women get social

Saturday, October 30, 2010

A breath of fresh air

You know there are certain things that bring a person's attitude up when their down in the dumps. One for me is being around a baby. If you looked at my last blog, it was apparent that I have just had enough with my job search.
Yesterday, I got the opportunity to be around a three week old baby. My friends grandaughter. I spent the better part of Friday holding her and feeding her. Babies just have this quality about them that is so remarkable. Here is this bundle of joy, who is relying on you totally. She was warm and cuddley. Of course, I know that most of the time babies are crying and smell like poop. But that just didn't matter. Actually, this baby hardly cried.
I think I was able to draw all of the attention off myself to this child. Not once yesterday did I think about myself. I quess when you have alot of time on your hands you tend to emerse yourself with your troubles. And you really don't see things around you. I need to focus more on life itself and not what I don't have.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


I woke up this morning feeling a bit conflicted. I feel that I have to clear the air about my feelings lately. You know, getting rejection after rejection on the job front can really wear on a person. To be honest, I feel like a failure. I've never had such a hard time finding a job. I can remember when I was younger, I used to get any job I set out to find. But now, it's different.
I'm competing against younger folks. I sometimes feel when I walk into an office that I'm the oldest one there applying for the job. It makes me alittle uncomfortable. Not only that, I am competing with a dozen people for one job. I know that the economy is bad, but it just seems that years ago I was easily marketable.
I quess true failure is when you stop trying. So, I keep on filling out applications.
It's hard when I see people out in the public and they ask me what I'm doing. My answer is always, I'm trying to find work. It gets embarrassing. What also wears on my pride is knowing that I'm being supported by my father at my age. I never thought while I was at UAB, that this would happen to me. Because I was at UAB for 9 1/2 yrs. I thought I would be in a different place in my life rather than where I am now.
I just have to continue to listen to others when they say things will change. Things will get better.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Internet troubles

Since we had that bad storm a couple of days ago, my ability to stay online has been limited. I've got it right now, but for how long? I can't even log into my email account. It's been raining non-stop today. I hope I don't have to work outside when I volunteer this afternoon.
I did make alittle head way yesterday on the job front. I found a few jobs advertised on al.com. One was Belk's. They have two positions opened at the Brookwood Mall area and one at the Galleria.
I went to the Galleria and filled out an application. Brookwood wasn't accepting anymore applications. I also found an opening at Bellsouth. Bellsouth is right down the street from me so that would be a great place to be. They were only accepting applications online so I did that.
I did leave a final third call for Buffalo Rock this morning. Maybe I'll hear back from them.
On a lighter side, I have been having troubles with my new neighbors. They play a radio out on their patio late at night and they leave their cigerette butts all over the yard. I have reported them to the management, but nothing has changed. I'll just have to send a formal email to the management now, well whenever I can get to my email. Or, just call the police about the noise next time. You would think that a couple in their 60's wouldn't be carrying on so bad late at night. I have noticed that renters in this condo community usually trash the place or their noisey.
Oh, I just lost my connection for a minute. Thank goodness I saved my blog before I lost it. Well better get off online before it goes out again.

Monday, October 25, 2010


Boy, I finally was able to sleep. Sunday morning I dozed off and slept til 4pm. Then I went back to sleep and slept until Monday morning around 8am. I feel alot better.
So, I slept away my Sunday. We had a awful storm last night which came in around 3am. It even blew off my chime from my patio which I found this morning. We needed the rain. Have you ever noticed it smells good after a rain? It's the same feeling you get after freshly cut grass.
I've been lazy today, just cleaning around the house. However, I did look online this afternoon at al.com. Again, I didn't see anything that I would qualify for.
I talked to a friend this afternoon that I haven't seen in about a year. Time seems to fly by. I'm gonna make it a point to keep in touch better with people.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Have you ever had so much on your mind that it's hard to sleep? Well that has happened to me. Thursday night I finally fell asleep at 3am. Woke up at 6:30am. Last night the same. Fell asleep at 2:30am. Woke up at 5:15am. I think the stress of not being able to find work is bothering me so much that I can't seem to settle down for the night.
Now I am just exhausted. Maybe tonight I'll sleep.
It was so beautiful outside this morning when I walked. The leaves are changing and there is a cool breeze in the air. I'm looking forward to winter. I actually prefer the cold weather over warm weather. I wish it snowed more here too.
I found a new place to eat. I went to Costas yesterday and had baked greek chicken. Gosh it was yummy. I also had a black olive salad with it. Also good. I would recommend anyone to go there.  They serve alot of Mediteranian foods. Very reasonable in price too.
Gotta feed the kitty. Talk later....

