women get social

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


You know I often wonder what goes on in a persons mind when they abuse animals. I've been tuning into animal cops this week. As I've said before on previous blogs, I think people who do abuse animals are pure evil. Example:
There was a case on the program yesterday where these two older women had placed newborn pups in the garbage. There were 13 pups in total. A neighbor of theres rescued two and called the ASPCA. Three were dead in a single bag and a total of eight were alive still in other closed bags. All of the pups died after days in the vet except for two.
Thankfully the two older women that had done this were charged with 13 felony counts of animal abuse. But if you think about it, most of the animal abuse doesn't get reported and probably thousands of animal die each year because of this ongoing problem.
I just couldn't imagine seeing animal abuse. I think if I did I would loose all control with the owner. Being a animal cop would be a hard job for me.
That makes me think of my kitten that I adopted who had been abused at 5 weeks old. Thank God I've got her now and she is living a good life.
I have volunteered with animal shelters before and it is the most gratifying thing you can do. You know you're helping animals that need attention.

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