women get social

Thursday, April 26, 2012


I got the news from my friend Brian that the vet had to put her down at 3pm today. It wasn't due to any behavioral problems; it was because she was in kidney failure. Her kidneys were shutting down.
This explains the constant hiding these past few months and her temperment.
I feel so responsible. If only I had known that there was a problem. She had been eating well [three times a day] and drinking lots of water.
The vet said that she probably always has had a kidney problem. And the shelter that I adopted her from should have never put Butter up for adoption.
This still doesn't make me feel any better.
My friend assured me that she wasn't in any pain yet. The vet told him that she would have been crying and not eating if she was in any pain.
She had such a short life only 2 1/2 yrs. old. I don't even have a picture of her.
Brian brought Butter to his house and buried her in his back yard. I'm glad he did this because it would have been awful if she had just been discarded.
This makes two cats that I have had that had to be put down due to illness.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Continued from Today

Well I heard from my friends. They took Butter to the vet and they told me that it took three people with long gloves on to get Butter out of the carrier. The vet was going to keep her over night and observe her tomorrow. He was also going to run a kidney test to make sure she didn't have any problems, since she has not been using her litter box but every other day.
I think as I told my friends that this is all due to her being so scared and also the bug problem I've had a my house. Butter has only been hanging out in the closet for about a month now.
I just feel awful, so awful about the entire thing. I can just see her little face right now. She used to be such a happy cat. I think the "used to be" is sad. I didn't even get a picture of her.
I'm praying that everything is going to be OK for tomorrow and that my friends will be able to take her to their house. I'm praying that she behaves herself enough to let this vet see that she can be a good cat.
I'm just praying.

The Capture

I'm glad thats all over. My friends came and were able to wrangle Butter in the carrier. She was very scared. I gave them all of her stuff and they left to take her to their vet in Jasper.
They did say that they had talked to their vet this morning who said that Butter may be too wild to keep. Her temperment may be too bad to live with. I assured them that I would go along with anything the vet suggested. In other words, she may be put down.
Butter did get a hold of my hand this morning and left a gash. I can see where others may think she is just too far gone to be tamed.
She used to have her gentle side. She loved her belly to be rubbed, loved to cuddle and loved to play. But recently in the past few months she has secluded herself in the closet. She's not interested in anything anymore.
Hopefully the vet will give her the go ahead and she can enjoy a nice relaxed home out in the country. She'll have other cats as company and a dog. Thats where my friends live.
I should be getting the news later on today, so we'll see. I'm just glad she's not cooped up in the closet anymore.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Well it's all set for tomorrow. My friends from Jasper are coming to get Butter and all of her stuff. Hopefully Brian will be able to get her in her carrier. I'm not even going to try tomorrow because I don't want to get scratched or bit. SHe acts like a wild animal when it comes to getting her in the carrier.
Yesterday I was having doubts about this. Am I doing the right thing or not.
Now, she only stays in the closet day in and day out. She doesn't play anymore and she doesn't even come out to use her litter box but every other day. I do have fleas in my house, so I guess she's just trying to stay away from them. But this is no life for this cat.
Plus my friends have other cats and a small dog to keep her company. And she will have a nice large house to roam around in instead of this tiny condo.
So, if I weigh the odds, she'll be much more happier elsewhere.
I would like to get another cat sometime, but not for awhile.
I'll miss her a lot, but I'll know that she's being well taken care of. Wish us luck tomorrow.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Butter Kitty

Well, today was the icing on the cake. For no reason, Butter, my cat, hissed at me and then misses my eye just a bit with her claws. I've had this cat for a little over two years now and I have tried to win her over with love, kisses, hugs and toys.
But nothing has worked. She still hisses at me, tries to bite me and scratches me. My body is riddled with scrapes. So, today I took the advice of my family and found her another home.
I'll know next week when my friends from Jasper can come and get her. Of course, I'll still have to somehow put her in her crate. But she's got a place to go. My friends live out in the country, have three other cats and one dog.
I think she'll have more space to run around in and she might even get along with the other cats. Because this arrangement is just not working anymore.
I love her so much and will miss her. I just can't keep her anymore.
And I know that if I called the rescue center where I adopted her they would probably put her down. No one else will adopt a cat that is a "loose cannon."
I'll know better next time not to adopt a cat that was abused before. Maybe in time I'll get a kitten. A kitten that I can mold and would be a pleasant cat to be around.
But for now, I'll not be a pet owner for awhile. A part of me thinks I failed as a pet owner. I failed because for some reason this cat never trusted me completely. I just don't know what else I could have done.
And the fact that I am a diabetic who is prone to getting infections. These scratches are doing a number on my skin.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


