women get social

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year

Well it's now the last day of 2011. This is a time where we all look back at our lives and move towards the future tomorrow. What is it? New resolutions? All I want for myself is to become a happier person. This can be done by losing weight, getting more interactive with people and working on the relationships I have now.
I remember a year ago all I wanted was to quit smoking and become healthier. I still want to become healthier. Any celebrations tonight? Me, I never go out on New Years Eve because the traffic is awful and plus theres always a drunk or two on the roads. So, I celebrate at home. With what you ask? With my cat and usually a diet coke.
To all those that go out tonight, stay safe. And don't drink and drive.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Sweet Pie

For the past month or so, I've had this cat follow me when I'm walking. I've noticed it before around the property. It's a little gray cat. He's real friendly, so I know he's owned by someone in the neighborhood. Each time I see him, I just want to pick him up and carry him home with me. But my cat wouldn't appreciate that. And I know not to feed this cat because he would be a permanent fixture around my house.
But he's just so cute. You know as I've gotten older, I have become more of a cat person than dog person. I think I like them more because their so independent. And each one has their own  personalities. They let you know when they want to be held and cuddled and will also let you know when enough is enough. You don't have to lavish them with affection all the time. You feel comfortable about leaving them home for longer periods of time.
Mine, well she gets into to things if I'm not there at night. She'll poop on the bed or on the floor if I go away for more than a day. So, I guess there all different, but basically they require less attention than dogs.
My cat has been a handful at times since she came from a shelter. She had problems with biting people and scratching. I know if I hadn't adopted her she probably would have been put down. She's gotten a lot better, more trusting. But still at times she still goes for the ankles. I've talked myself into thinking that she's just trying to get my attention. Whenever she does go for me, I hold her down to the floor holding up her fur behind her neck. She seems to know that it's bad to do that, but she continues. Any ideas anyone?
But I'm still glad I have her. One cute thing she does when she's sleepy is roll on her back. I rub her belly and she loves that. So, I guess with cats you just need to give them their space and play with them at the same time.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How Blessed

You know, I think we all take for granted the things that we have. And it's not until it's pointed out to us that we feel blessed. Growing up, my sister and I weren't friends. We didn't know each other well and we didn't try. For whatever the reason, we just didn't connect.
But I can say now for the past 5 or 6 years, we have become the best of friends. I just couldn't imagine not having her in my life now. We both accept our faults and insecurities. Each time we have a moment where we do spend time with each other, our bonds continues to grow. I feel  blessed to have her as my sister.
My brother on the other hand is a tough nut to crack. But I do feel blessed to have him also. I would like to somehow develop a relationship with him. But it takes two people to do that. Maybe one day it will happen.
Of course, my bond with my parents has never been so tight. I've never thought of my parents getting old, but I was recently reminded that they are. So, I hope we will have many more years with them.  One thing that I want to work on in the new year would be to reconnect with my nephew. He's such a special individual. He's bright and a very loving person.
Of course where would we be without our friends. The ones that I have have been through thick and thin with me and I have known them for many years. I think our lives would be dull without them.
I guess the last thing that I am blessed with is my health. Even though I do have diabetes, I have been able to keep it in check most of the time. And the fact that I have awfully good doctors. I'm going to work on my self image more this coming year so I feel better about myself. You know those blues that seem to weigh you down? I seem to not want to get rid of them. So they linger around. Who can help me with that is me. I need to take better care of myself both physically and spiritually. I need to be more comfortable in my own skin. I think we all feel that way sometimes. There's always room for improvement.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Tis the Season

Boy, it's Christmas eve. It just seems to be too early this year. But I've had a good past couple of days. This week I have spent time with all of my friends and family. Last night all of the family met at this restaurant called Highlands. We all dressed up and met for my mothers birthday celebration. The food were wonderful and the wine was great. I usually don't drink alcohol, but last night I did. I did drink plenty of water too so I didn't feel any of the effects this morning.
What does your family do on Christmas? Mine, we meet in the morning for a big southern breakfast, open up gifts and spend time together. Then later in the day we go over to my sisters house to do the same. My sister is a great cook and she'll have a yummy meal waiting for us.
This is my favorite part of the holidays. All of us together.
I think this is the first time I have put up all of my Christmas decorations on Christmas eve. I took down my tree this morning and all of the trinkets around my house. I've had everything decorated since the weekend before Thanksgiving, so I was ready to pack it all up again. Plus, my cat has been driving me crazy with the Christmas tree.
One of my friends have given me cat proof ornaments of her mothers. So next year, hopefully my cat will not be able to break any while she's batting them off the tree. Last year, Butter did knock the tree down, but never played with the ornaments. I guess this year she thought they were her toys and had a ball knocking them down.
Well I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Christmas. God bless!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Sipping Tea

I had a really nice visit with my Dad yesterday. We just talked and talked drinking hot tea by the Christmas tree. Sometimes I wish Dad would retire so he would be more available to me. I know that's selfish, but I just don't get to see him a lot. So when I do it's extra special.
Mother was busy planning and preparing for a dinner party their having tonight.
I also had a good time seeing my friend too. I'm so happy for her because she's got a new boyfriend now that appreciates her and treats her well. Before she was with a guy for 19/yrs. that took her for granted.
Maybe one day it will happen to me. I just need to socialize more than I am doing right now. It's so easy to get stuck in a rut. So, next year, I'm going to concentrate in meeting new people.
I don't want to grow old by myself.
Tomorrow is going to be fun. I'm having some out of town company that will probably stay the night. So it will give us a chance to really spend quality time with each other.
I just love the holidays!!!

Monday, December 19, 2011


Today I had a busy day. After I got home this afternoon, I washed clothes, dusted, swept the floors and cleaned my kitchen. I'm getting ready for friends to come over this week for the holidays.
Tomorrow afternoon, I'll be spending time with one of my friends that I don't get to see very often. Then I'll be spending time with my father who is off on vacation this week. I'm really looking forward to that.
I don't get to see him much because he's working all the time and when he is home, he's usually really busy about town.
Also this week is my mother's birthday. So, we're all meeting at this really nice restaurant on Friday night.
It's a chance for all of us to play dress up and have a few cocktails. I just love this time of year.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Holidays

You know whats nice about the holidays? Theres always some sort of Christmas program on TV. I'm watching the Wizard of Oz right now. Last night on TCM they had Miracle on 34th. Street, The Bishops Wife and Christmas in Conneticut.
This month I've watched all of my favorites like A Christmas Carol, A Christmas Story and Scrooge.
Now when you drive around the neighborhood, most mail boxes are decorated and theres Christmas trees shining through the windows.
I can't believe Christmas is just a week away. This year has just flown by.
Another good thing about Christmas is spending time with your family and friends. It seems that everyone is in a cheerful spirit. It would be nice if Christmas was year round. That is the "feeling" of Christmas.
Each year I feel so grateful for what I have. A roof over my head,  great doctors, my friends and a wonderful family.

Friday, December 16, 2011

This was pathetic

Picture this, I'm out a Walmart this morning grocery shopping. I'm in the dairy section when all of a sudden these two men started yelling at each other, then a fight began. They were right in the beer and wine isle, knocking over several wine bottles where there was wine just flowing on the floor. They continue on even while three Walmart employees are trying to stop the fight. Then you see two police officers run past to subdue these men. It was an ugly scene. I looked around and all the children were watching in amazement. Thats not the kind of thing kids should see. But you know people. Everyone is going to stare. I got my milk then walked off to check out.
It's Christmas for goodness sake.
Then on the way home I saw someone ahead of me shoot a bird at someone else in traffic. His finger waving high outside his car window. What's gotten into to people.
I guess with the holidays, tempers run high. It's just such a shame.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


I had a nice surprise today. I got a call from some friends of mine who were in town for the day and I met them for lunch. I get to see them about once or twice a month. Of course we met at our old hang out, Cracker Barrel. I guess since it's close to Christmas, it was so busy today. We had to wait to get a table.
But it was a nice visit. And it's so hot outside today. I think it was suppose to get up in the 70's today. It sure doesn't feel like winter.
Not much more to report for the day. I hope everyone has a good weekend. Talk later...

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Party

We had our company's Christmas party today. The lemon squares I made were a hit. Everything there was made by diabetics for diabetics. I had a really good piece of cake that was made with splenda. It had a bit of an aftertaste to it, but it was still good.
The room that the party was in was decorated so nicely and it seems everyone had a good time. And we all got gift cards too. They were only for 20.00 dollars, but that was a nice thought.
When I got home today there were more ornaments on the floor, so I'm going to take all the ornaments off the tree so maybe Butter won't be so tempted to bat them off. My sister suggested that I spray her with water when she does this. I did, which helped, but she usually does this when I'm not here or asleep. So the past few nights I have closed her up in my bedroom with me at night.
Does anyone have any other ideas?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Something Funny

If you own a cat, then your much more likely to understand that they can get into things that their not suppose to. Well my cat is no different. Last year when I put up my Christmas tree she tried to climb it almost knocking it down. She's not doing that now, well not yet.
Now, she's batting the ornaments off the tree. I've been finding them on the floor,  on the coffee table and under the dining room table. I noticed yesterday that the bottom of the tree looked sparse from ornaments.
I hadn't seen any around so I didn't pay to much attention to it.
Then this afternoon I found a hook. I thought this was weird. When I started looking under the furniture I realized that there were about five different ornaments in one pile under the couch.
So, she's been collecting them and storing them in her dark corner.
Instead of getting mad, I just started laughing. So, it's back in the bedroom tonight with the door closed.
Hopefully she'll get the message, but I doubt it. She just has this "who me?" look on her face.
You can't help but cuddle and kiss her.