Friday, October 22, 2010

It's Friday

If I were working right now, friday would be the end of a work week. For some reason it seems that friday is when activities start. Good movies on TV, concerts, night out with friends,etc.
I haven't blogged in a few days because I have had some sort of stomach virus. I also  had a fever. I heard from a friend who said that there is a virus going around.
I left another message on the answering service for that company that I had been interviewing with, but still no call back. I quess that means I didn't get it. I think two weeks is a long enough time to hear back from that company. I'm really disappointed because I thought I had a good chance of getting it. I'm still trying to stay positive.
I've even gone to department stores within these last two weeks and cold called. I just walked in and asked if they were hiring. No luck. I didn't find any new prospects online this week either.
So, I quess I will continue to volunteer to occupy my time and search for jobs. I did find out that UAB has now opened their employment services again. They had a freeze on that for 14 months. At least I have another avenue to check.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

mortgage companies

Don't you just hate to call any company on a 1-800 number and have to talk to several people before you get to the right person? Well, that happened this morning. My mortgage company has sold my mortgage to another company and I had to verify if my automatic debit plan would transfer with it. I get my mortgage payments directly debited out of my checking account.
Well, I must have been put on hold half of dozen times today. Low and behold, this doesn't transer and I'm going to have to set this up with the new mortgage company soon. This is a pain in the you know what.
Otherwise, today was a pretty good day. I still haven't heard from the company I have been interviewing with. I'm getting alittle impatient. My prior remark to no news is good news has flown out the window now. I'm left twittling my thumbs.
Since I had looked on al.com yesterday, monster.com didn't offer any new prospects. It's slow going again. I swear, some weeks I get alot of hits and then other weeks I don't.
I'm still staying positive....

Monday, October 18, 2010


I had the most fun on Saturday when I went antiqueing with a friend. We went to Annistan to go to some galleries. My friend was looking for a bachelors chest to convert into a entertainment center. She found one that was made in the 1930's. Mahogany wood and also inlaid design on the top.
We also went to a place for dinner that we got fresh rainbow trout. I also got lima beans, carrots and squash with homemade biscuts. I was stuffed. Eating the biscuts made my blood sugar go up a bit, but it was worth it.
I was not able to go to my nephews football game at Sanford, but I was told that his team won. He plays for the Furman Paladins. We are all so proud of him. He graduates this December.
I called that company this morning to see if they had made a decision yet about that position. I still haven't heard back from them. I didn't find anything on al.com this morning. Maybe I'll have more luck on monster.com.
Everything else is about the same. Talk later.

Friday, October 15, 2010


I had a long talk with my dad last night about my frustrations on the job front. I feel better. The best advice that was given is that I have to continue to strive to become what I want. I have to continue to try to get a job, because the right job is out there for me. I may have to wait for awhile, but it will eventually happen.

I had a good day volunteering. The weather has been so good, that I spent most of my time outside. I sort of feel renewed in a way.

