women get social

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Looking for a job now is hard work. From checking the newspaper, to checking online it's dreary. Since the economy is struggling, jobs are hard to come by. So, my sister suggested that I look online at large companies employment listings. I'm in the process of doing so. My neighbor is trying to talk me into getting a new puppy. They got a 10/wk old beagle. I do have to admit he's pretty cute. But I think it's too soon for me to think about a new pet. I still miss Molly. I went to visit her grave last week. It just seems like yesterday that I buried her. I'm still walking and doing my weight program. I've recently gotten into the kick of eating alot of fish instead of poultry. It gives me more energy. My blood sugars have been great lately,under 120. I'm drinking plenty of water. Gotta get online. Talk later.


  1. Allison, I'm so proud of you. You have had a really hard year but you still get up every day and try to move forward. I'm pulling for you I promise!
    Love The Rock

  2. Hey, Allison..I really enjoy your blogs, so keep on-keeping on! Good luck with your job hunting, and keep loving on "Butter". Side-Rock

  3. Allison . . . Where are you? Don't leave us hanging. Did you get the puppy?