Monday, December 12, 2011

A Good Gift

You know we always talk about volunteering at charities or organizations designed to help those who can't help themselves. But we rarely ever think about homeless animals or animals that are neglected. A good organization that you can make a pledge to is the ASPCA. For only $18.00 dollars a month you can help those animals that need it the most. I happen to have the number #1-888-633-0777.
I've made contributions there for the past few years and it makes me feel so good because I know that the money is used to help save an animal.
Another organization is The Wildlife Rescue Service. Their located out in Oak Mountain State Park. You can either volunteer there or even send money. Of course theres local shelters that always need attention.
I know that times are hard right now for everyone, but these organizations really need your help. A dollar goes a long way.
I hope you can help.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

A Party

This coming week, I'm going to my first diabetic Christmas party. It's where I volunteer and most all of the people have diabetes. So, I went online to find recipe's to bake with splenda. I believe all of the food will be made with splenda or natural juices.
It's kind of funny that we're all diabetics and the menu will be for such. I've decided to make lemon squares. I just have to buy all of the ingredients,but I'm confident that I can swing it.
It's getting closer and closer to Christmas. Thank goodness I'm done shopping. I don't have to deal with all of that last minute shopping. People grabbing things off the shelves.
To change to subject, I watched Scrooged with Bill Murray the other night and it was hilarious. Have you ever seen it? It was on AMC, so maybe it will be shown again. And of course the old classic The Grinch was on also. As a child that was my favorite.
Well gotta to go finish my chores. I hope everyone has a good week.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Christmas Cheer

You know, I sometimes find it hard to get in the Christmas spirit. One thing that has helped me is watching holiday movies. Like A Christmas Carol or a Christmas Story. Or even Miracle of 34th. Street. I think we just get so used of our hustle and bustle lives that we loose that spirit.
Christmas is still a magical time for me as it was when I was a child. It's not about getting gifts, but giving gifts and spending time with your family and friends.
I make the mistake all the time that I have all the time in the world to do these things, but actually time flies by. Have you ever heard the expression of keeping Christmas in your heart throughout the year? Well, I think it means just that. Keep connected to those dear to you.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

A Sad Note

If any of you are die hard MASH fans, one of the actors died yesterday. The actor that played Col. Potter, died in his 90's I believe. Harry Morgan was his name. I grew up with that show and I'm still a loyal fan. Harry Morgan was also in a lot of movies in his younger days. On a special note he did fight in World War 11. And he was an avid fisherman.
Just wanted to let folks know.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Don't Forget

During the holidays it's easy to forget charities. Right now local news stations are sponsoring Toy for Tots. Applebee's have boxes in every location for this organization. Their running a special now. For one bought toy you can feed your kids for free.
Lowe's also have drop off's for these toys.
Next week, UAB is sponsoring a blood drive from Tuesday thru Saturday. So, if you have time go give blood. You just need to call UAB's main number to find out where you give.
Also, the Salvation Army and the Jimmie Hale Missions have volunteers to work in their food kitchens. Dispersing food to the homeless. I usually do this on the holidays.
So, you can get involved to make this Christmas a little cheerful for those less fortunate.
It not only makes you feel good, but it also helps those in need.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I met my friends from Jasper today for a late lunch. I feel like I haven't seen them for so long now. One of them has been so sick that she rarely gets out anymore. So, today was a special day.
These are my closest friends, that I wished they lived by me. It's always a big day of travel for them because of her health. When I think about my medical problems, they don't even measure up to my friend's troubles. Thats why I try so hard to stay healthy.
Today, I did splurge and have biscuits with my lunch. Along with a hashbrown casserole. So, I'm trying to drink plenty of water to balance that out.
Well that's about all for the day. Oh, and I hope the weather doesn't turn bad tonight. Tomorrow their forecasting snow.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Ewww... Gross

Have you ever paid attention to what people talk about on their lunch break? Well today, we were eating and one of the volunteers asked another person what kind of sore he had. He went into great detail about the color of it and how swollen with puss it was. Now keep in mind, I'm trying to eat. I had to literally get up and go to my desk to keep from throwing up my lunch.
Other topics are always about relationship problems, money problems or how the government is "screwing" with people.
It would be nice if one day everyone had something positive to say. I'm one of those who does not talk about my private life to others as a topic of conversation. I just wonder what gets into peoples mind's sometimes.
Maybe those few just don't have anything interesting to say. Who knows?
I think it would be good if the conversation was limited to the office politics.
What do you think?

Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Nice Visit

I spent the day and evening with my parents. I went to their house to help them put together their Christmas trees and then decorated them. My brother stopped by for a few minutes and it was nice seeing him as well. Then we ate homemade chicken soup with homemade biscutts. I was stuffed. Of course I ate practically all day when I was there. So, I'm sure my blood sugar will be higher in the morning.
It's just so refreshing to spend time with the both of them. It kind of reminds me when I was younger. My Dad is busy all the time working, so it was great seeing him.
My mother is probably one of the best cooks along with my sister. Me on the other hand needs a little work. I guess if I had someone else to cook for, I would be better. Don't get me wrong, I can follow a cookbook. I just don't have the nerve half the time. I'm always worried I'll screw it up. But I do try sometimes.
Anyway, I just had a really good day.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

People are Strange

I was out walking this morning and I practically run into this jogger. Or he ran into me. There is this jogging trail near where I live and I just happened to be walking on it. He stopped running and told me that I needed to be walking somewhere else. That this was for runners only.
I just looked at him then went on my way. Can you believe he did that?
I've seen people walk on this trail before. So what's the big deal? That just goes to show you that there are some weird people out there. And not happy ones to boot.

Friday, December 2, 2011


You know, Fridays are my lazy days. I sleep in, when I can and pretty much hang out at home. It's the only day besides Sundays where I have time for myself. I can't believe it's already December. Doesn't it feel like this whole year has just flown by?
Christmas is just in a few weeks, then it will be another year. We all have New Year resolutions. Mine, for the past two years is to stay as healthy as I can. Of course I splurge every now and then on snacks, but generally I stick to a routine.
I would like to get in better physical shape than I am now. I'm thinking about joining a Rec. center near where I live. Since I live in this city, I'll get a 40% discount on membership. That adds up.
Another resolution would be to broaden my relationships. Branch out to meet new people. I've
 sort of been stuck in this little bubble for so long now it's become a habit. I'm a shy person, so I hope that I'll become less shy.
Finally I'd like to stay in better contact with my family. I'm trying to get into the habit of calling my family at least once or twice every few weeks. We all live in the same town and I guess we all get so busy in our daily lives that we loose sight of each other. I bet that's true for a lot of people.
Hopefully I'll stick to my resolutions. I'm sure I can.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


You know there is rarely a time when I see a program on TV that I really like everything their showing. Last night I watched the Alabama Public Television station. They were running a Bluegrass Festival.  One of my favorite Bluegrass artists is Allison Krauss. They also showed this new soloist named
Jackie Evancho. She's ten years old and sings anywhere from Opera to romantic ballads. She sounds like an adult.
My music likes range from country to Bluegrass to opera and celtic. APTV usually has a variety of music they showcase for fundraisers. Or they simply have these artists on for a concert. I'm never disappointed with the entertainment on this channel.
I don't know all of the names of these artists, but I recognize the tunes when they are played. Have you ever noticed that music relaxes you? Well it does me.
I slept like a baby last night.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Picture this, I'm sound asleep last night and all of a sudden, my cat jumps on my pillow scratching me on my head. It's in my hairline so you can't see the scratch. Boy, I shot out of bed, cat flying in the air. I look at the clock and it's 2am.
Well you know me, if I'm awoken during the night, I don't get back to sleep. So, I ended up staying up til me alarm goes off at 6:30am. Then I piddle around, late for my day. Late to the bank this morning on an errand, then late to volunteering.
So, I feel that my day has just been a blur. I get home and there are three hairballs on my bed, two on the floor and my cat has scratched up the toilet paper.
I don't know whats gotten into her today. Maybe she's gotten a lot of energy . Who knows?
It's time for my day to unwind and slow down. Hopefully my night will become uneventful. I hope so because I need some sleep.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Boy, it's cold

It is just downright cold and wet outside today. The news said we were suppose to get a "trace" of snow, but I never saw any. Snow reminds me of Christmas. It's so pretty to see snow on Christmas trees. But it is kind of good that it didn't snow because there are no headaches with the roads icing over.
I completely forgot to blog yesterday. I got home, wet all over from not having an umbrella with me. Stripped down, got into my sweats and warm socks, then curled up on the couch for the remainder of the day.
Tomorrow it's suppose to be sunny but still chilly. I made some soup the other day and have been enjoying since then. It's vegetable soup. I got the low sodium chicken broth, put in tomatoes,celery,peas and corn. It turned out pretty well. I also bought some fresh broccoli. I steamed this the other night and it makes a good side dish with the soup.
Hopefully the market will have some fresh shrimp. I have found that shrimp goes well with soup. Heck, I might even put the shrimp in the soup. Can't hurt.
My glasses are falling down all the time, since they are broken. I'm too cheep to buy new ones. I just tape these together. I wear a different pair in front of others. I don't want to look like a nerd with taped up glasses.
I may see my friends from Jasper Thursday afternoon. We have had two plans to meet that have fallen through. So, hopefully I'll get to see them.
Thats about all my news.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Rainy Sunday

Boy, on a day like this people usually nap all day. I know I could. It's dark outside and you can hear a gentle rain outside. I need to get up, get dressed and go to Walmart to grocery shop. But no, I'm still in my jammies, warm socks and haven't made any effort to get out of bed.
Plus, Sunday's are a day at rest, so they say. Anyway, I think I'll stay lazy today. I may not even get dressed today.
Oh, Alabama won yesterday at the Iron bowl. I kind of figured that they would. Auburn just isn't the team they were last year. But I'm sure they'll make a comeback next season.
I didn't hear any screaming Alabama fans yesterday. My neighborhood is filled with them.
Well, that's about all my news for the day. I hope everyone has a good Monday tomorrow.

