women get social

Monday, January 31, 2011

A little kindness goes a long way

I had to go to the post office this morning to buy stamps so I could mail some bills off. There was a line of about four people with one of them having a walker. You know the ones that a person leans on and it has wheels on the bottom. This person was an elderly gentleman who looked very fragile and shakey. I was the next in line so I motioned to this man to come up in front of me to be the first in line.
After I was done, I was walking out the door and this man was waiting for me outside. He crabbed my hand and said "thank you so much and god bless you Miss." Then he turned and wheeled away around the corner.
It felt so good to help this man. But I have noticed that most people get agravated around older people.
Hopefully others will give a helping hand when it's needed.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Beautiful Sunday

It is so warm today compared to what it's been like the past few weeks. Well my friend who had her gallbladder out Thursday is doing well. The pain medication she was taking actually made her sick, so she started taking advil. She's been able to eat better in the last two days but has had a hard time sleeping. She can't sit for long though.
I've been feeling better with my cold. I think the last time I blogged I was worried that the cold medication would raise my blood pressure and sure enough it did. So, I stopped taking day quil and stayed on Chlotrimeton.
My counts and levels were good at the doctor,so good that I don't have to be back for another 6/mos. That will be the longest stretch I've gone until I see my doctor. I've had alittle problem with my imune system,so the doctor recommended a vitamin C suppliment.
I have been able to volunteer lately,so thats helped me getting out of the house. I didn't clean yesterday or Friday because I didn't want to spread my cold to the two elderly women I clean for.
But everything else is fine with me. Have a good day!!!

Friday, January 28, 2011


Boy waking up at 3am wasn't as bad as I thought it would be especially since I was awake most of the night with my cold. Yesterday I had my friend at the hospital by 4:40am. She had her gallbladder out. She's doing fine now,just adjusting to the pain meds. The surgen said that her gallbladder was real infected and enlarged so it was a good thing that he removed it.
I feel alot better this morning. I slept 11 hours last night, so I do feel better. I've got to go to see my doctor this afternoon so hopefully my blood pressure won't be up taking cold medicine. So we'll see.
I'll be cleaning tomorrow and also volunteering this weekend. I feel like I've been out of the loop for a long time.
Today is a beautiful day. Sunning and not so cold. Happy day to everyone!!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I didn't realize it had been since last Thursday when I blogged. I have been hit right on my ass with a bad cold. I started feeling real tired last Saturday then I woke up with a cold on Sunday. Since I am a diabetic I have to watch out for certain over the counter cold remedies. After talking to my nurse on Monday I needed to take something called Chloretrimeton. The only problem with this is that they don't make a non drowsey formula. So I went and got some Claritin that a pharmacist recommended that wouldn't effect my blood sugar. I took that this morning but nothing happened. When my sister called today to see if I was alright since I hadn't blogged in awhile, she told me that it would be safe for me to take the Chloretrimeton with the Claritin. So thats what I did about 4pm today. I still have a stuffy nose and sneezing,itchy eyes and cough, but I don't feel like I have a 50lbs weight on my head as i have for most of the day.
I am drinking plenty of water but having trouble of having an appetite.
I'm taking a friend to the hospital tomorrow morning at 5am for surgery, so I have packed plenty of klenex's, food and medicine. I'm sure I can lay back once I get in the waiting room. It's so funny, when I was talking to my sister today I couldn't remember when Tuesday was. Yesterday. My days seem to be running together. Hopefully in a few days I'll feel better.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Boy, I hope we don't get the weather we did one week ago. The news channel says snow for tonight. Hopefully it won't last long.
I was called at 6am this morning by one of the ladies I clean for. Apparently she couldn't reach her son who lives in Birmingham so she called me. She said that she had fallen and crawled to where the phone was. When I got over there she was sitting on a chair clutching her hip. I called 911 and stayed there until they got there. I left a message on her sons cell phone telling him where they were going to take her.
He called me back after about an hour and thanked me for taking care of his mom.
He did just call and said she didn't brake anything but just spranged some muscles. She's 86/yrs old. I think it's about time she is transferred to an assisted living center because she's getting pretty frail.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What an odd interview

Well this morning I went on a second interview with a company in town. It was like any other second interview. I was taken to a conference room where I met with the manager and two supervisors. All of them asked me questions as a team, then I spoke with the supervisors individually. The first supervisor talked about her department and the directives of the job that I was applying for. She asked me to tell her alittle about myself and how I would handle certain problems relating to the customer service department. Then the next supervisor came into the room and just sat there looking at me. She didn't say anything for a few minutes when she finally said "you don't recognize me." I looked at her and said no, have we met?
She then said that in 1999 I was her case manager at TASC. [ TASC was a legal department at UAB that dealt with defendants in the criminal justice system. I worked there for 6/yrs. ]
I didn't know what to say but "oh." She then said that I was the one who got her sent back to jail.
After that I just sat there and didn't give her a response. She then got up and left.
The manager came back in and thanked me for coming, shook my hand then I left.
I was so floored by this that I called a friend who used to work at TASC and told her what happened. She did remind me that most all of the defendents that were convicted of these crimes wouldn't take responsibilites for themselves, but in turn would blame others. so, as I drove home I thought I wouldn't have a chance in getting this job. Because who knows what this girl would tell the other staff.
I first called my sister but couldn't reach her.Then I called my mother when I got home to tell her how the interview went and of course my mother inially took the " how could this happen and I can't believe this" stance. We both agreed that it was unprofessional and unfair that this happened. I then called my dad and he had an opposite opinion that apparently this company employs those who have done wrong and gives them a second chance. He didn't see anything wrong.
So about 5:15pm the manager called and asked if I could go to their training center and take a software test tomorrow morning. So, obviously this girl did not address her dislike in me. I called my mother back and told her about the test. We both felt better about it.
So, wish me luck tomorrow!!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Good friends

