women get social

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

It's been a few days

It's been a few days since I blogged. I missed doing this since I usually blog everyday. I have been volunteering non-stop. There's been alot of people on vacation so I've had to pull some extra hours. Now, I've got to get busy online in the job search. I did get a message yesterday from my old co-worker telling me that our old prgram director is just about finished writing a new grant. Since she did put in my name for hire, I curious if I will hear from him.
We had an awful storm psss through my neighborhood early this morning. I was up around 5:00am, turned on the news and there were numerous tornado warnings posted. The wind actually blew my chime off the wall on my patio. But it subsided by 10:00am. I remember how bad it would be trying to drive to work in a storm and I was thankful that this morning I didn't have to do that.
Well, that my news for the day. Talk later.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Since I Usually volunteer and clean homes on the weekend, I don't have a chance to relax. But since I wsn't scheduled this wekend or had to clean this weekend I have devoted my day to lay around the house. I did need to run errands, but sleep called me instead. You said sleep? I've had trouble again sleeping this past week. Getting about three hours a night. So, it caught up with me today.
I did watch a few movies. Of course, the oldies which I love. I especially like westerns too. I didn't think I'd like westerns, but there are a few that I do. Especially one movie in particular. It's called  McClintock. It has John Wayne and Mareen O'hara. I like both of those actors. I would like to get some of their movies some time.
I also played alot with my kitty. Plenty of hugs and kisses. She doesn't like alot of hugging, but I do it anyway. She was pretty tramatized hiding under the bed when my family came for Thanksgiving. It took her awhile to crawl out when everyone left.
I missed the beautiful day completely today. I'm so glad the cold weather is finally here. I get more active when it's cold outside. Gotta go do my chores.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving Dinner

Boy, that was fun. Despite the lack of space in my condo, we had enough room. Everyone seemed to have a good time. I was fortunate to have my sister to do this dinner with me. She such a great decorator and cook. She made the majority of the food. I did make a squash casserole, with rice, roles and cranberry sauce. She made a wonderful turkey, out of the world stuffing [ my favorite] with gravy, sauted green beans, sweet potato casserole and mac and cheese. Oh and we had a yumming desser, apple and cranberry pie with ice cream.
Dad brought the wine [ a red and white ]. I used my granmothers wine glasses and dessert dishes. My sister bought some beautiful flowers which adorned every room in my place. And my white candles gave a sense of elegance also.
It was really special. After all, this was my first holiday dinner.Of course my cat was a bit tramitized. She hid under the bed the entire time. She's real shy of company in the house.
I am so thankful for a wonderful family.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


OMG.... At 2:23am I was woken up by my next door neighbors dog. Yelping and crying. They put him out on a lead and leave him there for a few hours. These people have been given warnings by the association of the condos. They have been also warned and been given fines on this problem.
1. Their not suppose to have a leed. 2. Their not suppose to leave their dog unattended.
So, I went out on my patio and talked to the man who was playing their radio out on their patio. I told him that their dog woke me up and he looked at me like I was crazy. He said he didn't know anything about that.
Well next time I will be calling the police.
It always seems to happen between the hours of 12:00am - 3:00am. They have been reported by two other residents. I know this because this was discussed at the annual HOA meeting this year. I will be calling the association myself today.
It just amazes me that people have no common sense. These people must think that no one can hear them during these hours. Or, they just don't care. You would think a couple in their sixties wouldn't be caring on like this.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Cleanin' up

Boy, all day today I have been cleaning my house. I'm getting ready for my Thankgiving dinner. I vacummed, dusted, cleaned off my kitchen counters,washed bedspread and swept my patio. It makes you feel good to have a clean house.
All of my ingrediants have been bought and my casserole dishes are ready. I watched one of those old suspenseful movies called "The Terror." It had Borus Koloff and Jack Nicholson in it. Creepy!!!! I was going to volunteer this morning but my schedule was changed to Friday. I won't be cleaning houses this weekend due to one of the ladies will have overnight company staying for a few days and the other went out of town for the holiday. So, I finally have a free weekend.
Maybe I'll go to a movie. Well, thats my news for the day. Talk later.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Things you find in your cubbard

I was looking around my kitchen cubbards and I found all of these casserole dishes, party spoons and forks.
I also found large party plates and a pressure cooker. I haven't looked in the back of this cubbard since I bought and moved into my condo four years ago..
When I looked in another cubbard I found a glass cake stand and top,muffin pans and a wok. I gave away alot of things before I moved due to the lack of space.That just goes to show you that I don't cook much. .
I can remember when I was in my twenties and thirties, I used to have all of these dinner parties testing new recepies.Partly because I was dating a guy who was very social. Things have slowed down alot. It makes me want to call up my friends and have a bash.
All of these things that I found will be handy for my first Thanksgiving dinner in a few days. I am well prepared . Just have to clean house now.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Say what?