Saturday, November 26, 2011


I hope everyones tummy was full from Thanksgiving goodies. I was sick all day yesterday to my stomach. I think it was a combination of all the food I had eaten. Then I woke up this morning with really low blood sugar and a head cold. So I took some glucose tablets and ate some peanut butter and my blood sugar got better.
The big game is today, the Iron bowl. I wonder who will win. Auburn or Alabama. My neighbors have their patio all decorated with Alabama flags and banners. Their not suppose to do that, but who cares?
Most neighbors around my block are all Alabama fans anyway.
I think I'll root for the underdog, Auburn.

Friday, November 25, 2011

A Gathering

Did you have a good Thanksgiving? I did. It was so nice to see everyone. While everyone is talking and laughing, I'm usually the one who is very quiet. It bothers me sometimes, but I've become a great listener throughout the years.
My mother always goes all out with the food. I don't think I will ever be such a good cook as she is. She's been doing it for a long time, but I still don't think I can ever prepare meals like she does. I splurged last night by eating pumpkin pie. That is one of my favorite kinds of pie.
I paid for it with my blood sugar readings this morning. It was close to 200. I just have to drink plenty of water today.
I'm going to be able to see my friends from Jasper today.
Thats whats so good about holidays. Everyone seems to enjoy each others company more. And of course the big game is tomorrow. The Iron bowl between rivals, Auburn and Alabama.
Auburn seems to have a more weaker team this year than Alabama. So, we'll see who wins.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


I wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving. I'm looking forward to seeing some extended family members today along with the regulars. At my parents house, there's always lots of homemade foods, drinks and cheer to go around. I've been saving up my calaries so I can enjoy all the food.
TCM has been running family favorites today like the Music Man, The Secret Garden etc.. I think I already missed the Thanksgiving Day parade. I always forget about that.
Anyway, have a happy day everyone.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Hearing from Friends

You know it's so nice to hear from friends during the holidays.  I have those friends that are one in a million. I feel so blessed to have them in my life. We've all grown up together and even though I may not see them very often, it's as if no time has passed at all.
I will tell you something funny. I went out last night to put some stuff in the trunk of my car and there was this animal just a few feet away. Well I start calling kitty, kitty. As it got closer, I realized that it was a raccuun. I could have tried to pet that thing. Thank goodness I didn't because I probably would have been bit or something. These types of animals hang around the grounds by my home because my neighbors leave food out on the lawn for them.
I'm gonna have to tell my neighbors to stop doing that. It probably won't help, because my neighbors also leave their trash out on their patio at night when the trash bend is just a few feet away from their front door. Maybe I can get the management to get involved so I won't be the one asking them to stop. Yea, I think thats a plan.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Severe Weather

My volunteering job closed early today due to the oncoming weather. I heard that schools are also closing early too. I think people are overreacting to this threat of severe storms. I think that they are all afraid because of the April 27th. storms of this year. I agree that we all need to be prepared for the weather, but I also think that people can be too prepared.
Watch the weather get really bad, I hope not.
Anyway, I'm off from volunteering until next Monday. It was going to be closed tomorrow, Thursday and Friday. Even though I'm not being paid, I feel that the time I spend there is worthwhile. I really enjoy it. Plus it gets me out of the house.
I wonder if this Friday or should I say black Friday will be super crowded all over. I'm glad I got all of my running around for Christmas done around Halloween. My Christmas is not going to be big, but I hope the gift cards that I did purchase will be fun for the family.
Thats about all my news for the day. Stay safe!!

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Tree

Last night I decided to put up my Christmas tree. This is early for me because I usually do it the day after Thanksgiving. It's so funny because I have to kitty proof it. Last year my cat climbed up the tree and actually knocked it down. She would also play with the ornaments, batting them to the floor. So, I had to hang some of the ornaments that she goes for higher.
Well that didn't stop her. I heard crash after crash of ornaments hitting the floor last night. I finally had to close her into the bedroom last night. So, we'll see if that does the trick every night. After pawing on the door for awhile, she finally settled down.
I also put small trees in the dining room and bathroom. All is festive at my house now.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Things you like

When I was walking this morning, I thought about places that I'd like to go. I've always had a fascination with castles. I tried to find a book about Scotland's castles, but I couldn't find one. Especially Edinburg's castles. There is a castle in I think South Carolina called the Biltmore. I've seen pictures of it in magazines.
I think the idea of a castle is so romantic. And it's rich in history.
Closer to home, there's nothing like having your first cup of coffee in the morning.And having a hot shower. In the summer, I like to feel the warm sun on my face. If you live on a beach, waking up to the sound of the ocean. I haven't been to a beach in a long time, but I remember the sound of the waves hitting the shore.
I also like Christmas tree shopping. Finding that one special tree to decorate. Each year I help decorate my parents tree. It's turned into a tradition for me.
One of these days, I'd like to be somewhere where there's snow on the ground and take a sleigh ride. I like the snow. If I were rich, I would probably have a cabin in Gatlinburg and a beach house in Florida. That way you get the best of both worlds.
But I am thankful that I have a roof over my head, plenty to eat, good doctors, great friends and a wonderful family.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


Ok, Ok. It was 2am and all of a sudden I heard someone yelling. I get up and looked out the window and my hillbillie neighbors are out on the front lawn yelling at each other. Things are being thrown out in the yard. Usually I would have gotten dressed and walked over there to ask them to quiet down, but I didn't want to get in the middle of things.
Just as I was about to call the police, they pull up in the parking lot. Obviously someone else called the police. I continue watching and the police were there for a good 1/2 hour.
Then I don't hear anything. The police left and I tried to go back to sleep. It's now 3:45am and I am still awake.
These people may be nice, but they are way to loud all the time. I think their both half deaf with the way they talk to one another. And their poor dog must be up all the time. I know I would.
I guess sleep is not in the cards for me today. Maybe I'll drift back off in a couple of hours.
I think it's about time that I notify the management of the noise that is constantly being heard next door.
Somethings gotta give.
If it's not the noise next door, it's all the cigarette butts all over the ground. Or the beer cans left all over their patio. I wish these owners of these condos would screen people better before they rent their condos out. The guy that lived there before them, would blast his stereo up at these hours of the day. So, as long as I've owned my condo, there has been noise over there.
We'll see if I go back to sleep, very doubtful...

Friday, November 18, 2011


Well I've been up since 5"30am this morning. I had a good sleep though. I have a real big treat today. I'm going over to my sisters house today. We hardly ever get to spend "quality" time together. She's super busy with her job.
It's only 9:00am and I've already been for my walk today. I've fed and cleaned after my cat. Done all my chores, so I've got the rest of the day to enjoy myself.
We got a notice from the management on our doors yesterday telling what the rules are. On one of those it said no banners or flags allowed. I wonder if my hillbillie neighbors will abide by that. Their the ones that I have blogged about before that go to the extreme in decorating their patio with Alabama stuff. It would be nice if they didn't do that anymore because it kind of junks up the area. From the street it looks awful.
So we'll have to see.
Well, I hope everyone has a good Friday.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Doctor day

I went to see my diabetes doctor this morning for two hours. Yes, two hours. My nurse got there late this morning. After I had been there for 45 mins. Anyway, I had good reports and bad reports. First the good: my blood pressure was good and the last two weeks of blood sugars were good. My chloresteral was great at 115.
The Bad: My A1c level was still high at 9. It had gone down from four months ago, but it was still high. He told me that my body is making more sugar, so that means my pancreas is making less insulin. So, he put me on some additional medication. My vitamin D levels were low. Mine is at 13, but the normal is around 50 to 75. I'll have to start taking this Rx'd vitamin D now once a week.
I gained 1 pound of weight from last time which was a surprise to me because I had really been watching what I eat and exercising. Even though I felt like I had lost weight. I probably did, but for the past month I have been increasing my insulin intake and I have probably gained back what I lost from that. The more insulin you take the more weight you gain. So, it's hard.
When you are a diabetic, you will have foot problems. Sometimes your toes will turn blue. The reasoning behind this is that your feet are the farthest from your heart. There will be a lack of blood flow and circulation which causes the foot problems. So, far I've been lucky. Just experiencing numbness.
All in all, it was an OK appointment. Plus, I can't expect to have all A's when I go to the doctor. Who does?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Joke's on Me...

I had something funny happen to me today. Well some may think it's funny, while others would dread it. I was sitting at my desk and all of a sudden I was having bad gas pains. I just knew that if I got up I would pass gas. So I stayed seated until they passed.
It reminded me of a time I worked in criminal court a few years back. Picture this...
I'm sitting at the table you know where the defense attorneys and DA's sit and clients. Well, for no apparent reason I passed this loud fart when I got up to go to the podium where the judge sits. I could feel my face getting hot because I was mortified. I did my thing with the judge and slowing walked back over to the table. When I sat down, the probation officer that was sitting next to me says "damn girl.." He starts laughing and I start laughing. I told him to please excuse me. I then said that it was so bad, it followed me up to the judge [the smell]. I looked across at the other end of the table and the DA was snickering. So, that day will live on in my memory as my most embarrassing moment.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


It was nice to be back at my volunteering place. I like hanging around the house, but this lets me get out of the house and makes me feel like I'm doing something to help others. It's been raining all day so far, so a walk is not possible today. It's been so warm these past couple of days . I'm hoping that it turns cold and stays cold for awhile.
I have been sleeping fine for about a week now. Don't know why, but I'm not objecting.
I saw as I was leaving this morning, that my hillbillie neighbors left large pieces of bread out in their front lawn. I guess their trying to feed all the rodents in the neighborhood again.
Their always feeding some sort of animal. No wonder my birdhouse is always raided, because all the bird feed is gone most nights.
I've asked them before about that and their answer is always, "we used to live out in the country."