You know it's so nice to have good friends. I saw my friend and her husband yesterday. This is the friend that I have spoken of before that has a rare kidney desease. She has to dialize 5 x a day and only gets out when she has a doctors appointment in Birmingham. So, I met them for lunch.
We're not blood related,but we are more like sisters. We can pick up with our conversation quickly even if we don't see each other often. She has been through so much, that everyday is a blessing to her.
I have two other friends that are going through a difficult time. One is getting a divorce and the other just broke up with someone thats she's been with for 19 years. She realized finally that there was no future in this relationship. He would always say to her that they would get married, but finally said no.
My other friend lives right upstairs from me and she has such a good soul. She's always there for me if I'm sick and need to talk. She's a very giving person.
But I think that I can truely say the my real sister is one of my best friends. It's taken years of understanding each other, but I know she's my greatest fan and I'm hers too. I think if you can call anyone a friend is a true blessing.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cold standstill

Boy it's been cold. In the teens in the morning and only at or below freezing everyday.
I haven't blogged in the past few days because my internet has been down. The phone service said that due to the freezing weather there were some lines that got water in the lines.
At least I haven't lost my power during this week. There are still counties up north of Alabama that are still closed due to the continued ice on the roads.
But we're lucky in Alabama. We didn't get nearly the storm that Atlanta did. We could have been snow and ice bound for more than a few days.
I haven't volunteered lately because the park has been closed. Since the roads in the park haven't been traveled on, it's still icey over there. I know that there has been a team of volunteers stuck there since last Sunday. At least the wildlife has been taken care of.
There's been aot of truckers complaining about the lack of road clearing in Alabama and Georgia. It makes since that in the south there are not alot of road crews clearing ice away because we simply don't see this kind of weather very often. So the states are not going to budget for this extra expense.
The kids in the neighborhood have had a blast these last couple of days with no school. But now the majority of schools are open and things are getting back to normal. I quess it's true. For a few days it's fun, but after that it's a headache.
I still think that I could live in a place that gets year round snow. I just love the snow.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Winter storm coming

Well this area is expecting 2 to 4 inches of snow this afternoon and tonight it's suppose to start icing. On the news it showed the grocery stores packed full of customers buying the usual bread, milk and soup. Since I don't have a fireplace, I will be using blankets and coats to keep warm if I loose my power. I got plenty of previsions this week so I'm set.
One thing, I woke up with an upset stomach and diaherria again. I don't have a fever. I called my dad and he said it may just be that I'm not ready to start eating normal again or it could be the amount of water I'm drinking. I've been drinking 8 24oz. cups of water a day. So, I'll drink half of that and see what happens.
A special note: Lets all pray for the people that were killed in the shooting rampage is Tucson, Arizona. And also pray for the congresswoman who was shot in the head. One blessing is that the police did catch the man responsible. It's unforunate to see that violence is still happening.
I hope all those effected by this storm fairs the weather well.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

All better

It's been a few days since I blogged. We're expecting bad weather tomorrow thru Tuesday so I thought I would go ahead and check in in case we loose our power.
I'm all better now. I had a stomach virus that lasted about six days. I went to my doctor twice to keep a close eye on my blood sugars. I also was able to go ahead and get my 3month lab work down despite being sick. I had heard from a few friends that there is a virus going around. I hope I don't get it again.
Well everyone is out and about today getting stocked up for the upcoming storm tomorrow. I went out to get my medicine and the traffic was so conjested. Thank goodness I went to the grocery store early this week. So I've got batteries,candles and food to last.
I went to volunteer yesterday and I think I wore myself out. It was my first day out since I have felt better. I just had really bad cabin fever. Well thats about all my news for now. Have a good one!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I finally went to the doctor today. I have had a stomach virus since the 1st. My doctor told me that a number of his patients have  had this. Whats important with me is my blood sugar level. It's been under 90 for four days. I've tried to eat but it just goes right thru me.
I've had to cancel cleaning and volunteering. I have really bad cabin fever. I'm still contagious so I can't be near anyone. I'm going back Friday to see my doctor, so hopefully I'll start feeling better.
My friends have been really sweet going to the store for me. Friends are great. Especially when you really need them.
It's funny my cat has given me a wide burth these last couple of days. I was reading online yesterday that cats are very sensitive to different smells and actions of their humans. She's come up to me to nuzzle my face but thats it. She usually sleeps with me, but not in the past few days.
Whats interesting is my doctor did say that diabetics  catch germs more easily than others and it also takes them longer to get over something. I believe that now.
Gotta go feed the kitty.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year blues

I didn't have a good new years day yesterday. I was sick the whole day. Running back and forth to the bathroom. I had horrible stomach cramps and got sick to my stomach what seemed to be twenty times. My blood sugar got down to 62. I couldn't hold anything in my stomach. Cold all day.
So I didn't get out of my jammies all day. It was raining outside so I didn't miss a beautiful day.
I watched the marathan of the twilight zone all day. One of my favorites.
I feel much better this morning, just alittle queezy.
So, I'm gonna try to get up and wash clothes and dust around my home. I was suppose to volunteer and clean this weekend, but I couldn't. Thats about 65.00 I won't be making this weekend.
Well gotta get my chores done. Talk later.