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Friday, November 11, 2011


Boy, maintaining your blood sugars is a challenge. I blogged a few days ago about going up 4 mgs. on my insulin. A week ago it was holding me, but now it seems that it isn't. The past two days I have had low bedtime readings and high morning readings. Like for an example, last night it was 114. This morning it was 131, fasting.
So, it looks like I need to go up another 2mgs. The way they do it is increase  2mgs. per four days. So for four days I stay at a certain mgs. Then if my fasting is too high, I'll go up another 2mgs. until I reach 120 for a fasting. It sounds complicated, but it's not.
The only problem to this is the more insulin you take, the more weight you'll gain. On one end I have my father not wanting me to increase my mgs. dosage and then on the other hand I have my doctor telling me to increase.
I know my father is worried about me and doesn't want me to gain anymore weight. Do I go up per my doctor or stay the same per my father who is also a doctor. So, I'm stuck.
The only reason I can think whats going on is my pancreas is not making the amount of insulin that it used to be doing. I do take a medication that is suppose to stimulate my pancreas. Maybe I just need to go up on that. Who knows?
I go see my diabetes doctor on the 17th. so maybe I'll have this solved. The one thing that has stuck in my mind is that high blood sugars can damage your organs. It's usually over a longer period of time to do this.
I guess I just have to weight it out until I get a definite answer.

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