women get social

Friday, March 30, 2012

This is Odd

Wednesday morning I woke up to severe leg pains especially around my knee area. When I tried to get up and walk across the room, my leg would not cooperate. I ended up keeping hot compresses on it that day and elevating it.
I've been on a twice a day walking regimen for about one month now, so I most likely strained some muscles. I did go back today and volunteered for a few hours, so that made me feel better.
It's just real sore right now.
Otherwise, I've had a pretty easy week. My friends from Jasper came yesterday for a visit while they were in town. They had brought my birthday gift with them and they bought me a NOA weather radio. They programmed it while they were here, so I'm all set now.
I've been meaning to get one so this is just what I needed.
Well I hope everyone has a good weekend.

Monday, March 26, 2012


My cat just jumped on my back trying to land on my shoulder. Those claws!!!! Well I've been on my new diet for 12 days by Nutrisystem. I've had a few close calls with low blood sugars. One in particular caused my fasting blood sugar to be 47. Man, I had the shakes, sweats and dizzyness. I had to take a glucose tablet, well a couple of them that morning. I've since had to take a few of those tablets.
So, I've been decreasing the amount of insulin on a daily regimen . Every two to three days I come down 2 units. Now I'm at 30 units. Which this is what I initially ended with when I was first diagnosed.
Anyway, I think as I loose more weight, my insulin needs with decrease along the way.
My goal is to lose 70 pounds. Then if I lose those 70 pounds I may go down another 20 to 30. We'll just have to see. I'd like to be at my weight when I was 18yrs. old. It's going to be hard, but I think my motivation will continue with the amount of weight I'll lose along the way.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

What is that?

This is the last funny moment I'm gonna include. I hope you have enjoyed the others. Well here it is.
I think it was in the early 1990's. I had a cyst on one of my ovaries and I had it taken off. I had started my period before surgery, it was a mess.
Anyway, as I'm waking up in recovery I felt something between my legs. I looked down and saw something poking up under the sheets. Keep in mind, I'm still drugged at this point. I start yelling.
[ the nurse told me all of this when I was myself ]
I yell, "oh shit, You gave me a penis!"
In reality they had stuck a maxi pad there. That was all. But me, being me thought I had been surgically altered. I just freaked out. I can't imagine what the other people in recovery thought.
After the nurse told me what I had said, I was completely mortified. She on the other hand was laughing along with two other nurses.
I guess this will be one on the books for the most bizarre.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What? Oh No!

In college, I went to Fort Lauderdale with a bunch of my sorority sisters. Well one summer we went. We all had a great time and most of us met really cute guys. It was one night when a few of us decided to sit in the hot tub.
Now keep in mind, there were three of us with two guys. The water was hot and soothing. All of a sudden I started passing gas. It was one of those occasions that either you pass the gas or bend over in pain.
I was sitting next to this guy. All of a sudden bubbles started coming up. I said, "wow, these jets are strong."
The guy next to me said the jets weren't on and then he slowly scooted away from me. For the remainder of the trip, I couldn't look that guy in the face without feeling embarrassed.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Ok, Ok

Ok, here's another one. I had to sit and think what has happened to me that was a remembered "funny."
I went to New Orleans with a bunch of people back in the 1990's. We were all walking around and came upon this horse drawn carriage. So we all pile in and as we are enjoying the sights, the driver says  that his horse was named Amis.
Well me in my semi-drunken state thought he said Anus. So  I start saying "giddy up Anus go go go."
I didn't remember this, but was told this the next morning.
I will never let that down.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

An Oldie But Goodie

Ok, picture this. I used to work in Circuit Court at the Criminal Justice Building. I was a court advocate for defendants assigned to supervision for the courts. Anyway, I'm sitting at the attorney table. There's the defense attorneys, probation officer and the District Attorneys. The judge calls me to the bench. As I'm rising out of my chair I fart. It's not just one of those silent ones, it was loud. Plus the smell followed me all the way up there and followed me back. I could smell it myself.
I am so mortified!!!! I could feel my face getting hot and I started sweating out of embarrassment.
I just knew everyone in the courtroom knew what had happened.
I then think, well maybe not. Maybe just maybe no one noticed. When I got done with the judge I quietly walked back to my seat. When I sat down the probation officer leaned over to me and says " Damn girl."
He starts laughing and I start laughing. Now keep in mind this is in the middle of court session.
When I looked down the table, one of the DA's had his hand in front of his face laughing.
Needless to say, I will always be remembered as the "gassy girl."

