women get social

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Helping the storm victims

With all of the news coverage that has been in Alabama, it's hard to figure out what you can do to help. There's the Red Cross, the Salvation Army and your local EMA team. I logged onto to
handsonbirmingham.org . The volunteer division has my name and email address so they can tell me where I'll be most needed.
A recap- this is in response to the tornadic weather that came through Alabama on 4/27/11. Whole towns were just wiped off the map.
I believe the death tole has now risen to 258. This will change. There's been notifications in the paper and news that each town finds more fatalities as the days go by.
You can also log onto myfoxal.com. This will give you all sorts of numbers in relation to the different counties affected and to where volunteers are needed.
The state also needs money, so alot of people have been donating cash to the Red Cross. Every little bit helps.

Friday, April 29, 2011

A Day in History

Today is when Prince William and Kate Middleton got married. I watched it at 4am this morning on CNN. She was beautiful and he was charming. They even rode in the carriage that Princess Di and Charles rode in after they were married. The whole ceremony was splendid.
On a somber note, I blogged yesterday about the devastation in Alabama after the storms came through. The fatality tole has risen from 125 to over 200 now.
President Obama is here right now surveying the destruction. Fox6 news has been telecasting for the last two days on up to the minute news about this unfortunate event. Yesterday I went to a grocery store and bought about 50 dollars of water. I took it to a truck at the Bruno's store in Hoover,Alabama. They were asking people in this area to donate water.
They are also asking for money donations and volunteers to work in these devastated ares.
I was told that this has gone nationwide. And yes, it's all over the internet. Even when they had pre-ceremony events in London, England yesterday, the journalists there were talking about it. Every channel you go to, it's been broadcasted across the world.
I think this is good, so that people will be able to provide more  assistance.
I just think we all need to pray for those families affected by these storms and pray for those who lost their lives.
Alabama has been approved for Federal assistance. Because of the economy, this is surely needed to rebuild all of these areas and to assist the people financially. If you want to help, log onto facebook and find out what is needed. You can also log onto fox6's website.
We need all the help we can get.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Day to Remember

Yesterday Alabama experienced the worst day know in centuries. There were over 125 deaths in Alabama due to massive amounts of tornados. I did see one of the tornados on the news which was an EF5. My neighborhood escaped the devastation. Also my sister and nephews neighborhood also was skipped over. After the weather ended around 10pm I did call all of my friends and family to make sure they were all ok.
The storms began at 3:30am yesterday.
The news say that more than one EF5 touched down throughout the state. I would say there were 20 or so tornados yesterday.
The death tole is depressingly rising, so the total death tole is not known at this time. I pray for all of the families affected by this horrible day. Now is the time to pray for your families, pray for what you have and join the effort in helping others

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Well I've had an early morning again. I'm not getting the rest I need right now. When I do sleep, I have bad dreams that wake me up. So I feel like I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't. Excuse the french, but when you don't get sufficient sleep you are in a bad mood.
Bad weather is coming back into our county again. It seems that we are getting horrible storms on a weekly basis.
Yesterday, I devoted my time to finding a job. I must have gone through a couple of hundred job advertisements on Monster.
What's funny is that I got two calls from health insurance companies for healthcare coverage. Once they found out that I had diabetes and high chloresteral they weren't too interested in providing me with coverage. Doesn't that just beat everything.
At this point I would be willing to pay just about anything to get health coverage.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Blood Sugar vs. A1C