Monday, November 14, 2011


Well I start back at my volunteering place again tomorrow. Thank goodness their opening again because I really like being there. I'm meeting my friends from Jasper, Al. today. She's in town to see her doctors.
We usually meet at Cracker Barrel. Have lunch then visit for a little while. The last time they came into town, we got to visit for a couple of hours, which was nice.
I'm going to have to drive up there sometime. I used to go every few months or so, but now I don't. I don't like making that drive. It's a little over an hour to get there.
I can't believe that Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Then before you know it Christmas will be here. Thank goodness I have already taken care of my gifts. I hate running through town at the last minute to buy gifts. I like it all done so I can decorate my tree, wrap my gifts ahead of time.
Well, I'm off. Hope everyone has a good week.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

What a Sight

Have you ever seen those pictures of Walmart customers? I believe it went viral a couple of years ago, where every so often you'd get an email of these pictures of how Walmart customers would be dressed. Well this morning while I was at Walmart buying groceries I saw two of the most outragious people.
One was of this woman who was wearing see through white pants. She had on smily faced underwear that you could see under her pants. I can't believe she would go anywhere in that.
Another one was of this man who had these really short shorts on that had his bottom sicking out and he was wearing this sweater. He had knee socks on with high tops.
You wonder what goes through these peoples minds. It's like you don't want to stare,but you can't help but notice. While this guy was walking around by the milk section, every person who was in the area was starring at him. Did he dress like that to get attention?
And I wonder if the woman who had on the smily faced underwear really knew that you could see through her pants. 
And I was worried that I would look too bummed out in my sweat pants and sweat shirt.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

This is....

This morning I woke up with a bad cold. Even though I didn't feel good, I went for my walk. About a block away from my house, this dog came up to me charging. His tail was up and I could see his fangs. He just kept charging at  me. His owner was across the street yelling for him. What I couldn't believe was that his owner didn't rush over to grab him.
I finally yelled back at the owner to come get his dog. He finally came. He apologized for his dog and then began dragging him away from me.
What gets me is that all dogs are suppose to be on a leash and not just roaming around. Who knows what this dog could have done if his owner wasn't around.

Friday, November 11, 2011


Boy, maintaining your blood sugars is a challenge. I blogged a few days ago about going up 4 mgs. on my insulin. A week ago it was holding me, but now it seems that it isn't. The past two days I have had low bedtime readings and high morning readings. Like for an example, last night it was 114. This morning it was 131, fasting.
So, it looks like I need to go up another 2mgs. The way they do it is increase  2mgs. per four days. So for four days I stay at a certain mgs. Then if my fasting is too high, I'll go up another 2mgs. until I reach 120 for a fasting. It sounds complicated, but it's not.
The only problem to this is the more insulin you take, the more weight you'll gain. On one end I have my father not wanting me to increase my mgs. dosage and then on the other hand I have my doctor telling me to increase.
I know my father is worried about me and doesn't want me to gain anymore weight. Do I go up per my doctor or stay the same per my father who is also a doctor. So, I'm stuck.
The only reason I can think whats going on is my pancreas is not making the amount of insulin that it used to be doing. I do take a medication that is suppose to stimulate my pancreas. Maybe I just need to go up on that. Who knows?
I go see my diabetes doctor on the 17th. so maybe I'll have this solved. The one thing that has stuck in my mind is that high blood sugars can damage your organs. It's usually over a longer period of time to do this.
I guess I just have to weight it out until I get a definite answer.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


When I was at my parents house this morning, I got all of my winter clothes. They store my clothing over there because I don't have enough space to do it a home.
Anyway, my mother and I went through some yarn of Grandma's. We're giving it to a friend of mine who crochets blankets herself and she also belong to the Linus Project. The Lius Project makes blankets for infants, children and adults affected by disasters.
When we opened a bag we found a blanket that my Grandma has been sewing while she was at the nursing home. It was unfinished, but beautiful. I just wrapped it in my arms and it felt like I was wrapping my Grandma in my arms. There were also unfinished napkins and saucers that she had crocheted.
I'm gonna use some of the saucers as Christmas ornaments on my tree. So, I can say I have something of Grandmas. I miss her terribly.
It's hard to look at these things that she made without feeling a sense of sadness. But how special they are.. I remember her hands. They were always so soft. I think I'll put her pictures out at Christmas time so she will be remembered. She always wore this green sweater around Christmas. And the pins she had on were always festive. I wish I could find those pins. If I did, I would wear them with pride.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Well I just got home. Something weird happened where I volunteer. About 10am, the volunteer coordinator came through my section and told everyone that they were closing up shop today and that we needed to go home. When we asked what was going on, she just said that "they" will call us when they needed us again.
That's bizarre. One of the volunteers said to me in the parking lot that this happened another time. And she was told by another volunteer that they were late on the rent at that time. So, I don't know.
I do know that they work on donations worldwide.
I've just never seen that happen before whether it was a place I was working at or volunteering at.
Maybe that's why they function off of volunteers, because there is a lack of money flow.
In any case, I guess I'll have to find a new place to volunteer. Or go back to where I was before I signed on for this.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Well I didn't know if it was going to rain today or be a sunny day. After I got done today, I came home and there was dog poop on my patio. Obviously someone is not taking their dog out on a leash to go to the bathroom. I see one dog in the next breezeway that is never on a leash. And of course, there's cats that roam freely over here that aren't suppose to.
That's what gets me. Why on earth do people not follow the rules. Each time a person moves here, their given a list of the bi-laws. I hate to say this, but most of the rule breaking is done by renters. They just come and go out of here all the time. It's the responsibility of the owners to keep their renters in check. But most owners don't give a damn. They just want their money. They could care less if someone is not following the rules.
Take my neighbors. Their nice people and all, but they tether their dog from their patio, which is not allowed. In the next building theres a couch on someones deck, which is not allowed. In the summer, people put the towels on the railings, which is not allowed. And the list goes on.
Some of you might think that I am being nick picky, but this condo complex has really gone to trash in the last few years. I remember that was one of the perks when I bought my place, because everything was neat and well kept. The rules were being enforced by the board. And any violators were being fined if they broke the rules. Now, this new board [ members are elected every year] just are not doing their jobs. Doesn't it look better for the neighborhood if there's not trash in the yard?
So, there are perks to live in a condo. No yards you have to cut. No painting outside your home. No roof to replace, etc...
But when you have those that live in your community that don't give a flip of the cleanliness of the property, then there's trouble.

Monday, November 7, 2011


My blood sugars have been right on target this past week. I went up 4mgs. of insulin because my blood sugars were a little high. I also have been really strict with what I eat and it's funny that I'm not as hungry anymore. Of course, I'm walking everyday but Sundays. So, I think I can say that I have been feeling really good for awhile now.
I just love these cold mornings. It always wakes me up in the morning walking to my car. I slept really well last night. It's a hit or miss with me with the sleeping as you can quite imagine by now.
There's nothing much more going on with me today.
I think I'll sit back and watch an old movie.
Butter as always is sleeping in my bed under the covers. What a life to be able to sleep, eat and sleep again with no cares in the world. Boy, she really has the life. She gets at least one new toy every few weeks and gets to play when I get home.
Although she is short tempered, she's been a really good cat. If I can just calm her down with the scratching and nibbling at my ankles it would be a lot better.
I bought her a scratch pad to help my furniture out, but she still goes for one chair in my living room. And I've learned to cover my bedspread with an old blanket so she won't tear it up. She's just too old to get declawed now. It's better to do that when their under a year old. She'll be two in December.
I catch myself thinking of my other cat that I had to get put down. I miss her all the time. She was my first cat I had ever owned and she was a good one. Sweet and well tempered. Even though this cat is a little hellion, she still likes her belly rubbed when she's sleepy.
I will tell you something funny. About two weeks ago I was taking a bath and Butter kept walking back and forth on the rim of the tub. I told her that she was going to fall in and wouldn't you know, she fell in. I have never seen a cat jump so high.
Since then, she won't come near the tub.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Well another night has passed and I'm not sleeping again. This comes in waves. And I didn't even realize that daylight savings time ended today. So, I've had to set all of my clocks and watch back an hour.
Even though it's still dark outside, I bundled up and went out on my patio and had my coffee. I like it at this hour because everything is so quiet and still.
I wonder sometimes about going outside when it's this early because of the crime rate where I live. But I feel safe in my little community.
Oh and yes, my neighbors had all of those stuffed animals out on their patio with little Alabama shirts on. I blogged about that several weeks ago.
They'll keep them out in view for a few days, although the complex management says that all banner and football decorations must be withdrawn the next day.
I have walked through the complex on game day and their are the only ones that have a huge Alabama banner and stuffed animals out. I sometimes feel like I'm back in college with all of this hoopla.
I wonder who won the game yesterday, Alabama or LSU.
Or if Florida won yesterday too. Who knows?

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Quality Time

My Dad is off today, so I went to my parents house and spent some time with him. We watched the Florida and Vanderbuilt  game. When I left Florida was in the lead. My dad went to the University of Florida so he's a huge fan of the Gators.
We're also big Auburn fans as well. Except for my brother who is a Alabama fan. I know whenever there's a big game, they usually get together to watch it. I'm usually not watching football, but on occasion
I do watch a game every now and then.
Bama plays LSU today. If I were watching that game I would yell for LSU. I remember one day about 15/yrs. ago I went to a Bama and LSU game. It was wild. Of course I was sitting with Bama fans.
Ohhhh... I just baked some lemon pepper chicken. I think I'll go and have me some. More later.

