women get social

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Yesterday, was my nephews birthday. He turned a whopping 17/yrs. old. I still can't believe he's that old or that he will be in the 11th. grade. It was just like it was years ago when he was a little boy. This triggered me to go through all of his pictures growing up. How dependent he was on all of us and how much of a joy he was at that age. Don't get me wrong he's still a joy to be around, he's just not a little boy anymore. It also makes you think how old you are. And I bet my sister, his mother feels the same way.
He's the only grandchild in the family, so you can just imagine how much time was dotted on him. I can remember when I was in my 20's, how I wanted five boys. Just boys, not girls for some reason. I thought for sure I'd have a lot of children because I was with a man that I had been with for years and I just knew we would get married at some point. But as people change, that never happened. Of course, I've dated on and off for the past fifteen years, but they were never like my first true love. I don't know if I have meant to compared them to that man, but that magic moment seemed to never happen again.
So, now I'm 47/yrs. old. No children, no husband. Don't get me wrong I am very happy in my life, but things sure didn't work out the way that I thought they would.
I think you just have to take life as it comes. Do the best you can, have a positive attitude and think of each day as an adventure. And if you run across an obstacle like a health problem [ my diabetes ] then you just have to live with it. Make the best of it. And not let anything run your life. Because it's up to you to make that "miracle" happen.

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