This morning I was enjoying a hot cup of coffee when I noticed these women walking around the property. I knew who they were, Juhova witnesses. As I sat there one of the older women came up to my patio and said "good morning." I said it back to her, then she just sat down next to me. She asked me what I was doing for the day and I asked her who she was. She said "I'm a Juhova witness."
I then said that I wasn't interested in what she had to say and asked her to please leave. Usually that does the trick, but this morning it was different. She then stood up and got her scriptures out and started praying. I saw the other two witnesses make their way to where we were sitting. They all prayed in unisome. I got up to go back inside and they told me that if I stay to hear them, I was going to be "denied from God."
I appreciate all forms of religion, but this was rediculus. I told them that if they didn't leave I was going to call the police. They stood their ground and I went back inside and closed my curtains.
I heard them outside for at least another 5 minutes then they left. I called my neighbor upstairs and warned her of what happened and to not answer her door when they knock.
If it's not Juhova witnesses , it's people coming up to your door and ask for money. It happens alot since my condos are located on a busy road.
It sort of feels invasive. Oh, and then we also have the mormons that ride their bikes around too.
It would be nice to be able to go outside and not be bothered by these organizations.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


I go through days when I have a touch of insomnia. I've done this for years. No matter how tired I am, I can't sleep. Well last night I took unisom for the first time. That did the trick. It worked so well, that all day today I was sleepy from it. Or maybe it was because I was catching up on my sleep from four days. I slept til 8am got up did my chores and ate, then I went back to sleep til 1:30pm. Got up, then laid back down and slept for another two hours. I'm still sleepy at 10:00pm.
It's been so silent in my house today. Even my kitty has been yawning all day. Thats funny.

Friday, November 19, 2010


Yesterday, I had to go to the post office to send a care package to a sick friend. Well, I didn't have enough money with me and this man standing behind me in the line gave me the remainder of change that I needed. I didn't even ask him; he just came up to the counter where I was being helped and gave the postman  the $2.75 .
I thought that was so thoughtful. Even though I had witnessed two irate people this week, I decided that there are those that are generally kind. Sometimes it's hard to recognize this when the average person talks to so many people in a day. Just alittle compassion and kindness goes a long way.
One of my insecurities is that I don't have enough faith in people. Maybe it's because I get dissappointed with people. Or maybe it's because I've been burned too many times. I think it's only natural when you experience the "bad" in folks, that you sway towards hesitation.
All I can do is believe that people have more good in them than bad. And as the old saying goes, "treat others like you want to be treated."

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Road rage

When I was driving in the 8:00 am hour this morning, their was this driver who was acting like he was drunk. He was weaving back and forth through traffic. All of the sudden, he stopped his car, got out and started yelling at this other driver. We were all stopped at a light at that time. He then tried to open the other cars door continuing to yell. A few men stepped out of their cars and assisted this person that was being yelled at. During this time, the light changed, but due to these drivers out of their cars it was a standstill.
Someone must have called the police, because they drove up on the curves to get to the argument. They ended up dragging this guy who was shouting off the side of the road. Everyone who had gotten out of their cars to help got back in their cars. Then we were all able to proceed along our ways.
How bizarre. That goes to show you that there are just crazy people out there. It was kind of unnerving. This happened in Hoover.
When I got to Pelham, there was another sign of rage. There apparently was an accident and the two persons involved were actually fighting on the side of the road. I didn't wait to see what happened. I got out of there as soon as I could. Boy, that was ridiculus.Nothing is worth fighting.
I think a good lesson to learn is to watch the road at all times, lock your doors and call the police before things get out of hand.
What do you think?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Gathering