Friday, November 4, 2011

A Face Too Familiar

When I was at the grocery store this morning I saw an elderly lady who had the same face as my grandmother. I kept running into her on each isle. I finally said to her that she has brought back a good memory for me. I told her that she resembled my grandmother. She said that she has people all the time saying to her that she looks like someone they know.
My grandmother has been dead since December of 2006. For the life of me, I haven't been able to remember what she looked like until now. Sure I have pictures of her, but their all packed away. Before I bought my condo, I used to live by her. I can remember going to her apartment, drinking tea and hearing stories of her youth. I really miss her sometimes.
I haven't been back to where her ashes are, but I'm going to make a point to do that very soon.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Good Visit

I met my friends from Jasper, Al. this afternoon for a late lunch then they followed me back home. I get to see them about twice a month because one of them comes to Birmingham to see her doctors then.
Anyway her husband bought me two dwarf boxwood shrubs and mulch.
In my garden I have a japanese maple and a bird feeder under the tree. Then to the right I have a alberta spruce planted in a large pot. On each side of spruce is where he planted the boxwoods. Then put down that fresh mulch in the bed of the garden. It looks so pretty now. I also have two planter boxes hanging up from the boxwoods on the patio railing.
That mulch makes it look so clean and organized.
My garden is all set for winter now. It's nice to sit on the couch and look over my garden while watching the birds feed. I have a pair of cardinals that feed there and a pair of blue jays. I think there are a few finches there too.
Well it's been a full day again and I'm ready to relax with a good book.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


When I got done today, I came home and took a long walk. About a 1/2 mile down the street there's a lake. I walked down there and fed the ducks. You would think with this cooler weather, the ducks would have flown somewhere warmer, but their still there. Their all fat, so I can just assume that a lot of people feed them.
This is a really nice spot. There's a pavilion in the middle of the lake. I think this is a man made lake because it's small. I wonder if there's any fish in the water. There's also a dirt track that encircles the lake.
In total I think I walked 3 miles today.
Tomorrow I go to get my labs done at my diabetes doctor. I've had a little trouble with my blood sugars lately. I think what has happened is that my pancreas is not making the amount of insulin that it was. I take medication to stimulate the pancreas to make insulin. The reason why I think this is because I get plenty of fluids a day and I watch what I eat and don't eat past 6pm. So, we'll see what they say.
Otherwise, everything else is fine.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Yesterday, when I got done with my day I went to three different stores and purchased gift cards for everyone for Christmas. I wanted to go ahead and get that done. I'm doing gift cards because it's cheap and everyone would be able to get what they want instead of me buying something that they might not want or need.
I know it's kind of early to be thinking about Christmas gifts, but I just wanted to have that done. I had some cash saved from last year when I cleaned homes.
My computer was on the blink this weekend. The server at at-t was down again and I think my modem is starting to malfunction. This is the second modem I have and I was told by at-t that they only last a year or so. So, of course it always seems to happen after the first six months that I have one. During the first six months, at-t will replace them for free. So, thats another $70 dollars that I have to invest in one.
Last night my red neck neighbors had scary music on outside on their patio until late in the evening for Halloween. Unfortunately they had to learn the hard way that we don't get trick or treaters here at all. I did tell them, but I guess they were hoping we would.
They threw candy corn out on the grass sometime last night. I saw it this morning when I was drinking my coffee out on my patio. I wonder what kind of animal they think is going to eat candy corn.
Thats a new one for me.
Well thats about all my news for the day. Have a good week everyone!

Monday, October 31, 2011


SPOOKY!!!!! You know I have fond memories of Halloween. My dad would take my sister, brother and I out to trick or treat. Then we would have to give up our candy, so that mother and dad could "inspect" it. I remember my favorite costume was either a ghost or a witch. There was this lady in our neighborhood, that would dress up like a witch to give out candy. There would be spooky music going on at her house. Then there was the neighborhood dentist that gave out tooth brushes and tooth paste. His house would be rolled every year.
Here where I live, I haven't had any trick or treaters at my door. There's a residential neighborhood down the street, so I guess they all go there. I miss my nephew being little. I went with my dad once when he took my nephew out. I think he was spider man. No, he had spider man pajamas and went out in those to trick or treat.
You remember the old theme "trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat." I catch myself saying that every Halloween.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

A Sound

Picture this. It's 2:20am this morning. I woke up because I heard a noise. I realized that my neighbor next to me, the one that share a wall in the bedroom was banging something against the wall. I concluded that he was hammering. I couldn't believe it. At 2:20am.
So, I grabbed a shoe and started hitting it on the wall. Finally the hammering stopped.
What gets into peoples minds. Hammering on a wall that early in the morning.
Unfortunately for him, I saw him this morning when I was out drinking my coffee on the patio. He shouted to me a "sorry."
Thats the down fall in living in a condo complex, you hear everything.
I wonder if he woke up anyone else.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Feeling Better

Since I went up on my insulin, I think I am feeling a little bit better. When your blood sugar is high you feel fatigued. I think though I may go up another 2 mgs. to get my levels below 150. Right now their in the 160's range. That is my fasting blood sugars. When you think about it, that sounds high. But for diabetes the normal range is between 120 to 150. For those folks who are not diabetics the normal range is between 85 and 100.
To change the subject, I didn't go Christmas shopping like I normally do the last week of October. I think though I have decided to get everyone gift cards so they can shop for what they want instead of me buying something they may not like or need. Oh, it's not going to be a lot, maybe $20 dollars per card. We don't normally do stockings with my family, but maybe I can get something little to add to that.
I like to go shopping early. One reason is to beat the rush. Another reason is there are great sales this time of year. Since I'm getting gift cards that won't matter.
Not much more to report today. Just laying around the house.
It's a beautiful day today, so maybe I'll take a walk a little later.

Friday, October 28, 2011

A New Insight

Well I talked to my doctor yesterday and was told that I needed to go up on my insulin amount. My blood sugars have been high in the mornings. So I'm suppose to increase it 2 mgs. every four days until my blood sugars are below 150. Last night I injected the new amount and it went down from 177 in the evening to 160 this morning. This is the first time in a week that my blood sugar didn't increase higher than my bedtime blood sugar.
It's very simple to increase the amount on insulin. The injector is pre- filled with insulin. All you do is dial up the amount of insulin in mgs. that you want, attach a new needle to the injector, push a button and the insulin is injected into the stomach.
I used to be so scared of needles, but now I have gotten used to it. It only took about two years to get used to it. Sometimes it hurts to put the needle in my stomach, but most of the time it doesn't. I learned a trick. Instead of pushing the needle in quickly, I slowly push the needle in and I can barely feel it.
Occasionally I do hit a blood vessel which hurts. My stomach looks like a patchwork quilt sometimes. I get bruises where I inject.
Some people inject on their arms and legs, but I have found it hurts less in the stomach. If I think about it, pricking my fingers three times a day hurts more than injecting. I have places on my fingers that are tough because I have pricked there many times.
So all in all, injecting and pricking my fingers several times a day isn't that bad. You get used to it.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


I've been having the same trouble with my blood sugar for a week now. It's low before I go to bed and high in the morning. I've doubled checked my medication dosage with the pharmacy, checked my insulin injector, made sure that I am well hydrated, etc...
But nothing seems to be causing this unless the insulin I inject is not holding me. So, I'll call my doctors office today to find out if I need to inject more or later in the evening. It's been a mystery since it's been happening.
I may seem that I am over reacting, but high blood sugar levels are dangerous to your organs. Thats why it is so important to make sure your fasting blood sugars are in check.
I have noticed that I am more tired than I usually am and I have had stomach pains for a week.
It just may be something that I can easily correct, but we'll see.
This is just another example of the trials that you live with when having diabetes.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


You know once this month I would like to come home and watch a good movie on TV. Since this is October/Halloween, all of the stations have gory movies on. I just don't see how blood and guts could be entertaining to anyone.
Now, the best scary movies are the vintage movies. The one's that have a good story line and mystery to them. So, I'm stuck watching TCM now.
Of course when I come home I always take my walks. And I fiddle with chores outside. This is the best time to be outside right now. I think I may even go to the park this week or weekend. I wish year round it would be in the 70's. Like it is in London, except for the rain.
But being home is nice after a long day. My cat is happy to see me and I can be as lazy as I want to be.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Well I was up early this morning again. I know that I have blogged and blogged about this before, but I just wish that I could sleep a full 8/hrs. a night. I have always been one of those that will sleep 3 to 4 hours a night no matter what time I go to bed.
Believe me I have tried everything. I was even on a Rx sleep aid at one time and I still had my old sleeping pattern. I can remember when I was in grade school, I would just lay in my bed until I went down for breakfast.
You would think that I would be a night person, being able to stay up til early in the morning, but I usually hit the sack around 11:00pm. and up at 1am or 3am.
So those of you who can sleep well, be grateful. Because there are those that don't sleep well. I'm not knocking it, I just have become so used to it.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Needing a New Place

You know when I  bought my condo I thought, "man I finally made it, I'm a home owner." Well, being a home owner is great, but sacrificing space is not. I have only one closet in my condo, so most of my clothes, shoes and nicknacks are stored at my parents house. I remember giving away a lot of furniture, lamps and clothing when I bought my place. Sometimes I wish I could move to a big apartment sometimes, but unfortunately I owe to much on my place than it will appraise for.
So, I'm stuck. The neighborhood is OK, it's convenient to everywhere. And it's close to grocery stores. I just miss having more space. Even when I'm not home and then return home, I only have a small space to relax in.
But I am thankful that I have a roof over my head, it's mine and the mortgage is low. I guess we all want more than what we have once in awhile.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


You know I take my blood sugar levels three times a day. Well last night I measured it at 158, which is good, right on target. This morning it was 169. Huh???? Now keep in mind, I didn't eat or drink anything, so why was it higher? I called my dad who is a doctor and we both couldn't come up with a reason why this happened. Could it be hormonal? Who knows. So now it's been high all day. Even if I have eaten good, it started out to be high, so in turn it stays high.
So, I've been drinking the water today. Still eating, not skipping a meal today. This is probably the most frustrating thing about having diabetes. To maintain a good blood sugar level takes a lot of hard work and dedication. You always have to watch what you put in your mouth, when you eat and how much you eat. You have to get exercise each day and get plenty of sleep. That is if you want to be healthy.
Sometimes it's a hard, but the outcome is worth it.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


My hillbillie neighbors were out and about late last night. I heard them about 2am this morning, with their beagle out justa howling. When I went out to drink my coffee this morning there were pieces of bread all over the front lawn. I guess there trying to feed the squirrels or something. But it's really gonna attract other creatures as well. I'm not surprised we don't have a problem with rats.
If you can just picture this in your mind. Both these people are in their late 60's drinking beer outside till early in the morning. The wife is a waitress and the man stays at home. Their kids come over with the grandchildren and when this happens "all hell brakes loose." The kids run around all over the place. This past summer, one of the kids came out in the front with no diaper on. I can just imagine how their condo looks from day to day. But with all of this, their very nice people. I haven't had to call the police on them yet. Lets hope that stays that way.

