admit also that my eating has not been perfect. I think I got so tired with eating chicken 6 x a day. So now I have been eating alot of fish and turkey. I have discovered that I like Salmon.
I had a Birthday party for one of my friends yesterday. Her favorite food is pizza, so we had pizza and cake. Thats real chocolate cake. Then I injected 30 units last night to compensate on the extra carbs I had. My blood sugar was 184 this morning. YIKES I think that is the highest level I've had since I have gotten my diabetes under control. My levels are usually running around 108 to 122. So, you can just imagine my surprise this morning. I knew it was going to be high but not that high.
My mother has a friend whose levels are always high. I can see now that they can be high if you eat like that all the time.
On the job front, I have been researching all last week online at different job sites to see what's out there. I think I'm going to concentrate on getting any job to start out with. Then progress to a higher money making job down the road. Its been awhile since I have worked,so I just need to get back into the swing of things.
I have started to volunteer again. I'm not doing it alot as I was before. At least it gets me out the house for awhile. The power is about to go off,there's a bad storm here. Talk later...

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Good morning!

Can't wait to sse what you say today . . .

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Here I am!!! Boy, it has been a long time since I blogged. So much has happened. First off, my blood sugars are doing well except for the occassional spikes. This is my fault because I have been buying "no sugar added" products, which actually make my blood sugars high. Or drinking the occassional regular coke now and then,which is loaded in sugar. But as I said before, at this time Its a learning curve. What else. I have successfully had both of my eye surgury's. About 6/wks ago,I went in to my eye doctors office complaining that my new Rx glasses weren't working well. Actually it started about 2/mos prior. So in total I got my Rx glasses changed twice. Well the third time, my doctor actually redid an eye exam and it was found that I had "significant cateracks" in both eyes. On 5/19/10 I had my first eye surgery. Then three weeks later I had my other eye done. Now I see great. I was told that it was probably due to the diabetes that these type of cateracks formed. In my right eye I have now 20/23 vision. I'll know next week what range my left eye has. Instead of Rx eye glasses, I now just wear reading glasses. Before I had my surgery's, I couldn't drive. Luckily I have a family that has plenty of patience and they drove me around for erands and eye doctor appointments. On a sad note, my cat Molly started getting real sick around 5/10/10. She had stopped eating,ran a high fever and was listless. I took her to my vet where she stayed four days in the hospital. After many tests were ran, they didn't know what was causing this illness. My vet said there was nothing more he could do for her. So, two weeks later, I took Molly to get a second opinion at my sisters vet. Here she stayed three days in the hospital with IV fluids and antibiotics. Again I was told that her illness was an unknown origin. At this point, I just brought her home. She continued to go downhill so last Saturday I had her put down. This was the hardest thing I've had to do. Even harder than this journey with diabetes. Afterwards we buried her in my parents backyard. I feel kind of empty inside. The worst is not having her at home with me. But all in all I know that I did the best thing for her.
Even though I have suffered a loss recently, I feel a sense of new awakenings. Now that I have gotten my diabetes under control and have gotten my eyes fixed, my future seems optinistic now. I can "grab the bull by it's horns" and go for it.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Where are you Allison?

We miss you. Please start BLOGGING again!