I am sooo excited. I'm having my first Thanksgiving dinner. My sister is doing it with me. She's great at entertaining and decorating. I went out today and bought a new tablecloth,glasses,candles and napkins. I saw in a magazine a table decoration. It had white candles of different sizes and these painted gold beads with fresh flowers. I'm doing everything except the gold beads. My sister is going to bring these gold plates to go under my white plates. I think it will look nice.
I'm glad my sister is doing this with me because I don't think I'd have the courage to do it myself. I've always been a spazz when it comes to entertaining. I never was comfortable with it. But this is my family, so I think it will be fun.
There's nothing like the smell of a roasted turkey,stuffing and pie. I just want to sleep after a heavy meal. Oh, what a sleep it will be. Belly's full and I'm all warm from wine. Ahhhhh...
Whats also neat about the holidays are the lights,music and cheer. There's a farm near Utah, Al. that puts up all of these Christmas lights on their property. You pay 5.00 per car and drive through all of these decorated lights. It's really cool. It's like magic. I haven't been to it in years, but I remember it being alot of fun.
I feel like a kid in a candy shop.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Open my Eyes

When I was volunteering this morning, I saw a new batch of baby squirrels being delivered to the center. They were so young they had their eyes closed and they didn't even have fur on them. The baby raccoons that were delivered last week were the same. I realized what chance did these animals have without the intervention of the dedicated staff of volunteers at the center. None. It sort of opened my eyes to the responsibilites of people to take care of creatures who can't take care of themselves.
This goes to people too. I stopped by the grocery store on the way home. There's  been this old man hanging out in the parking lot who has always looked dirty and hungry. So, I went into the store and bought some bread,water,cheese and apples. I had an old bag in my trunk and filled it with the food. Then I gave it to the old man. He thanked me and said "bless you."
I've seen this man for a couple of weeks now and wondered if anyone took the time to help him. At least he'll have something to eat for a few days.
Some of these people that are in need don't go the shelters or missions for help. When I was a case worker, I used to help these people with the basic necessities they needed. And I know that some don't seek help at these agencies because of pride. It's a good lesson to learn that you should be thankful for what you have because there are others who don't have a roof over their heads, daily food or hope. To have hope is everything.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Rainy Monday

Boy, it's been raining since last night non stop. I quess we needed it. I had a busy morning. I went to two different companies to fill out applications. One was Charter cable. Even though I did fill out an application there, I still think that most associates there are rude. In fact, I don't like to do any business with them as far as getting bundles for phone and internet. Their always short with you on the phone. But they are hiring, so I applied.
The other company was Meyers out in Pelham. Their a small lighting company. I don't really want to get into retail, but it's a job. When I got home I did brouse thru al.com but there wasn't any new advertisements. I think it's getting slow due to the upcoming holidays.
When I was coming home from Pelham, there was this idiot on the road. He was weaving back and forth in his lane, almost hitting the car next to him. Then he would speed up to the bumper of the car in front of him. These are the types of people that cause accidents. So I passed him as soon as I could, so as to stay away from him. It was bad enough driving in pouring rain.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Poor kitty

When I was walking this morning, I saw a kitty that had obviously been hit by a car. He had blood all over him and he was dragging one of his back legs. He was sitting in the grass at one point and when I walked up to him he hissed and ran away. I did try to catch up with him, but he wouldn't let me get near him.
I felt so helpless. If I was able to hold him I would have taken him to the emergency vet clinic. What do you do? I just had to stand there and watch him cross the road again and disappear in the woods.
That made me think of my own kitty and how I would hate it if she was hurt, who would be able to help her? Thank god she's an indoor cat and not wondering the streets.
I called my neighbor about this and she told me that there are some farel cats in the neighborhood that neighbors feed. So I wonder if this was one of them. It's just heart breaking to see an animal suffer like that.
With his injuries I don't think he will make it. So, hopefully he'll die quickly without further pain. All I can say is watch out for your animals especially if you live by a busy street.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


I have been gone since 9:30am. I cleaned a home for someone,went to the UPS store, cleaners and walmart where I get my groceries. Then I met a friend for a late lunch, went to the mall and home.
I did get almost all of my Christmas gifts today. Caught great sales. Oh and I went to an antigue gallerie today also. I forgot about that. I think everyone I saw today who was out buying had the same idea of shopping early for the holidays to beat the crowds.
I love this time of year because most shops put there Christmas decorations out. It gets you in the mood.
There is a Christmas shop in Crestline village behind the pharmacy that has great deals. You can find almost anything Christmacy in there. At reasonable prices.
I hope my new kitten doesn't try to climb my tree this year. She's always getting into things. Always has to investigate.
Well thats about it for today. Have a good one...