My neighbors were at it again late last night. They were out on the front lawn, directly in front of my bedroom window arguing. They weren't just arguing; they were screaming at each other. This time I did get up and go out on my patio and told them to take it indoors and shut up.
They woman was like, "oh, did we wake you?" I'm like daa...
The problem with them is that they get drunk and then fight. They couldn't care less if the whole entire complex heard them. Their the ones that I have told you before that they are self proclaimed rednecks. Their in their 60's. You would think at their age they would know better. But they don't.
This is just one of the perks to living in a condo community. You know all about your neighbors bad habits.

Monday, April 16, 2012


I'll tell you one thing, there are scams everywhere. I've had a cable box through Charter for the past 8/mos. Actually, I've had two separate boxes because the first one didn't work. Now my second one isn't working.
So, I called Charter and they told me that they were gonna have to charge me an additional 55 dollars to come and install a third box. Now I'm only getting this box to watch TCM plus my regular channels.
I thought that it's not fair to charge me to fix their equipment. But no, they have a surcharge to come out again.
So, I decided to not keep a box and asked if they would come out and get this faulty one and not install another. To even come and get equipment the charge is 35 dollars. See, their going to charge you for additional boxes and going to charge you for not using a box anymore. It's all a scam.
I'm going to write the company and complain. I really don't think it will do much, it's just the principle of the thing.
You know, every person that I have talked to that use Charter services have all said the these Charter workers are all rude. I guess Charter is so big now that good customer service is out the window. I guess their motto is get their money not matter if the customer is pleased.
I wish there was another carrier of cable in town.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Well it's the weekend and I have had one of those lazy days. I got up early, but then went back to sleep and didn't get up until 11:30am. I've gone out to water my plants. Thats about it. I mostly have been on the couch watching the Lonesome Dove series.
I've gotten a few calls from friends, cleaned up the kitchen and thats all. I feel like I have waisted a full day. But it's been nice.
I know those of you have days like this too.
Got a busy week planned for next week, so I guess I'm just hanging out today.
I don't have much else to say, but I hope the good weather continues. Spring is my favorite time of year. Not too hot.

Friday, April 13, 2012


It is so funny what you dream of. This morning I had a doozy. I think it was some sort of disaster and there were people just walking around. I was with my family and a whole pack of folks. We found a deserted home that had all of this frozen food and canned food. I was trying to cook for a lot of people. Using whatever I found.
Meanwhile, my mother and sister were dressed in these long robes and they were going to join a religious cult. I still had to feed these people. We built a fire in one of the fire places and I also had to find food for these three cats.
I was walking outside when I woke up. It was one of these dreams where you have to sit there and realize that you're home and everything is OK.
Last week I had a dream that my mother was riding a camel in downtown Birmingham. That was a topic of conversation at Easter this year. It was bizarre.
I have had dreams that come true every now and then. Those are really freaky.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Late night

Try to picture this. I'm sleeping, dreaming of dreams and all of a sudden I hear this loud bang.
My cat had knocked off my alarm clock along with some books. She was trying to get my attention because I shut her out of the closet. She had spent two days in the closet and wouldn't come out to eat or use her litter box.
For two days. So last night I was able to grab her without her ripping my arm off and get her out of the closet. She kept hackling and meowing from 1:30am to 4:00am. I finally let her back in the closet to shut her up. After she did eat.
So now, I can't even pry her out again. She's been pretty bad lately, scratching me and hissing at me. And when she wants to she tried to bite me a few times.
I just don't know what to do. I'm very good about washing my scratches with hydrogen peroxide so I won't get any infections. But this takes the cake. Any ideas everyone?