Monday, March 12, 2012


Ok, it's 1984 and I'm going to my first formal in college. Do you remember those press on nails? Well, while I was dancing with my date I reached behind his neck and put my fingers in his hair. When I drew my hand back on his shoulder I was missing four nails. Now, we are right in the middle of all of these other people.
I reached back again and felt the nails in his hair. I was so embarrassed. I had to stop dancing, grab his hand and lead him outside. I asked him to turn around and thats when I picked the nails out of his hair. He of course started laughing. When we went back inside he told one of his friends and by the end of the dance everyone and their cousin knew about it.
It was even put in the yearbook that year. Augh.....

Saturday, March 10, 2012

A Hint

I thought what would be neat is to start including funny things that have happened to me recently, within the past few years and long ago. Every now and then they come up in conversation and it's still hilarious.
So look for them in the next few blogs.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Butter Continued

She's now eating canned food, just like she did before a few months ago. I really haven't thought that maybe she's just tired of eating her dry kibble. She's also drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated.
She did hide in the closet most of the night. I heard that when cats are sick, they like to hide in dark places. So maybe this is just something real simple. Maybe I just don't need to worry.
I tried again to put her in the crate yesterday afternoon. That was a bad mistake cause she bit me.
Even though she's gotten a whole lot better as far as manners, she still lets me know when not to push as she did yesterday.
Some people might say that I need to get a newspaper and strike her when she does bite. I don't believe in spanking an animal. Plus, she came from a place where she was abused. I don't want to let her know that she has to be afraid of me at all. I have found that simple gestures of kindness goes a long way. That is if you want a pet to be happy and reassured that everything is all right.
So, all in all I think she's going to be just fine.

Sunday, March 4, 2012


It seems that my cat is sick again. A few months ago, she had something, I don't know where she wouldn't eat. Well for the past two days now, she has eaten her food. However, she will eat her treats. This is the same thing that happened before. Another peculiar thing is that she's been hanging out on top of the vanity. Every so often I'll go over there and there will be specks of blood in the sink.
I tried looking and feeling at her nose to see if it was coming from there, but I couldn't see anything.
I also checked her paws and again I can't see anything. So it's another mystery.
This is the same cat that fights like a wildcat when I try to put her in her crate. Biting and scratching. So again, I don't know how to get her to the vet.
So, I've made a little place for her will a warm towel by the vanity. Hopefully she'll turn around like she did before.
I did listen to her chest the other day and she did sound like she had a little congestion. But I don't know.
All I can do is continue to feed her, give her water and lots of love. Hopefully she'll get better.

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Boy, we had some ugly weather yesterday and all last night. I lost my power until this morning. They were predicting long range tornados and severe thunderstorms and hail. It did all the above except for the tornados. I heard that a couple of people in Alabama were killed. It was not nearly as bad as the April 27th. weather last year. Thank God.
To change the subject, I went for my second appointment to see that nutritionist yesterday and again they asked me to reschedule. I was fed up by then and I ended not doing that. But after I talked to my sister, I've decided to go ahead and call them back to reschedule one more time. She may have had a bad week.
I've been perfectly lazy today. Just got out of my pajamas at 1pm. I slept late then went back to sleep for another couple of hours. I am planning on taking a walk today but that will be about it for my day.
I really take advantage of the weekends. I usually am a home body.
Well, I've got to feed my starving kitty. Talk later...

Thursday, March 1, 2012


I can't believe that today is March 1st. It just seems like last week I was celebrating the New Year.
I didn't get much sleep last night because my neighbors were up fighting. They even were arguing out in the front lawn. They had been drinking because this morning when I did finally get up there were beer cans all in the breezeway.
I like to go out on my patio in the mornings to drink my coffee. Thats where I saw the beer cans. You would think folks in their 60's would behave better than that.
I wish that people would be more respectful of their neighbors, especially at 3am. You would think.
Well, I guess this is just one of the joys to condo living.