Friday, November 12, 2010

Good news

It's good news that I don't have to replace the water heater. The plumber just replaced a leaking valve. But I did have to pay for his labor which amounted to 85.00. Thats really not that high, these other plumbers that I have used in the past cost 185.00 per hour.
I did get another hit on the job prospects with Meyers. Meyers is a lighting store. Its not prestigious, but it's a job. So, next week I'll have two applications to fill out. One with Charter and the other with Meyers. So, we'll see. I feel it's slim pickins right now. I wonder if it's due to the holidays coming up.
I am soo  ready for cooler temps. It's been pretty warm these past couple of days. When i volunteer, I usually have to work outside in the raptors section. It's gets pretty hot in there.
I saw a really good movie last night. TCM was showing vet movies for veterans day. It was called "Saving Private Ryan." I usually don't go for those war movies, but this was a good one. I know someone who is serving in the military as a medic. She's been away from her home for 2/yrs. She has a 4/yr. old daughter. . I pray that all of those serving will be able to return home soon.
There are holiday drives that most churches are participating in to send care packages to the military. I've bought shaving cream,shampoo,lotion and cookies to give to this Lutheran church near my house. This helps me stay ntouch with the world around me. Plus, it makes you feel good to give to others. So look around to see where you can contribute.
Also, every Christmas, Fox6 news sponsors a food drive for children in the Alabama area. It's usually at the western supermarkets and publix. That would be another way to give back.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Well my plumber didn't show up yesterday and I couldn't reach him by phone. I'm gonna give him til 12:00noon today, then I'm gonna call another plumber to come out and look at the water heater. I just hope the water heater does not explode by then.
I did find a job advertisement online for a customer service rep. at Charter cable. They didn't specify that Monday and Tuesday were the only days you could apply for the job, so I have to wait until Monday to do that.
I feel like this week has been unenventful. The job prospects have been slow and I feel that I have been waiting all week. I have been able to clean out my utility room and wax the hardwood floors. My weekends are always full with cleaning and volunteering. I do volunteer during the week ,but only two days. But I have earned enough money now to do my Christmas shopping early. I was always one of those who crammed in all of my Christmas shopping on black Friday. The day after Thankgiving, but this year I'm hoping to get that all done beforehand. I can't forget my Christmas cards.
One good thing about the holidays is that I'm able to spend some time with my niece and nephew I only see once a year. Also spending time with friends and family. I know if I were working right now, I wouldn't even be thinking about shopping early or Christmas. But thats what happens when you have alot of time on your hands. I've been thinking about volunteering at Brookwood hospital. Maybe I can get my name out faster for a potential job.  Who knows? Always looking for possibilites....

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


It seems that when you don't have money, you have to find the money to have something replaced. My water heater started leaking bad yesterday. So bad that I had to put towels on the floor so that my hardwood floors wouldn't get ruined. As usual, I have been waiting on the plumber to get here. It seems that electricians, plumbers and any handymen take their time getting to you.
Another money pit is owning property in a condominium community. I went to the anual HOA meeting on Monday night and we were told that due to higher prices in water and sewer, our association fees may raise from 150.00 to 200.00 a month. YIKES!!!!
I quess I need to start buying lottery tickets. 

Monday, November 8, 2010

Lay off's

When I was volunteering this morning, two volunteers told me that they lost their jobs last week. I know first hand how they feel. It's unfortunate to invest a long time at a job, then loose it all due to a lay off. Some people say that the economy is bouncing back, but the national unemployment rate is still 9.6%. A year ago, the national unemployment rate was 10%. So that shows you that jobs are still so hard to come by. Even retail stores  everywhere are still hurting, due to people not affording to buy goods. We are still in a recession no matter what the news tells you..
Even though job advertisments update daily online, there is nothing that I could qualify for so far. It's like I've said before, some weeks I get two to three hits and other weeks I don't get any. I thought about joining another job placement agency, but that cost money. Most of the time, you go through an interview with these agencies and they don't send you out on any interviews. . I actually have worked with two agencies  in the past and both of them never found any jobs for me. It was a big waist of time.
At least I'm making alittle money cleaning and I have my volunteering too. With all of the applications I have filled out and interviews I've been on, I feel that the right job is going to find me. I always keep my options open and go out to any company who requests to meet with me. It's all in your attitude also. If you feel defeated, then you are defeated. Always seize opportunities.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Divine Intervention