To maintain a good blood sugar is vital with your A1C. The higher the overall blood sugar is; the higher your A1C. My doctor wants my A1C to be around 6 to 7. My last measurement was 7.7, so that means I'm maintaining good levels.
But on the downside to this is that you constantly have to be diligent about what you eat, how much you exercise and how much fluids you drink. It's a constant battle. There are some days that I just want to eat ice cream and cake. I can't of course, but I do eat frozen yogurt as a treat. Gluten free.
Sometimes to keep motivated I read online stories of diabetes care.
I read this one story of a young child who had flu like systems for weeks on end, kept drinking alot of fluids and urinated all the time. Her parents didn't realize what what going on so they called their pediatric doctor and the nurse thought it was the flu and advised them to give this child 1 tbsp. of gaterade every 1/2 hour. Well systems got worst and she then went into a coma. Her mother thought she had just passed out. Short story- they rushed her to the hospital and the doctors told the couple that their child was in a diabetic shock.
The child had also been throwing up. In any case, it took 2 hours to rehydrate her. They took her blood sugar and it was 1000. After six hours of pumping insulin in her it got down to 600. She woke up the next day not remembering anything. Of course this was Type 1. Her parents had to practice injecting on an orange. They couldn't leave the hospital with their child until they both knew how to give injections to their child.
They learned and now their child is living a well managed diabetic life.
So you can see, that managing your blood sugar and insulin means that you can live as normal a life as anyone who doesn't have diabetes. But it's still an effort. You've got to want to be healthy and not at a risk for complications that can be anywhere from heart disease to kidney failure.
My Dad was telling me that 1/2 of his patients who have heart disease are diabetics. Their fasting blood sugars [FASTING] is around 350. They keep eating and smoking their way to diseases.
Thankfully I've had a good support system to stay in check with my diabetes. It helps to talk through the ongoing management of my diabetes. Alot of people don't have that, so I'm lucky.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Shopping day

I can't remember the last time I bought myself anything. I had two gift cards. One was from 2009 and the other was from Christmas. So I went to Macy's and bought four shirts and one pair of dockers. Then I bought an expensive purse that I would have never purchased with my own money. I also got a pair of sandles. So, I'm all set.
I'm not in the size that I want to be in, but I did get a smaller size than I usually wear, so thats good.
I feel like it's been Christmas all over again. I can't imagine having unlimited funds to do that type of shopping all the time. I think it would be nice for alittle while, but I think it would get old. But, it would be nice to have more money on hand. I have been on a budget for so long now that I don't know any different.
It's good to be on a budget I think. Cause it allows you to keep track of your expenses and helps you know how much you have in the bank.
Anyway, it was a fun day today. I enjoyed myself fully.
I was going to get my nails done, but I didn't want to spend any of my own money. I think everyone needs to have a day that you splurge on yourself.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Happy Easter to everyone!!!! I spent the day with my family. The food was wonderful and also the company. The wave of conversation was politics and the upcoming Royal Wedding on 4-29-11. Gosh it starts broadcasting at 3am in the morning. YIKES!! But I wouldn't miss it.
Today at 6pm they had Princess Di's and Charles's wedding which was  30 years ago. I remember we were at my grandparents home and we all woke up real early to watch the ceremony.
It just doesn't seem to have been that long ago.
It was a beautiful day today, not too hot and the sun shined all day.
Dad colored easter eggs as he always has. I remember when we were little he would always have an ugly egg. And we would always miss one or two eggs, but would smell them in the yard weeks later. I have alot of fond memories of Easter egg hunting.
It was nice to be with everyone. Although we all live in the same town, we don't get to see each other much. So these holidays are precious.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Oh, I had a rough night last night. I don't know if I ate something bad for dinner or I have another bug. I have been throwing up for the past 5 hours. Now I'm dry heaving. I've got a headache and I'm sore all over.
I hate bugs. With me and my diabetes, it's hard to have any stomach related problems because my blood sugar gets really low. My Dad just called me back and suggested that I take a couple of glucose tablets to get my blood sugar back up. My blood sugar was 70 this morning.

I just took the tablets so hopefully I'll start feeling better.

Friday, April 22, 2011


Today has been a beautiful day so far. What a change from the nasty weather we've been having.
The only thing about the temperature today is that it's suppose to be 91% humidity. The the bad thing about living in the south, there's always high humidity levels. I have a condition called anhydrosis which doesn't allow my body to sweat. So, when it gets really hot and the hunidity is up, I have a hard time. I've learned to carry a water bottle with me that sprays cool water. It really helps.
It's suppose to be in the 80's on Easter. I wish my nephew was still at the age to go Easter egg hunting. But I'm sure there's going to be alot of kids that are going to have fun Sunday.
Not much more to report today, so happy Friday!!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Say what?