Friday, October 21, 2011


You know there a certain things that we don't think about when we are out in public. Last night I went to a mattress store because I'm shopping around for a good price for another mattress set. You know those pillows that these places have that are on their mattresses in the store? Have you ever thought how many people have laid their heads on those pillows? Talk about germs.
Or when you go to a public restroom. Do you ever think about how many people touch the doors leading in and out of the restroom? Yuk. Or even pumping gas. How many people have touched those handles with germy hands.
I'm not always good about grabbing a paper towel when I'm touching restroom doors or even cleansing my hands with anti germ gel after I pump gas. But I will never lay my head on those pillows. Who knows, someone could have lice or something.
So a good rule of thumb would be to always wash your hands and don't put any part of your body on public linens.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

This is a great movie

You know I rarely come across a movie that influences me. I watched on TCM last night a movie called "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner." With Spencer Tracey and Katherine Hepburn. It's about a couple who wants to get married and they just happen to be of different races. Of course this was set back in the 1950's. But it's all the same.
I believe everyone should be treated equally. And Love is the answer. I think there's a song about that, maybe from the Beatles. Anyway, there seems to be so much hate in the world, so many conflicts. Even now a days. But if we concentrate on loving one another, then everything seems to fall into place.
Don't you think?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Oh Yummy!

One of my elderly neighbors baked me homemade apple bread. What do I always say? Oh Aunt Bee, Aunt Bee. Thats from the Andy Griffith show. I say that whenever I taste something wonderful. I miss eating all those yummy breads, cakes and goodies. With my diabetes I have to be really careful.
SO, I'll freeze the rest of this bread and bring it out only once in awhile.
Speaking of my diabetes. I have really been good about maintaining it these past few months. On my last appointment I had slipped too many times and my A1C was elevated. So hopefully at my next appointment it will be a lot lower.
Before I was diagnosed, I used to drink chocolate milk all the time and eat ice cream and potato chips. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss these foods, but remarkably I don't crave these food all the time like I did. I think when you eat high fat foods all the time, you crave them more. Well at least thats what I'm telling myself.
So occasionally I treat myself to something yummy while I'm drinking lots of water and exercising.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Poetic Justice

I was driving home today from my doctor's office and this jerk was weaving back and forth on the interstate. It was pouring raining so it was hard to see. After he passed me he almost hit a car in front of me because he just couldn't wait and slow down. Now the speed limit was 70 and he must have been going at least 90. He was really flying. About a mile down the road I saw that he had been pulled over by a state trooper. I hope they really threw the book at this guy.
It's people like that that cause accidents on the road.

Monday, October 17, 2011

This is a Hoot!!!

I'd like to start off by saying that I appreciate being a fan of your favorite team, but sometimes too much is too much. I've blogged about my "self proclaimed redneck" neighbors before. Well now on each Saturday, game day they put out about 20 or so stuffed animals. All are different breeds. They are all wearing Alabama t-shirts. Their stacked up in chairs so their facing the parking lot and the front of the building, so you can't help but see them. Then they have this huge Alabama banner thats hung under the stuffed animal display. I think if a child were to walk in front of this, they would be scared to death. And not to mentioned I hear them yelling every saturday for their team." Roll f------ tide" Well, I think that statement says it all. If it's not the scary stuff animals propped up on their patio, it's the constant hootin' and hollerin' they do. It's like their calling an old tom cat out in the woods or something.
So needless to say, I'm entertained for free around here.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Better Late then Never

Whew!!! My internet access has been down for two days. I just had to reprogram my modem. Nothing in particular has gone on this weekend. Been waking up super early for some reason like around 1:30am to 4:30am, eaten breakfast then fallen asleep again til about 10:30am.
I did some weeding in my garden yesterday, trimmed an alberta spruce tree and refilled my bird feeder. I'm planning to plant two new shrubs in the front of my garden, I think lorapedelums [sp?] These are a deep purple color and their branches spread out to about two feet. They have this red bloom on them too.
Well, this is my cleaning day too, so I'll be starting on my hardwood floors soon. I wonder if most everyone cleans on Sundays. Well thats about all my news. Talk tomorrow.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Ahhh. feeling better

I had a restful sleep last night and I am feeling better. I've been just laying around in my jammies and it's past noon already. I have some weeding to do outside today so I about to get up, get dressed and get to it.
I watched a really good movie on TCM this morning called "some like it hot." With Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon and Marilyn Monroe. Have you seen it? It's so funny. I think their running a marathon on Jack Lemmon movies today.
I'm a classic movie junkie. My sister teases me all the time about not watching movies from this century. I think I would have liked to have grown up in the 30's and 40's.
My mother is also a TCM fan too. I even got a cable box and am paying extra each month to get this channel. They have a classic film festival in Hollywood each year in April. Boy, I'd love to be a fly on the wall for that.
Well thats about all my news for the day. Happy Friday!!!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Well Tomorrow is Today

I didn't blog the next day. [on 10/11/11] I've been fighting a stomach virus or something. I sometimes think that it's all of the medicine I'm on or I seem to be around sick people most of the time. Who knows? But I do get sick a lot.
Enough about that. I can tell we're gonna have an early winter this year because the mornings and late evenings theres a strong cool breeze. I prefer the fall and winter over summer anyway. It's so pretty outside too, with all of the leaves changing colors. I can't believe that Halloween is just two weeks away, Thanksgiving is a month away and Christmas will be here soon. Where has this year gone?
I won't be having Thanksgiving here at my house this year. But I'm still going to decorate.
I know other single people that don't decorate for the holidays, but I always do. I always have my tree up the day after Thanksgiving, I put trinkets all over my house and I start listening to Christmas music.
I love the festive feeling during the holidays. I'm gonna try to go see some lights this year and I'm even thinking of going to Jasper's  Christmas parade this year. I know that Birmingham must have a parade somewhere, but I never seem to catch it. Oh and theres Christmas Village at the civic center that I may go to. I don't have a lot of money to spend, but I'd like to go to get ideas.
Well thats about all I have to talk about tonight. Have a good weekend everyone.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Not much to report today. Feeling a little bit under the weather. I've been lazy all day.
I'll check back tomorrow. Bye!

Monday, October 10, 2011

What a Great Deal

This afternoon, I was hunting for a good deal. I needed about a dozen or so copies of paperwork that I have and I searched on the web to find a good price at a local printing shop. I found Kwik Kopy.
It's about 2 miles from my house. Instead of charging the standard 40 cents for one copy, I got 16 cents per copy there. And they were so nice to boot.
I'll be taking my stuff there from now on. I got another good deal at Brunos. They had a sale on their meat.
For 2 steaks, 1 roasted chicken and 1 pound of shrimp I only paid $11.00. My freezer will be full for a couple of months.
I always try and find good bargains. You have to with the prices being what they are now.
This is a little hint, I also shop for Christmas presents the last week in October. Stores usually put their merchandise on sale then. They've ordered in bulk for pre-Thanksgiving sales. This Christmas will be meager for me.  Even though I'm on a budget, I'm thinking about movies for everyone. Movies are good because they're both entertaining and priced reasonably. I'll probably bake some banana bread and cookies as a second treat for everyone.
I know some of you may think, "why is she thinking about Christmas now?" It never hurts to be prepared when there's bargain hunting around.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Woke Early

I woke up early again this morning, but then I fell back to sleep and didn't get up til 10am. Whoa....
It's so weird, when I fell asleep last night I had all the lights on and the TV on. Isn't it funny that you can sleep through a loud TV show. Of course when I woke at 4:30am this morning there were commercials on for certain products. These are the shows that run that early. When I walked a little while ago, it seemed that everyone was still asleep, cause I didn't see a soul stirring around.
With Alabama's homecoming yesterday, I guess that everyone had a late night.
It's so funny, Butter is drinking out of the faucet in the sink. She's got her whole head under the running water drinking. She'll also stand in water and dunk her paws in bath water when I take a bath. Weird cat.
I watched a lot of movies last night. Of course, it seems that every channel has some sort of scarey show on because it's October. I like the old classic black and white scarey movies not these bloody movies that usually run at this time of year.
I just saw on the tube that the network is running the series on The Dick Van Dyke Show today on TV land. It's the 50th. anniversery of the show. Can you believe 50th? May Tyler Moore and Dick Van Dyke are still alive. They must have been pretty young when they did that series.
Well my kitty is calling for me to play or feed her or just calling. Talk later..