Monday, April 9, 2012


Well I didn't stay at my volunteering job long this morning. I'm having knee problems.
But I wanted to share with you about reckless drivers. On my way in this morning I was almost hit by three cars.
One, someone backing out of  parking place when I was trying to drive through the parking lot where I live. This guy just didn't even look before he backed out.
Two, someone running a stop light at an intersection. And three, someone merging over in my lane and I was right there.
I swear, these drivers are the typical ones. The ones that are not paying attention or are in too much of a hurry to care.
Thank goodness I was paying attention to the road today. I sometimes fiddle with my CD player or talk on the phone. I've stopped talking on the phone though when I'm driving. I saw a commercial about this woman talking on her phone and she had a car accident. I can see where your attention would be impaired by doing that.
So, I guess this goes to show you that it's always good to keep your eyes on the road, because you never know what the other car is doing.

Friday, April 6, 2012


My patience is not very good. I've been waiting most of the day for my new shipment of food from Nutrisystem. After it's shipped,it usually makes it to me within three days. I'm almost out of food from my earlier order.
Hopefully I'll get it today. It always seems we're waiting on something whether it may be people, events or purchases. This down time sucks.
Wouldn't it be nice if you could buy something and presto there it is. I mean through the mail.
I did take advantage of this beautiful day this morning. Had a great walk. My knee is still bothering me, but I had a good walk anyway.
It's sleepy time for my cat. Everyday around 3 or 4 my cat gets this "don't bother me look" on her face and goes curls up somewhere hidden and warm. I think it would be great to take a long nap everyday, if you were one of those that can sleep during the day. Me, I can't even sleep at night, so how would I be able to sleep during the day.
I hope you are getting out this weekend. It's suppose to be great weather. Oh and Happy Easter everyone!
I miss getting chocolate for Easter. I miss chocolate at any time. Thats just one of the things I had to give up when I got diabetes. Now I eat something called Carab chocolate. It's sweet in a bland sort of way, same color as chocolate, but not the same taste. It's a poor substitute.
Well thats about all for me today. Talk later....

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Sad Thing

Here at the Wildlife Center, we have a fresh water turtle that has become like a pet. It was released back into the park a couple of months ago. It's shell was painted to let the park rangers know that it was treated at the center. Anyway, we were told that it had been hit by a car when it was crossing the street. It died soon after that.
Thats one of the problems when you have wildlife in a park. There are always people who drive fast and who are not well versed on the population of wildlife.
We've had a lot of deer that have also been injured by traffic. And recently we've had a bunch of red tailed squirrel's nests that have been abandoned by the adults squirrels,so we've hand feeding the babies. They sort of look like kittens without fur. Their tiny.
Anyway, I guess it's good to have resources donated by people to treat, house and feed these injured animals.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Just a Little Tid Bit

Just a little news about skin care and diabetics. Since I've had diabetes, I tend to heal slower from cuts or sores. And my skin is much dryer than before.
The bad thing about me is that I have a cat that scratches. Each time she does this, it takes me double the amount of time for my skin to not get infected. I know this must sound gross, but it's a fact.
Also, when I get sick, it takes me longer to get well. So I am constantly trying to stay away from germs.
But for the past few months my blood sugars have been great. Almost to normal. Because of this my immune system has been stronger. But I still need to be careful.
These are just the little things that you have to put up with when you have diabetes.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Whats New

Whats new with me. Well nothing. I'm going through the same mundane days with volunteering then hobbies. I try to do something each day that will enrich my life. So today, I went to the park after work to do some sketching. I'm not very good at it, but I think it's all about what each person sees through their eyes.
It was such a beautiful day today and hot. It seems like we went straight through spring to now summer. And I can't believe that Easter is this week. So far, this year is flying by.
I saw the most pitiful thing on the side of the road today. While I was driving home, I saw this dog who obviously had been hit by a car. There were others that had stopped to help. This poor dog was just dragging his back legs as he tried to run from those who were trying to catch him.
I just don't understand why there are so many unwanted pets out there. It really tugs at my heart.
One sweet thing that happened today was when I went to the grocery store tonight. I was walking out to my car and this older man was carrying this bunch of flowers with him. I guess I was staring at the flowers when he said, "flowers for the sweet." He gave me a flower before getting in his car to leave. I thought that was so nice. It sort of made my day.
Nothing much else going on for the rest of the evening. Just my chores and feeding my ever so hungry cat. Sometimes I feel bad that my cat is alone a lot. But I know she just sleeps all day.
Well thats about it for me today.
I hope everyone has a good week!