You know it's funny. I have always had people ask me to decorate their homes for them after they have seen mine. They say I have a natural talent in using the right colors and furniture to make homes look good. I don't know about that, I just know what I like.
I've had good examples to follow because both my sister and mother's homes look like decorator show houses. I learned to paint probably before I learned to drive.
I like it. I like to see what I can create. It's also fun to dabble with different ideas. I just love to experiment with different colors, pictures, furniture and furniture arrangements.
I also like for my place to stay organized and clean. Since my condo is small, it makes more sense to keep it clean all the time rather than dirty.
Maybe I'll have someone look at my place and offer me bookoos of money to do their place. Wishful thinking on my part. But you never know.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Good friends

You know I feel so blessed to have the good friends that I do.  I have blogged about my friends in Jasper, Al. One is severely ill and the other is so hard working with a disability himself.
They drove a hour away yesterday to bring me a chest. Their truck is old and not dependable, so it means they have to drive real slow. So, I think the trip from Jasper to Birmingham took them longer. They have always thought of others rather than themselves.
Right now they have taken a young man under their wing to help him get his GED and get some work ethic. This young man came from a horrific childhood. His father is a drug addict and has lost everything  due to bankruptcy. I'm not sure about his mother, but this young man lives with his grandparents who have major health problems.
So, all of his life he has not been given any guidence. So my friends have given him a job to help with yard work and are trying to teach him how life can be good rather than a struggle.
My friends have had it bad with both their health and financially. But they have had people from church and other organizations to help them plus good friends. So now they  are "paying it forward." Their passing their hope to someone else.
I think this is so selfless. They should be admired for this, but they just want to pass it on. They are very humble people who would give anything they had to others in need.
They have really made an impression on me through the years that I have known them. And the one important lesson I have learned is to live each day to the fullest. Because each day is a gift from God.
You never know when it could end.
Good philosophy I think.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I have some neighbors that are self proclaimed "rednecks." They both drink alcohol to the plenty. One of them is on diss=ability and the other waits tables. Their both in their 60's. Anyway, the wife was out in the middle of the front yard this morning at 4am just talking. There was no one with her. She was drinking also. This was about 4:30am this morning. Then she goes over to her car, gets in, starts the engine, then turns off the engine and walks back in to her home.
I know this because she was talking so loud outside that it woke me up. I saw her doing these things from the window.
One of my fears is that they are going to fall asleep with a cigarette in their hand. This could obviously burn the building down. They are so careless with the property. They used to have a dog. They would tether him outside and forget about him. This was last summer, when the temperatures were so hot. He never had water or food outside with him. One day I went to there home and asked them if they were going to give him some water. The wife said, " oh... we forgot he was out there."
Needless to say, they don't have that dog anymore, thank god.
They just make me nervous.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Lazy day

WHoosh!!! I have not been out of my bedroom practically all day. It's a shame that I wasted such a beautiful day, but I definately  got caught up on my sleep. I haven't been sleeping well again, so I think it just caught up with me. Now I'm raring to go and do some chores. Take a hot bath and then it's back in bed to watch a movie.
Yesterday was so nice. It was as sunny as today has been, but there was a cool breeze in the air. I got to spend some time with my friends 6/mo. old granddaughter. We also pilled in the car and got some frozen yogurt. That was fun.
The yogurt didn't bother my blood sugar levels. It's at a place called Red Mango. They have all natural yogurt which does not have gluten in it. Gluten is one of those ingredients that make my blood sugar high.
I had the dark chocolate and banana flavors. Oh.. It was so good. I felt like I was being real naughty eating that, but I wasn't.
Well thats my news for the day.
Talk later.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Whew!!! that storm front yesterday was a bad one. Fox6 news broadcasted all day on it. I luckily had my neighbor/friend down in my condo for the majority of the storm. I hate being alone in storms.
It's funny, the whole wall of storms were at one time all around us. But then we got alot of rain and wind. No damage, thank god.
I called my home owners insurance company yesterday to make sure I was covered. Just had that feeling.
Today I woke up to a beautiful, sunny day. It's amazing how bad the weather can be in Alabama, then be beautiful the next day.
Well, thats about all of my news. I do plan on getting out side today to enjoy the day. Have a good one!

