women get social

Friday, November 30, 2012


I can't believe that tomorrow will be December 1st. It's been awhile since I blogged last. I guess you get so busy with your life that blogging everyday just isn't in the cards. I had a really good doctors visit yesterday.
My A1C was 7.9. My blood pressure was 120/84. My chloresteral was 110. And as of yesterday I have lost 33 pounds. So I was happy.
Diabetes is so hard to manage. I mean you literally have to watch everything you put in your mouth. Plus worrying about how much exercise you get, sleep and your overall well being.
Just loosing that much weight is a milestone. Being on insulin makes it harder to loose weight. My goal is to loose enough weight so I don't have to inject anymore. I would love just to take oral medications.
So I figured it out. I would have to loose just about 90 pounds in order not to inject anymore. Maybe it would be less than that, I don't know.
But regardless, I'll have to loose a lot more.
I have been sleeping well so far. No more insomnia. Well at least not right now. I always seem to have periods in time where I don't sleep. It's always been like that. As far as I can remember.
So, all in all my health is OK for now.

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