women get social

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Boy, it's been a long time since I blogged. I can't believe that it's the end of October. And Halloween to boot. I'm expecting some early birds tonight, little ones. Under the age of five. Then there will be those early teens out. But then that will be about it. I don't get many trick or treaters.
Last year I had a small ghost who said that old saying "trick or treat, smell my feet give me something good to eat." Remember that. I think I best Halloween experience was when I was a left over. My dad wrapped foil all over me and put some lettuce on my hat. I had so many parents asking what I was. Another time was when I was a witch. I had the whole garb, pointed hat and long black dress. I even hat elf shoes I wore. But I do remember each time when I came home my parents would go through my candy, let me have a few pieces, then put up my candy for another day.
I do remember one time when I was a teenager, I got caught rolling a yard. I couldn't sit down for a week after that.
Those were the days....

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Boy oh boy I am soooooooo sore. I went back to the gym today and it was harder to get going today. My legs feel like they weigh a ton and my arms are real sore. Even though I am badly out of shape, I think I'm going to enjoy this gym thing. You can tell I'm new to this cause I'm the only one that is wearing baggy pants and shirt there. All the other women are in these slinky outfits and are really toned. Even the men are "well defined."
I figure it's going to take me a few months to really look like I've been working out. Maybe even more.
But I'm not going to give up on myself. No matter how hard it is, I'm going to continue to work hard on my body.
Who knows? I could be the next Elle McFeirson. Yea right. Maybe my night and shinning armor will wisk me away to my castle.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Just a quick look at today. I woke up sore all over from my workout yesterday. My legs felt like they each weighed 100 pounds. I walked like an 90 year old man today. People kept asking me what the problem was. It was funny.
So, tomorrow I'll go back to the gym. I hope I don't sweat like a pig again. I felt so pretty yesterday. Sweat just dripping down my face. I looked like I had stepped out of the shower. All the other ladies at the gym looked fresh and non gleamy. Oh well, there has to be someone out of the bunch thats overweight and sweaty. I was just that person. Hopefully in the next few months I won't looked like I crawled out of the bon bon barn.

Monday, October 15, 2012


Whew!!! I've had a busy day. After I got done today, I went to this new gym to work out. I joined this gym yesterday. With my plan, I get a personal trainer for the first three months. Boy, she wore me out today. I walked on the treadmill for 45 minutes, rode the bike for 30 minutes and did weight training for the other 30 minutes.
I feel tired but good. I'll be going to the gym three days a week then walking on my own for the other days. I have made a true commitment to myself. I did sway off my diet in September, but I've been going strong ever since.
I tried on clothes a few days ago and it wasn't pretty. I've got a lot to loose. But I know with a little hard work, I'll be able to meet my goals. I have had earnings for unhealthy foods a few times, but I promised my sister and Dad that I wouldn't cheat anymore. Plus, another motivation to stay on track is that I'm paying for my food with nutrisystem. It gets expensive as time goes by. But it's well worth it.
I'm also reading positive books to help my motivation and well being. I'm not only working on the outside; I'm working on my inner beauty as well. So hopefully I'll be a much happier person on the inside and out.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Service Call

Don't you just hate waiting on people to get to your house for repairs? I have been waiting since 7:30 this morning for my Air Conditioning man to get here. You know they never give you a specific time  that they will arrive, so you just have to wait until they get here. My appointment time was between 7:30am and 12 noon. Of course he didn't show up until 12:45pm. It was even over 100 dollars. Yikes!!!!!!
With the way things are going, I don't know how I'm gonna be able to handle Christmas shopping this year.
It will be here sooner than you think. Last year I started early with my shopping, so I was able to hit all the sales. This year my funds are smaller and I've missed most of the early bird sales. I have to do some hard thinking this year. Maybe I can make my gifts. Who knows?
Oh and I had something stolen from my patio the other night. I had recently painted a wooden pig and had it outside drying. It was between the hours of 10pm thru 6:30am when it was on my patio. Between that time it was stolen. I did look around the patios by my house but I didn't see it. So, I guess I shouldn't have anything nice outside for fear of it being stolen. Thats pretty sad that someone would do that.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Too Much

You know, my best friend is always sick. I've blogged about her before. She has renal failure and is on dialysis. She doesn't have an immune system anymore and she catches things all the time. Whenever she goes out in public, it seems she gets sick. She really can't enjoy life.
When I think about my problems, their tiny compared to what she goes through every day. It really saddens my heart. But all in all she has kept a positive attitude through all of this. And I think her stubburness has helped her stay alive. She's one of these people that would give the shirt off her back to help others. She's very humble. Her husband is the same way. They barely have two nickels to rub together and they always seem to help those in need. Their simple folk. I just can't say enough about them.
Whenever I face hard times  I always think about their predicament and it helps me make the right decisions. Because they face hardships on a daily basis. Even though they are poor, they are very happy. They have a bunch of cats and a dog. In their little house it's full of love that whenever  you walk into it you feel at home.
I just hope one day I can be as well rounded as the two of them.