Friday, April 15, 2011


Ahh... Another early day. You know, I think I have been waking up early because of three reasons.
1. Hot flashes. Yes, hot flashes.
2. My cat wants to play at least every 2 to 3 hours.
3. Just wake up and can't go back to sleep.

I feel like I'm 80 yrs. old sometimes. I question whether or not my body should be going through menopause. I don't have much energy at this hour to run around the house with Butter's toys. And I am not getting the rest I need each night.  For number 3. I've tried everything. Sleepy time tea before bed. Exercise before bed. Unisom which allows me to sleep about 5 hours. So this is good. No caffeine after 2pm. Maybe I'll just fall back into a more normal sleeping pattern one day. Hope so!!!
Because what can someone do at 4:00am in the morning?
Since I live in a condo, I can't clean, listen to music or walk around outside for fear of noise. And I especially wouldn't be walking around outside at this hour. Fear of unsavory people.
So, I end up blogging. Whewhew!!!
Hope everyone else is fast asleep and dreaming of happy thoughts. At least one of my favorite shows is on M.A.S.H.....
Talk later :]

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Better prepared

It's funny I was talking to my sister this week about the bad storm that came through our area on Monday night. I had all of the preparations for my cat, her food and water, liter box and toys to go in the bathroom, but I didn't have anything for me. We're aspecting another wave of severe weather tomorrow. So, I'm gonna charge up my cell phone in case we loose power, dress appropriately rather than my pajamas, put shoes on my feet, get batteries for my light and radio and pillows to go in the tub.
I don't want to sound like I'm over reacting, I just wasn't prepared on Monday for the "what if's."
Oh and I'm not going to try to catch my cat this time. I have the battle scars from Monday still. I think in the south we do take storms to the extreme sometimes, but as I always say "it's better to be safe than sorry."
Since I don't have a basement, I have suggested to my neighbor that maybe she should come down to my condo on the first floor in this storm. So, we'll both be safer.
Nothing new to tell. I am volunteering again, trying to keep busy. The website for ngagetoday is coming along. No new news from the job front. Did you happen to catch the Presidents speech yesterday? What a disappointment. All of the commentators I have heard today agreed on one thing. Obama was not talking in an adult conversation. He wants the rich to have higher taxes while still wanting to pay less taxes for everyone else. So which one? Can't have both. His speech consisted of a desire for a new re-election rather than improving the deficit of this country. 80 % politicians in his party were  also surprised about his speech. Like I've said before, he needs to get out of office soon. He doesn't know what he's doing. This nation is in trouble as long as he's running it. For the pro Obama's, sorry. Just my opinion.
But studies have shown also that the majority of people that voted for him have been disappointed with the way he is running our country. So, thats interesting as well. I won't be mentioned politics again in my blog. Too contraversial.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Getting things done

Well, today has been a busy day. I woke up with the sunrise and have been going ever since. I started volunteering again at the animal shelter today. I was there about 5 hours. When I got home I've been washing clothes, cleaning up the kitchen, the bedroom and the living room. This is the first time I have sat down.
We had a horrible storm last night like most of the county did. But the good thing was that it passed through pretty quickly. I made the mistake in grabbing my cat to go in the safety of my bathroom. She got so scared because I was scared that she peed on me after scratching me all over. Yes, I learned my lesson. Won't be doing that again. If anything happened she would have been just as safe under the bed than anywhere else.
We didn't loose our power last night but only the cable. It was on this morning when I woke up.
My neighbors who I blogged about last time lost their chime. DAH... you would think that they would have taken in their chime before the storm hit.
My load of laundry is calling, so I'll blog tomorrow.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Oh my Gosh!!!

