women get social

Saturday, October 30, 2010

A breath of fresh air

You know there are certain things that bring a person's attitude up when their down in the dumps. One for me is being around a baby. If you looked at my last blog, it was apparent that I have just had enough with my job search.
Yesterday, I got the opportunity to be around a three week old baby. My friends grandaughter. I spent the better part of Friday holding her and feeding her. Babies just have this quality about them that is so remarkable. Here is this bundle of joy, who is relying on you totally. She was warm and cuddley. Of course, I know that most of the time babies are crying and smell like poop. But that just didn't matter. Actually, this baby hardly cried.
I think I was able to draw all of the attention off myself to this child. Not once yesterday did I think about myself. I quess when you have alot of time on your hands you tend to emerse yourself with your troubles. And you really don't see things around you. I need to focus more on life itself and not what I don't have.

1 comment:

  1. This might just be my favorite BLOG you have posted so far! I'm so proud of you Allison. Hang in there with the job search. I still have faith in you. You are right about staying busy and staying focused on the world around you. There is nothing like a refreshing dose of humility to remind you how small you are in the grand scheme of things. God Bless you Allison. Have a great day! Love you

    The Rock