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Pretty Morning

Got up early and took a really good walk. I just love this time of year. The residents in the complex have all of their Alabama decorations out on their patios for today is their homecoming. So it's all crimson and white. I haven't  seen many Auburn fans around here.
One of the splurges I do for myself is buy fresh flowers at Publix. So I went this morning and bought some. There displayed in my living room now. It makes my tiny place smell so good and makes me happy.
You should try putting flowers out where you would see them.
I bought more bird seed and filled my bird feeder up to put in my garden outside.
My new shrubs are being delivered next week, so I'll get this "bald" spot in front covered. I even swept off my patio.
I'm planning on planting some winter flowers out say in the middle of October. I remember when I bought this place 5/yrs. ago in October there were yellow flowers in the planter boxes over hanging on the railings of my patio and fresh cedar shavings around the garden. It looked so pretty.
I'm hoping that it will look that nice this winter. I always plant something that can take the cold temps. I hate having an empty garden at any time, plus it dresses up your place.
Just a little more planting to go and I'll have it done.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Old Times

You know sometimes when I watch old movies on TCM, I often wonder how it was back then. No hustling and bustling around, no computers or new technology. I think I would have liked to have grown up back then. I've always been attracted to the simpler things in life.
Where men actually pulled the doors open for women, pulled out chairs for women and had a better respect for women.
Now it seems like there  is too much politics going on. Too much of women proving that their equal to men. Don't get me wrong, I support all of that, but we've somehow lost  the  feminine quality.
Even the dress was more appealing back then. When women wore hats and gloves all of the time. And even men wearing hats as well. It seems that there was more time spent with "the family."
So, there's a lot of perks from living back then, but I think I would miss the technology of these days. The means of communication didn't exist then. What I do like still is sending letters to people not emails. Emails are so inpersonal. It's so nice to get a card rather than an ecard.
So, when I watch these old movies, it's like a dream from the past.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

An hour early

I'm home a little early this afternoon. I volunteered an hour later yesterday, so I left an hour early today. Not much to talk about today, just the same old same old.
It seems that my days are running together. It's hard sometimes to blog when you really don't have anything new to talk about. I am going to try to see a friend this weekend that I haven't seen in awhile. We've known each other about 28 years and even though we don't get to spend much time together, we're able to pick up where we left off. I think thats important because it shows how good of friends we are.
I did get to see some other friends on Monday afternoon, which was nice.
I may have few friends, but I have friends that have tested time and again. Friends that I have known for years and that have become part of my family.
Of course there are those that aren't part of life anymore, this is unfortunate because I don't think you can have too many friends. But they are nice to have.
My kitty is greeting me to pay attention to her so I've got to go play "string." More tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Well this afternoon I got a recall notice on my honda. When I took it by the dealership, they said I needed an appointment for all recall repairs. So, I'll have to find time later this week to do that.
I saw the cutest baby in the grocery store. His mother had gotten a bouquet of flowers and he was playing with a carnation. He hadn't been more than three or four years old. I walked up to him and said "pretty flowers."
He then gave me the one he was playing with after his mother said it was OK. I of course had to buy it at the counter. Kids are so funny. I remember at one time in my life I wanted four boys. But I could never find the right guy to have kids with. I would have preferred to be married. All the guys I dated wanted to date the "long haul, no commitment."
If I had had my wits about me when I was younger, I would have found a man that wanted kids and just do it. WHo knows how my life would have turned out. But it's those chances that you don't take that effect your outcome.
So, I'm in my mid fourties now, wishing I had a child

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Not much to tell today. Since I've been home this afternoon, I've pretty much just layed around. I've been having trouble again sleeping. It seems this goes in phases. Every five or six weeks I won't sleep much. I think it has a lot to do with my anxiety. Yes, I was blessed with anxiety that I have lived with for a long time. I worry about everything. Call me a nervous hen, but I do.
It doesn't matter how much exercise I get, or how well I'm eating I go through these times when I don't sleep. If I think about it, I can actually live on 2 to 3 hours a night. Eventually it catches up with me and after a week or so, I'm whipped. I just happen to be in that sleeplessness state right now.
So, my days start running together, I get forgetful and I don't eat well. Oh and when I'm like this my immune system is awful. I'll catch colds real easily.
I think I'm getting one anyway. If I think back to my teens, I had a hard time sleeping then too. You just learn to get by with what you can. And move on.

Monday, October 3, 2011


This afternoon I met my dear friends at Cracker Barrell. I had the trout with green beans and carrots. It was so good. Then they followed me home and dug up my dying box woods. I don't know what I'm gonna plant out there now, but I was told the best time to plant shrubs is in the early fall. So we'll see.
After my chores were completed I took a long walk. The trees colors are so pretty now and there was still that cool breeze in the air.
Not much more to report for the day. Have a good week everyone.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Boy, I've had a lazy Sunday. I'm up early as usual, then I doze back off to sleep around 8am. Get up, then doze off again at 12:00noon. I did take a walk early this morning and boy was it cold. I like it when there's a cool breeze in the air.
I bought this loaf of bread yesterday that has raisins in it and it's so yummy. I had that with butter this morning. Popped it in the microwave so the butter is all melted and what a great taste that was. I normally don't eat a lot of bread, but this was good.
I hear Butter crunching down on her kibble. It must be nice to eat all day and not worry about caleries, blood sugars or fat.
There has been a lot of young cats prowling around at night. They can't be more than a few months. They come right up to me purring. I wonder who they belong to. There's a busy street right in front, so I hope these kitties will stay clear of that.
Well, going to go get some clothes on. It's 3pm and I'm still wearing my jammies.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Up Early

I can't believe that today is October 1st. This year has just flown by. Well I'm up early. Actually I woke up around 4am. Been drinking coffee. I'll probably dose off to sleep later on today. But I was having the most odd dream. It was one of those dreams that was so real. You know, the ones that you wake up suddenly thinking you're still in the dream.
Well this one was a hoot. I dreamed that someone was stealing my camel. A camel of all things. I had it parked out in front of my condo. How do you park a camel anyway. This camel had two humps instead of one. How would you even ride this kind of camel. So needless to say, there's no camel outside only my car.
Aren't dreams funny. I remember one time I dreamed that there was a blob after me. I had just watched "The Blob" on TCM and so naturally I dreamed that there was a blob in my neighborhood. Eating up everyone.
I guess I need to sensor what I watch on TV.

Friday, September 30, 2011


I slept better last night due to no irritating music going on. Hopefully my neighbors got the message that that is not cool late at night.
I've been home all day. Doing nothing special. I've watched HGTV all day. I get so inspired to redecorate when I watch these segments. I love classic design with a modern touch. I have this old bachelors chest from the 20's that I use to put my winter clothes in. Hey, when you live in a 648 square foot condo, your limited on space. I even have an old dresser in my dining room that I use as a buffet table.
Even though my place is small, I like it. It's less space to clean up.
The only thing thats a headache to keep clean are the hardwood floors. With a cat and huge dust balls, it's a challenge to keep clean.
I'm a clean freak anyway. I have to have everything in it's place.
Oh, my favorite decorator is Vern Yip. He was one of the original decorators on that HGTV show Trading Spaces. I just love his designs. I think I would have liked to be a designer too. You know in my other life. That life where you're making a lot of money, get to eat out all the time and you have a toy poodle in your purse. What a dream!!!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Loud Neighbors

Have you ever had neighbors who are too loud, in whatever they do? I've blogged about this before. I have these neighbors who live next to me that talk real loud, play their music loud, keep their TV up loud and argue loud. Their self proclaimed red necks.
Well last night was no different. It was about 1:30am and I heard music playing. They were out on their patio playing country music for all to hear. I calmly walked over there in my pajamas mind you and asked that they turn down the music. They said " oh darlin did we wake you up?" Dah....
I asked them to please be mindful of the loud music at night. All I got was "we're sorry, we're sorry."
So I guess that means, we'll turn the music down tonight, but we'll play it loud tomorrow night.
If it's not my red neck neighbors, it's others that have their radios up loud in their cars or someone is shinning their headlights in my bedroom window.
Oh joy, joy...

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Well it's all set for my interview with the Social Security Disability. Their doing a phone interview with me on Friday. I think I'm prepared. I talked to my doctor today and he told me what to expect.
Not much more going on. I volunteered today, ran a few errands and came home.
Since I have to leave my house early, I've been walking earlier in the morning. Ahh.. I just love this fall temperature in the mornings. One of my neighbors has this pit bull dog that just roams around the property instead of being on a leash. So, when I got home this afternoon, I called the management to report it. This dog seems to be aggressive towards other dogs, but not people. But still.  The dog is just roaming.
There's a lot of people that break the bi-laws around here. I figure, if I have to follow the rules, other people are gonna have to.
It seems that the renters of these condos due the most things. Because the owners know the rules and follow them. But I guess that happens wherever you live.
I guess I'll just have to ignore the rest or get used to calling the management.
With me, I'll ignore it, unless it effects me.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

SSI Call

When I'm about to get dressed this morning the phone rings and it's the Social Security office. I have about 45 minutes before I have to be at my desk. To save time, they decided to offer me a telephone interview instead of waiting months for my office appointment. So I said great and it's scheduled for this Friday afternoon.
I have to get some documentation ready : names of doctors, medications, hospital admittances, checking account routing number, balances on securities I have, etc. So I'll be well prepared for my interview.
My  day went OK. I saw the funniest thing driving to my volunteer job. There was this man on the side of Hwy 31 with a sign in his hands "will work for shelter." That wasn't the funny thing. What he had on was a cheese hat [ you know the ones that are all orange and a cheese slice ]  and stripped red and white socks that he wore with his purple shorts. I guess he was trying to get peoples attention. He sure got mine. I quickly locked my doors.
When I got home today, my cat had thrown up three times on my coach, my bed and the bathroom floor. So needless to say, I've had the cleaning stuff out trying to get the stains off. So, it's been a crazy day.

Monday, September 26, 2011

A good day

I had a good day today, busy, busy, busy. I like it when I'm busy. I filed a claim today with the Social Security Disability Administration. They told me it could be 3 to 4 months before I can get an interview. Everything is backed up. So, I'm going to continue to volunteer while waiting on SSI.
I talked with a lot of nice people today on the phone where I volunteered.
I did stop by Publix on my way home and got some fresh flowers. It makes me feel good to have them and they look so pretty. Thats a simple way to decorate.
I had the best dinner last night. I bought some salmon and I steamed some vegetables. I felt so energized today.
All day, I had a smile on my face and was amazed how many people greeted me today. I guess if you show how happy you are to others, then this makes those gravitate towards you. It's all in the way you hold yourself and treat others.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fresh and renew

I just took a long hot shower. I had to get my hot water heater worked on again for the umtenth time. Some days I have hot water, while others I don't. So, I'm going to make my Christmas list early this year for a new water heater. I've been pretty good this year, so hopefully I'll get one.
I've been watching musicals this afternoon on TCM. I feel like skipping doen the road with my favorite tune. HEHAW that would be funny.
I went to my parents house this morning to say my hello's. I'm embarrassed that I don't see them as often as I should being in the same home town.
Tomorrow after I volunteer, I'm going to call an attorney to get started with my disability application. It's my plan to get on disability then work PT plus volunteer PT. So, we'll see how it goes.
Gotta wash clothes, take out the garbage, water the plants outside and vaccum.
Needless to say, I haven't done any of those chores yet today. I guess I'm just lazy.
Well better get started....