I just don't understand some people. I bought two potted plants at the supermarket about a month ago. I put them both on my patio. One morning one of them was gone. I never found it. Then my redneck neighbors put a potted plant on their patio and wouldn't you know, it was the one that went missing.
I asked the wife about it and she admitted to taking it. She said that she couldn't afford any plants herself and thought I wouldn't mind.
I was just dumbfounded. If I had all the money I needed right now I would have let her have it. But I don't so I took it back. I asked her not to take anything else on my patio or flower garden. If anything was to show up missing again I would call the police and tell them what has been taken before.
These people are from the country and are real messy. Half the time their patio is all junked up. They don't follow the bi-laws of this property at all. Others neighbors have reported them to the management for other violations, so they should be well versed with the rules by now.
Go figure...

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Spring everywhere!

It's suppose to be a nice sunny day today. Everywhere you look outside, everything is in full bloom. It also seems that peoples moods have been uplifted. I read somewhere that most people are gloomy when the weather is cold and dark. That makes sense.
I have a full day planned. I'm going to a park this morning, then going for a neighborhood walk. I love it this time of year because there is a cool breeze outside with the sunshine.
I don't do very well in July and August because of the heat. They say that you are more active in the summer months than winter. But with me I'm more active in the winter months.
The only bad thing this time of year is the pollen. It hasn't been that bad this year because of all the rain we have gotten. Maybe I can get my car washed today too.
Since I did all of my running around yesterday, I have the whole weekend to have fun. And thats what I'm gonna do.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

What a scam!!!!

You know, I'm sure that job web sites have helped alot of people but for me it hasn't. I have all of my information [ resume and application ] on Monster.com.  My information is sent out to various company's in Alabama through this website  but I've had no luck.
It's unbelievable that the only nibbles I have received are those for sales positions. I don't even have a sales background.
Even though my experience is in a specialized field, I would have thought that I would be able to move into a position that is similar to that.
But since 2008, I have not had any worthwhile responses. I also have a resume on al.com. The same thing has happened there. Yahoojobs.com works the same way also.
So, you can see my frustration. I know the economy has been down, but this is ridiculous. I don't mean to sound negative, but it's a scam.
I have been relying on word of mouth, driving to different company's and verbally asking if they are hiring and the newspaper. Sometimes, companies don't advertise online through al.com. This website is derived from the newspaper.
Although my father is financially helping me, I've got to start working somewhere. I have cleaned homes and am currently helping build a website right now to earn some money.
It's just hard to see a future for myself at this time.
I firmly believe that you have to be in the right place at the right time. Maybe it will just happen when I least aspect it too.
Trying to remain optimistic.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

An outing

I met my close friends from Jasper, Al. today. I have blogged about them before. My friend and her husband have been such good friends in the past years. She's the one with a rare kidney disease. She has to dialize 6 x a day. She's also on a special meal plan, so eating out can be difficult to her. She's constantly battling with different bugs due to her immune system.
With all of her medical problems, she has been able to enjoy life. She was working on her PhD when she was diagnosed three years ago and had to give up her job. We met in the same department at UAB. The TASC department. Thats working with newly released defenders and placing them in programs sanctioned by the courts. She did all of the assessments and I worked in circuit court. I also managed the client"s successes or failures.
I loved the "action" in court. I was lucky to work with a very fair and nice judge. Judge Tommy Nail who is widely respected in the city. I was fortunate because I knew coworkers who were dealt with arrogent judges which made their jobs harder.
Anyway, I have been friends with my friend since that time. They live a veery modest life, growing their own vegetables, getting food from ministries and living off of what disability checks they have. These are the type of people that would give you the shirt off their backs.
Her husband in particular is hilarious. I remember one visit I had with them. We went to a restaurant in Jasper and there were raccoons on the walls. One of the raccoons had antlers. Well being a city girl, I was struck by this. Her husband said " well thats how they come in Jasper." For a second I believed him but then busted out laughing. He's always trying to amaze me.
When I'm down, I always say that my medical problems could be much worst like my friends and it help me to motivate myself to be happier.
I just love both of them dearly.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


