Boy, I hope we don't get the weather we did one week ago. The news channel says snow for tonight. Hopefully it won't last long.
I was called at 6am this morning by one of the ladies I clean for. Apparently she couldn't reach her son who lives in Birmingham so she called me. She said that she had fallen and crawled to where the phone was. When I got over there she was sitting on a chair clutching her hip. I called 911 and stayed there until they got there. I left a message on her sons cell phone telling him where they were going to take her.
He called me back after about an hour and thanked me for taking care of his mom.
He did just call and said she didn't brake anything but just spranged some muscles. She's 86/yrs old. I think it's about time she is transferred to an assisted living center because she's getting pretty frail.
I'm so glad you were there. So sad to think we will all be in her spot one day. To lose independence would be a terrible thing. Remember last year when you got a taste of that with your vision and couldn't drive? One more thing to be thankful for . . . the ability to take care of ourselves!