Saturday, September 24, 2011

What a Beautiful Day

Gosh, it was pretty today. Yesterday was the first day of fall and today there was a cool brisk in the air with the sun shinning. My walk this morning was good. The leaves are starting to change and there's a spring in my step.
I had lunch out today at a place called Dale's. They have the best grilled vegetables and catfish. It seems the the entire neighborhood was celebrating today. There were people all over the place.
I got home and was really sleepy. So I settled down to watch an old movie and got a call from one of my dearest friends that I don't get to see much. It's always nice to talk to her. Her health isn't great, but she's got a heart of gold.
 If you haven't checked out the ngage website lately, go to it to find out whats new this month.
There's also alot of pictures that the ngage team takes and posts.
Well, have a good weekend.

Friday, September 23, 2011


Well I've had my first week of volunteering at the American Diabetes Association. I have learned alot of new things that I haven't encountered since being diagnosed with diabetes myself. It has made it easier for me to talk with people about this disease because I have it to.
You know I think we take it for granted when we aren't ill because when we do it sick our lives change so much. I never had it so good when I only had to take an aspirin once in a while before I was diagnosed. Now it's like I'm taking enough medication to kill a horse. It's part of my routine now so it doesn't weigh fully with me anymore, but I know that if I don't follow a schedule with my medicines then it could get real bad pretty quick.
So, it's all about pacing yourself. Try not to get too wrapped up in your illness and enjoy each day that you have. Enjoy the little things in life.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I wish I could say "another day another dollar." But volunteering doesn't pay. I wish it did. Thats why so many companies and organizations look for volunteers to do the work and not get paid. But I'm not complaining. It keeps me busy.
I tried to put my cat in her crate this afternoon, but she bit me again. I even tried to put her in a pillow case and she clawed right through it. I'm worried about her because she has been spitting up what looks like mucus. I don't know what to do. I've got to get her to the vet. I thought about calling the vet to get sedatives to give her. I guess thats about all I can do. Lets just hope she doesn't take a bite out of me when I shove it down her throat. This is going to be interesting.
I don't mean to sound like she is still feral, she's just a cat that doesn't like to be messed with. Even after a year of patiently caring for her, giving her treats, rubbing her belly. When she doesn't like something, she lets you know fast.
Boy my other cat that died was so laid back. She was so easy to train and was generally happy to be around people. This cat, Butter, hides whenever someone comes in the house and doesn't come when I call her. No I take that back, she comes if you say "treats." I'm afraid she's got me wrapped around her little paw. She's training me.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Rainy Day

Boy it's been raining all day. I guess we needed it. Just got home for the day and I'm unable to get my emails. So, I called AT-T and after some trouble shooting, the agent tells me that the Yahoo server is down. It won't be until 24/yrs. til I'm able to get them.
Today was a so so day. Surprisingly I had a few ill tempered people to deal with on the phone today. And I'm just a volunteer. I'm not even getting paid to listen to them. But I guess you have people of all types that you have to deal with.
But I did have an overall good day. I've been battling a cold these past few days and I think I've given it to my cat. She has spit up this mucus of sorts this afternoon. If it continues I'll have to take her to the vet. She's still due for her rabies shot. The only problem about this the last time I tried to get her into her crate it was like I was fighting with a wild animal. She was a bit farel when I got her, but she has calmed down alot. So, we'll see.
Well I'm off to do my evening chores. Talk later...

Monday, September 19, 2011


Today was a busy day. I have a new volunteering job with the American Diabetes Association. They have an office in Alabama. It's where I help answer the phone and direct people to get testing supplies and doctors. Also to tell callers about the organization and topics.
You might have noticed that I have been volunteering at a number of different programs and charities. I thought this would help me get my name out there for prospective jobs. And also I like it. I always feel like I am doing something worthwhile in helping those who need it.
I also left my resume at a cleaners. This isn't a glamor job, but it's work. It's in a good location, not far from where I live.
Then I came home and had to play with the kitty who was wild. She loves her play time. Boy she does have enough to play with cause she gets a new toy every other week it seems.
I like being busy again, makes my days go by faster.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


I can't seem to get going this morning or should I say this afternoon. I did go see my parents this morning for about an hour. Since I've been home, I've fallen asleep twice. I'm getting a cold, so I guess I'm just in that sleepy stage.
I have chores galore, but I probably won't do them. I didn't even walk today. It seems that when it's cloudy like this, it's hard to motivate myself. I'm sure you're like that too.
So, I've been watching movies on TCM while I've been tucked away in my bed. Ahh.. Its so nice to be lazy. Theres one movie thats on right now called Suspicion. With Cary Grant and Laretta Young. I just love suspense movies.
Well thats about all for me today. Maybe tomorrow I'll have something exciting to talk about. Hurray!!

Saturday, September 17, 2011


I had the best walk this morning. When I was out walking I saw this little girl, who couldn't have been more that six years old walking her cat on a leash. She had dressed the cat up in a dressed and hat talking to it like it was another friend of hers. She said " ok Sofie, it's time to go to the tea party." I walked over to her and said that I just loved the dress the cat was wearing and she said that her cat had two more dresses. SHe was so cute. I looked over near the building and there was a blanket on the ground with dolls on it.
I can't beleive that that cat was so easy going with those clothes on.
She probably plays dress up with her cat all the time.
I remember that me sister and I had dolls and dresses to match our own dresses. My mother had made them. I think theres even a picture of us holding our dolls with the matching dresses. I would have loved a cat to play with.
Kids are so fun.

Friday, September 16, 2011


You know, life is funny. Months ago I blogged about an incident that happened to me. I lost a dear friend, well a friend that I thought was dear to me. One day, this person just told me that they didn't want to be my friend anymore based on location. She told me that her girls and her had been talking that you should never be friends with neighbors. She actually told me that.
Well today, I was out on my patio reading and I heard her upstairs on her deck. I can remember the countless of times we would be out there laughing and talking. Sometimes it just rips at my heart because even though she was cruel, I still miss her. I had even given her something special of my grandmothers just a few weeks before she said she didn't want to be my friend anymore. I gave it to her because her friendship meant alot to me.
I guess it's still hard to get over, since I had never had that happen before. I talked about this to my sister and my sister told me that I shouldn't waste anymore time over this. My sister also told me that no friend, no matter if their mad at you would ever do that if they are a true friend.
I don't mean to sound that I'm dwelling over this, I'm not. It just still bothers me.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Today has been a boring day. I'm still sick to my stomach, so I couldn't do any of my things that I had planned today. I really get tired of getting sick all the time. It seems that I feel good only for short periods of time. I don't know if it's all the medications I'm on or if it's just par for the course of having diabetes.
Who knows?
Even though I've been sick today, I've done chores around the house all day. I wanted to feel busy. I always feel that I'm wasting a day when I don't leave the house.
Plus I think those feelings are in the air today, since it's been cloudy all day. No wonderful sunshine. Oh, and have you noticed? It's like fall weather outside. I'm looking forward to this heat going away. Well, that about all for me today. Tomorrow is Friday. A start to the weekend.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What a Day

Picture this, I'm out volunteering this morning, then all of a sudden I start getting sick to my stomach. I mean I ran to the bathroom and didn't come out for a good 1/2 hour. Then I had to come home. So, the rest of the day was a wash out for me. I feel like I haven't accomplished anything today.
I will share something interesting yesterday. I took a drag off of a cigarette of my neighbor and I did not get the desired affect that I wanted. I actually didn't enjoy it. This last time I quit smoking, I have been able to remain a non -smoker for awhile now. The fact that this "drag" gave me a headache was a good sign to me.
I've always enjoyed the taste of a cigarette and just liked the process of smoking.
So, now I'm a more confident that I will never smoke again. No slip ups or desire to start again.
My body has finally shown me that smoking is not part of life anymore. It's also good because of my diabetes. Did you know that you are 4 x more likely to develop heart desease with diabetes if you smoke? Than if you didn't smoke. It's always 4 x more likely if you have diabetes. So, maybe I'll live a lot longer now. I sure hope so.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Well after I have volunteered from 7am-3pm today, I came home. WHile I was out on my patio watering my plants I heard my neighbor talking to a salesperson out on their patio. When this person was done, he came over to my patio.  I immediately told him that I was not interested and to please leave. I kept trying to say that when he interrupted me and said shut up twice.
I looked at him and he said he was from At-t and wanted to know if my cable was furnished in my rent. Now keep in mind, this guy has no clothing on to advertise where he was from, nor did he ever introduce himself or what he was asking questions for.
I said to him that I doubted that he worked for At-t. I also said to him that there was no solicitation allowed on this property and he was being rude to tell me to shut up. I also said that if he did work for At-t, then his company would be very interested in his behavior.
I'll give him persistence. He asked again if my cable was included in my rent. I then said that I own my condo, therefore I don't pay rent. I shouldn't have even said that, because keep in mind I don't know what this guy is after or know who he is.
He then said thank you and left. I felt a little funny after he left. I decided to walk over to my neighbors and ask her what she thought of this guy. She had the same warning signs as me. She asked why would he be asking those type of questions. I told her that she should never give out any information to anyone who simply shows up on your front door step. She agreed.
I know that if I see him again, I'll just call the police.

Monday, September 12, 2011

A day of volunteering

Hello, I feel that I have really given back today. I first went to the animal shelter and did my daily volunteering. Then I went to Jessie's Place to help with food dispersement. Jessie's Place is a shelter for abused women and children. Years ago, I volunteered there while I went to school. I just called last week and set it up for this week.
I've been surfing the web at four different job sites and I still haven't found any hits. So, when I'm not looking for work I volunteer.
It always makes me feel good to give back. The shelter to animals that can't help themselves and to an organization where just a kind word is appreciated.