You know the old saying that time heals everything. I think it's true. After years of being afraid of the world around me, I think I am now able to spread my wings.
Growing up was a chore when I was younger. I never really had a close bond with my mother and I was always searching for something. What that something was I still don't know.
But now, as an adult I have had a hard time trusting people around me. I think people have to prove themselves to me for me to welcome them with open arms. Thats been my downfall.
The best way I can explain it would be that since I wasn't given a nurturing relationship with my mother, it's hard for me to be comfortable with those around me. I have never been "comfortable" around crowds or at parties.
I never had the confidence within myself. Growing confidence is difficult. But it's not entirely unattainable. Through years of hard work, I have accepted my mother as who she is and moved forward. I have been able to give myself completely to those I love, despite my fears. I think it's all been about getting hurt.
To counteract that feeling, I try to remember how it felt as a child that wasn't doted on and draw strength on my will to be loved unconditionally.
It's helped me to trust those around me and to give love spiritually. I'm not mad at God anymore and I find myself wanting to be close to others. Not having that guarded feeling anymore. Always in the back of your mind, you're thinking "what if." But generally I am more trusting.
It's only taken me half a lifetime to figure this out. Better late than never!!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Stormy Monday

We're expecting a large storm later this afternoon. I went out in the wee hours this morning to "batton down" my patio. My neighbor has a chime that needs to come down. I'm always afraid it's going to blow through my window.
You know, here in Alabama people panic with any oncoming weather fronts. In the winter when snow is predicted, the grocery stores are ransacked with people buying out bread, milk and batteries.
In the spring and summer, you've got the school systems letting kids out of school early and people running to the stores again.
I guess here in the south we're not equipped to dealing with the weather.
It's funny sometimes. I guess people panic because there have been storms in the past that have devestated property and lives, so naturally every storm now is a threat.
I bet the folks in the north laugh at the folks from the south.
Oh well...

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Ngage yourself

You know, the ngage website really has alot to offer. Not to mention, each month they have new photos to depict the season. Their taken from a garden that the ngage team has. You'll get up to the minute news stories of people who contribute their time and efforts to the environment and to worthwhile events around the country. You'll also get nspired testimonials from people who get ngaged to charities within the state of Alabama.
Afterall, ngage is all about connecting with family, friends and the community around you. It's a great place to get started with any aspirations you may have. Some of us, want that goal oriented environment where "we" can give back to. When you surf the ngage website there's a sense of belonging to something greater than yourself.
The ngage site was founded by an average person, who like many of us struggle with the day to day exitistence of raising a child, working and commiting yourself to your environment. This person has the talent of looking beyond her life to others who may need guidance within their own "world."
I would recommend that you pursue the ngage website to explore organizations that may be of interest to you.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Being thankful

You know, the average person does not know how good he has it. You're so used to things you tend to take it for granted. I have a brother whom I rarely speak to. It's not intentional from both of us, but we have never had a boding relationship. When I think back, he has been there for me when I needed him most.
He's one of these people who doesn't celebrate his birthday, is a loner and is very private.
So naturally, he's not a big part of my life. I regret this.
I wonder if I could develop a relationship with him. I wonder if it's too late. Too late in the aspect of our ages. I don't want to believe that. I don't blog about him very often, but when I do it's usually just saying I saw him today or spoke to him today. So, I really don't know his likes and dislikes. He's my brother, but a stranger to me.
But I can honestly say he's there for me when it counts. I remember when I was sick about 4 years ago. He came to the hospital to bring me some clothes when the rest of the family was on vacation in Florida. He drove me around town when I was loosing my eyesight a year ago. He went and bought me groceries at that time too. He buried my beloved friend,Molly for me without me even asking him too. Basically, he's  been there for me. I don't think I have given him much of a chance in the past. I used to take it personally when I could not break the silence with him. But as I have learned, he's guarded with everyone in the family.
He has his close friends just as everyone does, but he usually keeps to himself. So, now I just accept him for who he is and be thankful that he is my brother. But I sure would like it if we were closer. Because what really matters is that I do love him very much.