I watched one of my favorite movies last night. "It's a wonderful life." It had one of my favorite actors, Jimmie Stewart. If you haven't seen it, I would recommend that you do. It basically represents how grateful we should be for ourselves, family and others. It also has a sense of hope entangled through it. I just love to watch things with a lesson learned to them.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

1 week

Well it's been one full week since I took that test for that company I have been interviewing with. I haven't heard a peep from them. I know that there were alot of other applicants interviewing as well.  I hope I do get it.
This is the most frustrating part. You get through the first interview. Then you take their tests. Then you wait. I can't tell you how many interviews I've been on where you go through several interviews and you think you have it, then you don't. I quess I have to realize that since the economy has been so bad, there are dozens of folks like me interviewing for that one job.
Sometimes it's hard keeping a positive attitude. But you have to. The other company that I was looking at just hired someone, so it's back to the drawing board. I'm gonna call the company tomorrow to see where they are in respect to hiring someone. { the co. I took the test with }
I'll tell you one thing, taking long walks in the morning helps. It clears my head and takes the stress away.
But what is always in the back of my mind is that I'm trying my hardest to be independent again and yet there are all these obstacles in front me of keeping me from that independence. That probably doesn't make much since. That is the best way to describe this.
I have to think of happy thoughts, I quess.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Have you ever noticed the crazy people you find at a Walmart? People go in their pajamas, bathrobes, bathing suits and boxer shorts. I read this email once that said that you don't have to dress up going to Walmart. I quess thats true. This morning I saw this guy who had on slippers with biking shorts, then he wore a wool cap on his head. I should start taking pictures. Last week there was this lady who had on see thru pants with purple underwear on and a bathing suit top on.
I often wonder what these people think about.Maybe they need to be ntouch with the world. Life's funny, I quess...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I walked into the wildlife center this morning and saw a large turtle eating a pickle. They were homemade pickles from another volunteer. Well wouldn't you know that turtle followed her around for more pickles.

My favorite fawn was nursing on his bottle when I went back there to clean his stall. After he fed, he walked up to me and licked my hand. His name is Henry. We've also got a lot of red tailed hawks and baby squirrels.

We also have a full grown deer that was hit by a car. He has a broken leg, but he's getting around ok.
I just love to volunteer there. The only bad thing is that each time I go there I have to pay for my own parking. This gets expensive, when the entrance fee to the park is $5.00. But that money goes back to the park, so I guess it will work.

I have been hand writing letters to friends that I don't see much. It's been kind of fun. It's always nice to get a letter from someone. I have a lot of friends that live out of town. It saves on long distance calls. These friends don't have access to the internet. It's hard to imagine that some people don't have a computer, but a lot don't. Computers and the internet cost money and money is hard to come by these days.

I found some Christmas cards on sale for 97 cents. I can't believe there are Christmas items on sale in October. But you know the department stores. Always trying to bring in more customers. Thank goodness I have been saving money each month and cleaning two women's homes for the past 4 months. I'll have enough money to shop for Christmas presents this year. Every little bit helps.

Monday, October 11, 2010

It's a girl!!

My dear friend Jan is a new grandmother. Her daughter had a little girl on Saturday 10/9/10. 8lbs and 7 ounces. Jan took me with her to the hospital yesterday and I was able to hold her. She is so sweet....
Her name is Willa Cook Gray. All pink and sassy. She has a little bit of brown hair and eyes are blue. Lets hope they stay blue. Gosh I haven't been around a baby since my nephew Wyatt was born. I just love babies.
No more news on that job that I just took the test for. It's still advertised in al.com so I quess no news is good news. There's another company that I'm looking at, so hopefully I'll be able to talk to someone about that position soon.
I can't believe that the hot weather is back. I was so hoping for fall to begin. At least the cool weather. I think I am a fall and winter girl. Summer is great with all of the activities, but I prefer the cold temperatures.

Friday, October 8, 2010

I passed!!!

I passed my test yesterday!!! Hurray... This means I am in the running for that job. There were so many people there yesterday taking this test, so I don't know where I am in the pool. But I passed!!! It was like cramming for finals. Studying night and day for two days.
I got all of my clothes over to my parents. Thank goodness they let me store them there cause I don't know where I would put them.
I volunteer this afternoon. I haven't been there in a week since I have been devoting all my time to the job search. I still like to do it because it makes me feel that I'm giving back. Helping animals is the best medicine for stress. It occupies my mind on other things. I would ncourage others to volunteer.
That is if you have any extra time. I know how busy life can be.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Well, I take a test tomorrow morning, a computer test. It's with one of the companies that I have been interviewing with. So, all day today and yesterday I have been practicing on excell,word and overall computer knowledge. There were these free excerises online. I think I'm ready.
I just looked at Ngage's shop and saw all of these great bracelets. What's really cool about these is that their all hand made. I would ncourage people to buy them. Just think, their for a good cause.
Wish me luck on my test!!!!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