Sometimes you hear stories about true miracles. Well, I heard one this morning. A friend was telling me of a story about one of her relatives. She said that this person was diagnosed with a mulignant tumor the size of a gratefruit. The doctors told her that the day after Thanksgiving [last year] they were going to try to cut it out.
When they went in, there was no sign of the tumor anywhere. Like it just disappeared.
She had been going to constant prayer at that time. And the months after this new diagnosis, there was still no sign of cancer.
I had heard of another story about this other woman whose cancer was past the point of any chemo therapy and the doctors had given her a few months to live. She started going to church and prayed diligently. When she went in to have a recheck, the cancer was gone.
I sometimes think that if I didn't start having eye troubles, I would have never known I had diabetes. In a way, I think that was a miracle. Because my doctor told me I could have had a diabetic coma. One might say that I was lucky. But as I learn more about God's grace, I feel that I was given a gift.
I've always believed in God, but I would only pray when something was wrong in my life. I never really understood that you must have a personal relationship with God. Now I am beginning too and  the funny thing about it is that I'm not so scared of things anymore. I feel that someone is watching over me. I don't feel alone anymore. Now I believe that things don't happen by pure chance; they happen for a reason.
I understand now. This has also given me a sense of hope. If you look around, the miracle of God is everywhere. I am truely blessed.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Have you ever noticed that workmen seem to take all day when they are suppose to be at your house at a certain time? I was scheduled for 1pm yesterday for my heat and air conditioning man to come out and service my unit. He didn't show until 5:30pm. So , I had to sit home and wait 4 1/2 hours.
That is so frustrating. Oh well, I quess thats why they make the big bucks...
I went to my eye doctor for a post op. check after my surgery. With this doctor, you go 5/ mo. after. He said that I may have to have lazer surgery on my right eye in 6/mos. Augh.... The membrane under my new lens has become "rigid". I hope I don't have to have another proceedure done.
I'm seeing a friend today for lunch that I haven't seen in about a year. She's just passing through town. It amazes me that time just flies by until you see some people. Where does the time go? We always say to ourselves " oh I'll get that done tomorrow." Well then tomorrow turns into next week, month or even years. Or that time heals. How much is time anyway? Have you ever thought about that?
I must have gotten a good nights sleep, since I'm getting deep right now. "Time" to feed my cat. Talk later...

Thursday, November 4, 2010


I got a surprise yesterday. I got a call from Liberty National requesting that I meet with them this morning. They were responding to my online application and resume listed on Monster.com. So, at 10:00am I'll be meeting with them.
I also found  a few openings at Bellsouth. I had applied for a job there back in June. So when I called this week they told me to go ahead and apply again online. The positions this time are Customer Service positions.
At least I'm still getting nibbles after the disappointment of Buffalo Rock. I just have to continue to move on. Move towards a goal.
I have my lucky bracelet on, so hopefully it will go smoothly. Thats funny a lucky bracelet. Believe me I need all the help I can get.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What? Are they crazy?

I have a dear friend who is battling with kidney desease. She's been dialyzing for three years, on a special diet and is unable to go out in public due to germs. She's been on the transplant list for all three years.
Well yesterday she called and told me that she finally got a kidney available for her. But there's a hitch.
With her insurance and medicare she will have to come up with 20% of the cost. This 20% totals up to $500,000. This includes the surgery, hospital stay, tests, medications and doctors fees.
There is no way they can raise this. She also said that if they could raise the money, medicare will only pay for the first three years of seven medications she needs on a daily basis. And one of these medications,only one would be 2,000 a month.
She's just devestated. I feel so bad for her because I know how much she has sacrificed. She had to quit her job, quit getting her Ph.D and quit her livelihood. She has worked so hard in staying as healthly as she can. She has numerous blood tests each month and numerous doctors appointments.
She actually is hooked up to a machine daily. She's able to walk around while she is dialyzing everyday.
I just feel so helpless. There is nothing I can do or anyone. All I can do is be as supportive as I can and pray for her.
A situation like this really makes me feel grateful for my health and my life.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


The air was so crisp this morning when I walked. It's so beautiful outside. The leaves are changing colors and there is a sense of renewal with the seasonal change. I feel like being thankful for all of my blessings. My health is getting better, I have a wonderful family and my friends are supportive. I'm almost on the "top of the world."
I think my outlook has gotten better these last couple of days. I've made a point not to be so self absorbed. Even cleaning homes has been an adventure. I started cleaning two womens homes back in August so I would have money for Christmas. This whole time my pride overwhelmed me because I thought "I have a college degree; this is demeaning." I shouldn't be cleaning peoples homes. But as I pondered on it, I thought at least I'm "earning" my own money and not relying on my dad to give me Christmas money. "Who cares what I do."
My new found humility keeps me grounded. It also keeps me focused on my future.