Boy,did I make a mistake yesterday. I didn't eat until 3pm and my blood sugar was 60. Not only is it important to watch what you eat,but you also have to eat when you're a diabetic.
The more time that goes by,the more aware I have become on the daily regamin I need to keep. For instance, excerise lowers your blood sugar,drinking plenty of water lowers your blood sugar and eating six small meals a day lowers your blood sugar. This has become a receipe for good weight management.
The injecting and pricking my fingers have now become a routine to my day. I don't dwell on it as I used to. I just do them and not think about it all the time. When I go out for the evening, I just take my flexpen with me and inject while I'm out. The key is to make it as simple as possible. When I first started the regamin,I wouldn't socialize. Now I have realized that I have to maintain a normal schedule. It's easy to fall into a "secluded" environment. I just have to remember that I need to continue to enjoy life as it comes and not hide from life. Well Molly is meowing and it's time to feed her. Talk to you later.
Tell Molly Wy and I said Hi.