kitty girl

The funniest thing happened last night. I was finishing up my closet and I remember opening up a drawer in my dresser then closing it. Well the night goes on and I couldn't find Butter. I looked in all of her hiding places and she wasn't there. Then I went back to put something else in the dresser and I found her snuggled beneath my pajamas in the drawer. She had been there for a couple of hours, not making a sound. No meowing to get her out or anything. Cats are funny animals.
I have this neighbor who is always walking around outside in her nightgown. It doesn't matter if it's day or night. Well she knocks on my door this morning, in her nightgown [ she's in her late 80's ] and she asks me if her son had been looking for her. It's about 7:30am. Well I said "Ruth Ann, I don't know." She said that she thought she heard a knock on her door last night, but she wasn't sure. So, I walked her back over to her condo and got her to call her son. Then she tells me that her son didn't come by. She then asked me if I wanted some hot tea. So I sat down and drank some tea with her. I think sometimes she gets lonely and wants some company.
Butter is purring at my feet. I think it's time to feed her.

Monday, October 4, 2010

The fall

Boy, the blistering heat is gone for the moment. It's been wonderful walking in the morning now with a cool breeze in the air. Now, I have to change out my summer clothes to fall and winter clothes. This means completely rearranging my closet. A quick trip to my parents house for bags of clothing.
I store my clothing at my parents because I have zero room in my one closet. Yea, one closet. Thats the life living in a condo. I do have one shelf in my utility room where my washer and dryer is, but thats it.
I envy those with three or more closets to store things in.
I heard from Buffalo Rock this morning and they want me to take some tests on Thursday to determine the level of my computer skills. I'm alittle rusty since I haven't worked on a computer in awhile. So, these next couple of days I'm gonna brush up with a program called video professor. It's a free online course that goes through the basics of different software. So hopefully I'll be prepared.
I called the employment office that I interviewed with last week and their still meeting with perspective employees. There's another company that I'm looking at called Sidel. This is a customer service job in irondale, so we'll see how that pans out. I did email my resume on Saturday to Travelors Insurance for a customer support position. Hopefully I'll hear from them soon. So all in all, I'm still getting nibbles on the job front.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Football fans

Have you ever noticed how obnoxious football fans can be? I'm not knocking the game, but my gosh!
There are a huge amount of roll tide fans where I live and after they won last night, the neighbors were in full glory. Yelling and honking their horns at all hours of the night. There were also roll tide flags, flags on patios, cars and flags in the yards this morning.
Maybe I shouldn't single out roll tide fans. I'm all for rooting for your favorite team, but sometimes the "hoopla" goes alittle overboard.
I do have to say that I like Tennessee,Georgia and Florida.
But I don't stand out at my front door and yell my team.
I quess I don't have that "team spirit."Oh well, back to watching a movie!!!!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Cleanin' up

Today has been devoted to cleaning house.  I quess you could call it spring cleaning if it were springtime. Bright and early at 6am I woke up and started dusting. Dusting the floors, furniture and the walls. Then I moved onto vaccuming. I even took the vaccum cleaner apart and cleaned that. Then I waxed the hardwood floors. After that I cleaned the kitchen and bathroom. Later I washed clothes.
Man, my house is clean now. If I could just just get all the loose fur off of Butter. Unfortunately, butter doesn't like to get brushed. Don't want to get bit.
To change the subject, it's so nice to get together with friends as a group and play board games. I did this last night and I had a blast. It relieved some of the stress from looking for a job.
Now, interviewing is kind of fun, but always in the back of my mind it's "selling" yourself. Always trying to think of what to say and impressing those perspective employers. Going from interview to interview. Wondering "why I didn't get the job or will I get the job."
So, I'm trying to keep all of this in perspective. All I can do is do my best and hope that I'll get a job soon.